Should Alliance players have any say for what happens to important Horde Characters?

Also, if she killed Sylvanas at minimum. The culprits are not dead. But, killing Sylvanas would be enough to sate her character, and honest concerns for the story.

See…that’s the thing. A Good War used that same reasoning of stopping the faction conflict by wiping out the Alliance to justify Sylvanas burning Teldrassil…

…you see where this is going don’t you. It’s a loop that never ends. That’s why people want a third faction.

As long as there are factions there is going to be war between those factions snd there is no such thing as a good war with no innocents killed.

I’m looking for the solutions that DON’T get everyone’s favorite characters killed or written off. There are not enough interesting character that can hold this story together if they are gone. I don’t believe anyone is invested in characters like Lillian Voss or Shandris Feathermoon. And wouldn’t it be better to highlight those character before something drastic like a character death happens?

Varian’s death felt rewarding because it was epic and left you to wonder what will happen with Anduin on the throne.


Sylvanas stated, and withheld goals are killing all life on Azeroth. It’s not the same reasoning at all.

No. It’s to late. I would have taken this as a reasonable excuse for why Sylvanas was talked down from the Burning. But, not as a reason to not see her hang. Her character deserves to die, and is voided of potential, and excusing it is just ridiculously biased.

It is the same, because her flawed logic, she wanted to unify everyone on undeath. It’s wrong but there is still some merit in it.

She would have abolished the faction war.

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No, thats Angry Talk. You have no idea HOW angry, pissed, and therefor wounded tyrande is. She ´s litteraly broken and her last form of herself is her wish and decire for revenge. Its a little bit hope, because after all this years, nothing else remained.

My Argument isn´t a potential danger toward the night elf, my argument is: The night elfs right now have until TODAY no Reason to forgive the horde. Why should they, thats the point?

Thralls Appologice was a empty one, because he fully known, his words were worthless, because the same words was used the last time after Garrosh, the same thing happened now again.

And btw: Why do you want from the victims to be the greater people? Instead the horde should give the Night elves a REASON to forgive, until now, there is none.


You’re completely wrong. Sylvanas has no intention of doing any righteous work through killing all life. Further, Tyrande actually has a reason to exact justice, while Sylvanas has to literally lie, and slink about what her goals are in anything.

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And flawed logic is way more interesting to me. It’s why people like villains.

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I think this is getting out of hand. Of course I have empathy for how Tyrande feels. Coincidentally it’s the same empathy I have for Sylvanas because they are narrative mirrors of one another. That’s how I can rationalize it. I saw Sylvanas walk down that path, and I don’t want the same thing to happen to Tyrande, because they are foils. If one dies the other one dies.

Edit: I have a strong suspicion Sylvanas just baited Tyrande to become the Night Warrior to help kill the Jailer anyway. Honestly I don’t care about other fans interpretation of the events unfolding. Be mad about Teldrassil forever, I don’t care. I just care that Blizzard tells an interesting story, I don’t care about justice for the night elves. Blizzard won’t give justice to the Forsaken either. It would be cool if they found a way to give justice to both but I don’t have much faith in that.

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Nothing indicates they are foils, or narrative parallels.

Now that, we don’t know for sure yet. It’s a long awaited answer that I’m optimistic we will get this next patch, and it better be a good one. I recon the answer WON’T satisfy enough people, but we’ll see. The point of this forum post is to remind people that she is a character who myself and others have admired for years before the events of BFA. I don’t want her to die because Blizzard needed to tie us into a xpac like shadowlands. It’s too disrespectful.

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I’d love nothing more then for her to go out with a fizzle.

Man … its quotes like this that just remind me how different my take on her characterization has been for years. I like Sylvanas as a character, but sort of in the same way I like Circe Lannister. Admiring such a character was never an option for me once EoN did what it did.

Horrible people being entertaining, but not really “admirable”.

Your lack of empathy is noted. Thank you.


A Team: Alleria, Tyrande, Jaina, Sylvannas…

B team: Calia, Lilian, Taelia, Talanji

I’m starting to see a pattern with the writing of these female characters and its starting to worry me for what it mean to the story as a whole. :thinking:

God I hope they don’t keep recycling this types of story trope… or how players call it: “These pet writing projects” :confounded:


She freed herself and liberated the undead from the Lich King! This could be my own imagination filling the pieces, but she was like our own faction of uglies who would see to it that the Lich King was purged by any means necessary (much like Illidan who is my other favorite character). After the Lich King though, I guess it became muddy what she was supposed to be after that. I just took to it as, same deal but against x threat, Legion, Warlords, Old Gods, whatever.


Yeah, you’re very welcome, because I can tell your opinion is so high of a story involving the opposite apparent ‘foil’ being unable to react, or be involved that you regard it as the highest drama to be done so, because allowing the character who had an act conducted against her returning fire, or so much as even being allowed validity is so offensive to you, and more importantly your queen character.

As pointed out shortly after I reasoned that denying Tyrande validity is a poor opinion of what even constitutes story, or drama, you started some tangent that doesn’t even remotely link up to your prior statements, with other people accompanying your opinions as yes men, and nothing else.

So you’re very welcome, nuance is hardly unobtainable when you want good things for the story.

Lot’s of people have echoed the sentiment, so I’ll just agree that after at LEAST Teldrassil, Sylvanas’s fate is no longer something solely that Horde players have a stock in. You ask for empathy from Alliance players, but given your reactions in this thread, you seem perfectly content not giving it to them.


Since you brought up how you are noticing how different your interpretations are…No offense but your interpretation always reads like you’ve taken Sylvanas at face value as soon as she stopped being morally forgivable to you.

Or assumed that if you like a character you must always agree with what they do. It’s possible to like a bad character and still see humanizing qualities in them, it doesn’t make you a bad person. I feel like your moral absolutism may colour your opinion on anything bad as shameful, so you reject it. And when you reply to Sylvanas fans you project that idea of “you like bad, therefore you as a person must be amoral.” It comes off a bit intense.

But otherwise I really like you, and you make good points. I like to reflect on if my own opinion on this character is skewed and your commentary always makes me think.