Should Alliance players have any say for what happens to important Horde Characters?

Thats wrong. They bannished them, but dont kill them. Many died on their journey but malfurion gave them a chance. That’s many highelfes died was not the nightelf fault

Stop use magic or be bannished.

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The question is inherently a bias issue.

Tyrande killing horde innocents = not ok.
Sylvanas killing alliance innocents = its ok.

For Horde fans and switch that around for alliance fans. Some not all of course.


I know I’m Godwinning yet another thread with this but I think it’s because it’s making “Revenge is bad” clash up against “Axis Powers are bad” and because (I feel) the story REALLY wanted people to drive that comparison home in BFA, the tropes are mixing like oil and water now that an another leader is showing understandable hatred over those events. It’s not just the players when the story itself is trying to paint Tyrande that way, and the Night Warrior stuff being a possible metaphor for her own self-destruction adding onto it.


No, it wouldn’t be. Why would I want a character to be talked down from such an empowering moment as delivering righteous vengeance? Why strive for the most wet noodle approach to drama? Why don’t the Horde take loosened teeth, and enjoy the drama as a result?

Why would he be okay with her making those decisions? Because he is his scars bro. I think you’re a troll.

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What do you mean with axis power?

The forum censors the Hitler side of WW2 and that’s basically the default go-to historical example people will think up when the word genocide is used, as it was in the prepatch stories.


The problem is we already had a revenge is bad against the Horde.
Sylvanas was made to carry the entire burden of the blame to make her the sole focus of the revenge plot.

If they also make that more focused revenge plot not lead anywhere then that pretty much means its ok to mass murder I guess.

Garrosh did nothing wrong meme becomes canon


Only because one word? Uff, but i guess, its the first thing people talk about if this term is used.

And i mean, thrall had his vengeance…why was this not bad?

“Stop using magic or be banned” that’s the problem. As much harm has come from druidism than from arcane.

The Emerald Nightmare is far more of a threat than the Legion. Illidan kind of proved that Arcane can be a tool of protection as much as Fel can be a tool of protection.


Wow, I think that post should have been accompanied with a grunt.

‘Ugn. NE evil, because. BE good. All reason. No questions.’

But thats not a killcommand. So thats no problem and you connect things where are completly unconnected and pushed them to an massacre

The en is the creation of the old gods, not the ne :wink:

So whats your point? You want to demonize the ne to make teldrassil an understandable event?


I think Shadowlands attempts to answer that question with Uther and the distinction between vengence and justice because they are not the same and should not be conflated with each other.

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Thrall tooks two times clearly revenge and call’d it justice

Garrosh, blackmoore

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That’s not my point at all.
There is no justifying Teldrassil.

My point is, it’s not justice if it wipes out the Horde. Vengence without justice is just as bad.

Hang on now, don’t sell me off as a troll. Just uninformed or too dumb gleam what you are asking for. Tyrande is justified in wanting vengeance, but what happens when she gets it? Is she going to be the new Jaina and even though the culprit is dead she is still going to blame the Horde for the atrocities they committed or is she going to mellow out and be boring again?

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She want to sign the threaty in banshee blood

So her being talked down is the entertaining answer to her arc for you? But, all these questions that could lead to plenty of interesting avenues are supposed to be evidence that it’s either a) not adding up somehow, or b) unreasonable?

Maybe Tyrande becomes the new Sylvanas. Let her overgrowth several Horde capitols, and zones. The Horde can pour about it and stay mad at her, but never do anything about it.

The horde yes, every race of the horde, no.

The horde is a political faction, but she’s justified to fight against them until one side give totally up. This would kill many people.

War is not beautiful^^


Yeah that’s crazy talk.

No one makes those kinds of statements when they are sane, that explains why some people think she’s crazy.