Should Blood Elves?

Should Blood Elves put a mage on the throne? It seems kinda weird that a paladin is the leader.

The civilization has an arcane well of energy, now mixed with holy energies. I want to see a master of one of those energies on the throne to be honest.

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Paladins are kinda masters of holy energy tho?

And we already tried having a mage in the big elf chair. He consorted with demons and tried to blow up our magical swimming pool so a Legion could burn the world.

Maybe we should give paladins a chance, because they end up going warlock-mode far less often.


Lor’themar is a Paladin?


I’m obsessed with the Sunstrider dynasty though. Dath’remar is epic!

It is cool Lor’themar married a nightborne mage.:crystal_ball::hamsa::crystal_ball:


Oh my goodness. My brain must be broken!! Somehow I forgot he was a hunter!!

I am dopey tonight. My bad!! I should have noticed that too!!

I am bad hunter blood elf.


Sounds like we need to do a coup. Kill Lor’themar and install Liadrin on the non-existent throne.


There isn’t really a valid candidate. The blood elf mage everyone loves best is dead, the blood elf mage I love best works better as a vizier in the shadows of Sunfury Spire, and the blood elf mage Blizzard loves best is a Kirin Tor bootlicker.


Freudian slip for when Liadrin replaces him.

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I think you’re mistaken, races other than humans aren’t allowed mage characters unless they’re propping up human mages.


I don’t see the need to change anything, at least not or a while. “Permanent Regency” is an interesting government form.

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Why do they even need a king. What I am more interested in is how the uniting of Quel’thalas and Suramar into one larger unit will work out. The Nightborne are still strongly matriarchal, so it isn’t like they would accept a king anyways.

I don’t see why they’d become one single nation. There’s isn’t much point. Thalyssra isn’t the Queen of Suramar, either, for that matter. The two nations work better as close allies, respecting one another’s independence and cultures.


I want Lor’themar to ascend as King and to stop with his reluctance to claim what he’s earned.

The offspring he and Thalyssra have will become the next leaders of Quel’thalas and Suramar.

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I think we’re fresh out of Sunstriders. We’ve got Windrunners at a bargain price!

The track record with ruling mages is less than stellar. There’s little about a mage that makes them fit to rule, and a lot that that contravenes such a selection.

I want Kaelthas to return from the shadowlands and burn Lorthemar to cinders for declaring there would be no king in Silvermoon.

Then, Kaelthas appoints a new Regent. Perhaps Rommath or Liadrin.

A Regent Lord denying a Kingship gives off Denethor vibes - I don’t care how purple his wife is.

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Has anyone seen Lor’themar eat tomatoes?


I mean, he’s only enforcing a decree that Kael himself made. I imagine that was one of the topics covered when Theron sought him out in the Shadowlands… although the writers kind of forgot about that.


Kind of an ongoing elven tradition.


And one very closely tied to elf mages who rule over a kingdom.

I say no more elf mage rulers. We have learned our lessons from Azshara, Elisande and Kael’Thas. They just wish to use magic puddles to summon or aide demons.


You have successfully convinced me that Kael’thas is an analog for Hank Williams Jr.

And I thank you for it.