Should Hekili be banned?

Ook ook, aah aah.

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Hekili exists because it solves a problem

WoW is full of junk and excess abilities.

Combine this with complex situational mechanics in-game and Hekili fills a gap.

The way to reduce Hekili usage is to reduce ability bloat.


Shadow is on of the few classes where i dont use it but enhance is a nightmare for me without it. Lol

So, you’re being outplayed by people who have to use an addon to tell them what ability to use next.


Hrm just a question to learn more.

I usually use an addon (hero rotation) to get started learning a class, then I don’t need it anymore.

Isn’t this just what everyone does? Just imagining the 600th dungeon you do. You would have been pressing the buttons in a similar way that long, isn’t it just muscle memory at that point?

Nah, I have 99s on all 13 toons in their respective roles. I don’t have 100s because i rather get externals or cheese mechanics.

Yeah thats what ive experienced as well. Ive even had conversations about it and asked them why theyre still using that addon after theyve been playing whatever class for months or years. And they say things like “sometimes it tells me to do things i forgot or didnt think of” and im like “really? you really dont know how to play your class still after all this time???” (in my head of course because you cant question anyone like that here or theyll go berserk because you just poked a weak spot)

WeakAuras are just fancy clocks.

Would you rather they just quit because they don’t play up to your standards?

they should go, but only after they dramatically change the way combat works to where they are no longer needed. take the second boss of fall, for instance. the difficulty a healer faces doing that fight without a weakaura that tells him when someone is safe to be dispelled is dramatically disproportionate to the difficulty everyone else faces basically at any time in the game lol. watching balls, doing damage, watching health bars, staying in the safe zone yourself, while properly dispelling and healing people while dealing with affixes is literally WAY more than a tank or dps player does at any point in the entire game. its not realistic gameplay design

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And I am a 3 time NBA all star AND NFL Pro bowler.


Nope, I jump into a lower key, usually a +20ish key and learn on the fly.

:thinking: So if I were to search your name in WCL, would I find your warlock?


This isn’t a problem with the addon, it’s a problem with the game.

When your rotations are so convoluted that people stop caring and use addons, then maybe the game is too complicated.

Yes, because the base game is too complex. Simplify the base game and you’ll see that people will stop using addons. That’s why addons like QuestHelper died.

What’s the game though? Players are being thrown in raids with dozens of mechanics, dozens of abilities, and if they miss their rotation by 1 or 2 GCDs their dps parses instantly become trash. So, what’s the game? Is it keyboard DDR? Is it fight mechanics? Pick one, not both.


You learn a class in a +20? Impressive!


I have 13 toons at 3k/aotc/mythic prog, I am apart of dozens of groups, communities and pugs spanning 25,000 people. Not an isolated 1 group issue.

Yea, all of my toons are between 3-3.3k atm. So I drop down to low keys to learn.

If anything they should ban weak auras.

Hek just saves us non-developer types from trying to find WAs and figure it out

You remember the OG healbot in Vanilla when it got banned? It selected the spell, rank and target on a single macro. the only difference is Hekili isn’t a macro as that is not allowed anymore.

Let me get this straight, you have 6 chars with 3k rating by using hekili and now you want the addon banned? :thinking: