Should Alliance players have any say for what happens to important Horde Characters?

Well, if they’re not holding her accountable for it, I don’t know why they would have expected her to stage some grand rescue of Lordaeron as a whole. From my view she’s literally entirely existent on the fact she has cared about her people in life, just as she now is in death. I don’t understand the rational of justifying Sylvanas’ every move, no matter how vile, or self serving. Calia doing nothing, but devoting her life to the undead of Lordaeron and she’s falling short? Idk…

in the most recent lore book Exploring Azeroth, it felt like the nail in the coffin for any ideas of a Menethil restoration. They closed that chapter like Terenas’s crown was buried by the people of Lordaeron by the Lighthouse as a way to pay their respects but also to close the chapter on that. There’s not going to be a Menethil Restoration, anyone who thinks it’s still in the cards is giving themselves false hope.

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Really? I don’t have the book myself and maybe I’m just misremembering the screenshot of that, but I inferred the opposite of that. There’s no reason to bring up Terenas’s crown unless they plan on introducing it to the story in some manner, and who else would ultimately wear it than by queening Calia?

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If anything (tinfoil hat time), she is meant to invalidate and whitewash that trauma and those experiences. Especially at the hands of humanity. Because Blizz is alarmingly fixated on a bizarre purity test of the Alliance, and the danger that humans do pose to sentient Undead (and they do, because of what the Forsaken represent) … is relic of a far more nuanced age of WoW writing.


I’m not, and I don’t think that many of the people who criticize Calia do either. But as horrific a person as Sylvanas is now, it can’t be denied that she WAS there for the Forsaken. They’re alive because of her, not Calia.

Sure, Calia might care about them. But care without actions doesn’t make a credible leader, especially if she doesn’t have any real comprehension of what they went through - Sylvanas, for all her faults, had at least that.


hold on I’ll pull out my copy. The last page is a letter from Fairwind that reads like “this deserves to stay hidden” I think that was Blizzards way of giving whoever cares about lore closure. But it did feel like an end to the Menethil dynasty. The crown is in a non-descript grave you can visit in-game. It’s on the right side of the light house. I doubt they will dig it up just for Calia since it was Terenas’s wishes that the Menethil monarchy not be restored.

I know the page you’re referring to, and frankly, I have to agree with Sarm here. The end of the Menethil dynasty felt like when the crown was lost and forgotten. The fact that we not only know where it is, but that it’s so easily accessibly feels to me like they’re reopening the door for it.

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Calia actually lived through it, and feels guilty though. Calia literally died trying to improve the lives of what Forsaken chose to make their lives better for themselves, and not their Dark lady, and they were killed for it, and labeled as traitors.

Is this not hypocritical rationale? They’re going to stick with the person who is killing them off, because they really feel like she gets their style, but turn their noses up at someone trying to help them, and make them seem less like the monsters they were made to be?

That’s not what I’m talking about. Calia hasn’t experienced the years on end of persecution for what she is, and more or less hasn’t been shunned by a single person for her undeath. She was raised with all her free will intact by the LIGHT of all things, and immediately, all of her old friends have welcomed her with open arms.

That’s the exact opposite of what the average Forsaken has experienced. Plus, don’t confuse my criticism of Calia as queen for advocation of Sylvanas to stay. Because I assure you, I don’t want Sylvanas back either.


wow… that’s a take.

Not a good take but a take nonetheless.

That’s also not how you were meant to interpret the Gathering. Calia put everyone’s lives in danger by trying to understand the Forsaken when in reality she can’t. She can never be “forsaken” she wasn’t killed by Arthas and she wasn’t raised as a scourge. Sylvanas is the only one who understands that facet of being a Forsaken. Not even Lillian understands that because she was raised in Cata, after EoN. Sylvanas can’t be written out of the Forsaken because she’s by design the only one who truly understands what it means to be Forsaken. and that’s why some fans want her back and don’t care what it takes to get there.

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It’s easy for the story to change when people are not receptive to it. “To Be Horde…” was an amazing preview for how Garrosh was going to run the Horde, but was brushed away almost immediately for who knows why. I admittedly did not read Edge of Night. I didn’t know it was thing until much later, which is a bit unfair when ones understanding of the story comes directly from the game.

I vouch for this.

YES! when I “enlisted” as a forsaken, I saw the horrible stuff we did. I’d rather turn those horrible deed onto enemies like the legion or whoever is to come, void likely, instead of alliance because look where it got us. The point is were are an ugly people who demonstrates that we can do some ugly things to get ahead in out battles, I don’t want that to change and this is NOT what Calia looks to represent.


So Calia’s every action is unreasonable, and unable to have meaning towards the Forsaken, but as the rest of this thread would imply, Sylvanas stands completely unblemished as their Queen despite killing them throughout BfA?

wow… that’s a take.

If it’s shocking then I’m a little more appealing then the scripts you’re reading off.

I understand the thread has moved on but I want to reply to OP’s initial question by just saying that people’s obsession with dividing everyone and everything along faction lines, even literal real life people, is literally poisoning their brains and the WoW fanbase is absolutely full of crazies.


The Forsaken haven’t been shunned either. The whole “the living reject the undead and you have nowhere else to turn” was part nonsense cooked up by Sylvanas to gaslight the Forsaken, part self-fulfilling prophecy because of all the horrible things Sylvanas had the Forsaken do to the living.


That’s… nothing resembling what I said.

this is NOT what Calia looks to represent.

Except it is what she represents, and you’re trolling. You’re wanting to white wash Sylvanas of her sins, imagine that, so you can retain her to commit more atrocities the Alliance have to ignore, because the expense of Calia is apparently to offensive to you. More offensive then Sylvanas paying out her due to Tyrande…

Well, I gave it a shot. I realize people are crying about Calia, and I don’t really sympathize due to the faction she’s meant to represent.

I enjoy that this post was liked by people who I literally had in mind as examples of what I was talking about when typing it.


Give Alliance Lightforged Undead led by Calia. Boom, schism solved.


Somebody has to pay for what the Horde and Sylvanas did in BFA.

Blizzard has made it clear that Sylvanas is the one that has to pay. Will she or won’t she is another question but if not Sylvanas then who? The Jailor? He didn’t burn Teldrassil or start the War. Sylvanas and the Horde did.

So taking him out for that is not going to work.