Should have rolled back day 1

This entire game revolves around exploiting the developers incredible levels of incompetencey before they implement a “fix”. Ive never played anything like it. Its really bad.


No beta no problem :smiley:

you new to blizz games

“Exploit early exploit often”


you new to blizz games

Nope. My blizzard account is probably older than you are. This actually didn’t used to be a thing, and when it did happen it was pretty small. It got significantly worse with the rise of streamers publishing videos on how to abuse exploits for views (they never get banned btw).

It’s really straight forward. If they can’t revert the exploited rewards, roll back the server. They should have done it within the first 5-6 hours. Now we’re at a point where rollbacks can’t really happen, and thousands of people get to keep their exploited rewards and XP souring the phase launch for a majority of their player base.

This game has slowly devolved into world of exploitcraft over the last 5-6 years and it’s just genuinely unfun.


I care more about the XP. I don’t want to have to do the same quests over and over again for optimal leveling.


Your blizz account is 30 years old? :thinking:

It’s always been like this though. Early bird gets the huge advantages. Except it’s more prevelant this time because they completely forgone testing the game. Perhaps ironically, a game where the meta has already been figured out (like original classic) is less likely to be exploited than something with an evolving meta like SoD.


I care more about the XP

This is one of the biggest problems. They ALWAYS pull the ladder up behind them when implementing one of these ‘fixes’, without reverting anything, to punish the players who never exploited to begin with. It’s just really poor, almost immature decision making by the dev team.


Oh case study in point: people in 2008 on lich king prepatch exploiting the opness of certain classes to get free glad. And then after that prepatch wasn’t included as apart of the arena season kek

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We’re not rolling servers back over titles during a pre-patch because of imba. Not a great example.

Because the gold inflation is worse than the free glad titles?


Okay since you seem so open to bashing blizzard. I’m just going to ask. Are you dumb? If they rolled back the servers what happens to those that spent the entire day actually doing things the legit way? Oh tough crap right? No all this comes from is you didn’t do the incursions so you lost out on a little bit of gold. Big deal. I didn’t do them either but I still made more then enough gold to hold me over this phase. Use your brains and stop bashing blizzard every time something isn’t exactly the way you want it to be. OR better yet if you think they are doing so terribly how about you go and leave the game? OR make your own game. Lets see how long it last. Many times over the years they’ve done something that I haven’t agreed to, Or something has happened not to the best benefit of the player base. They can’t roll back a day as that would cost so many more people their time.


Yeah bro lol. Giving people thousands of gold on a ‘classic’ server is significantly worse than getting glad at the end of an expansion. My BiS spriest shoulders for p2 were nearly 400g already. This is terrible for the game and economy?

I’m just going to ask. Are you dumb? If they rolled back the servers what happens to those that spent the entire day actually doing things the legit way?

Oh no, they would gain significant ground against all of the exploiters and get put back into a game economy where green BoEs aren’t hundreds of gold. How ever would they survive?


It’s getting pretty old tbh…


Yeah, I just lost all interest. Closed both accounts. Not going to reward ineptitude and it’s the only version of WoW worth playing. Cata blows and Retail is worse. Weather is getting nice anyway.


Blizzard used to roll back all the time in the days before activision…


Roll back :rofl::rofl::rofl::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::exploding_head:

I didn’t even bother to log in yesterday and I’m fine with it.


So, 15 years ago.

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The only people mad are people who didn’t cash in.

Good job you figured out the undertone of “in the days before”. You never cease to amaze me!