Should Alliance players have any say for what happens to important Horde Characters?

Alliance players have no say in what happens to important Horde characters.
Horde players have no say in what happens to important Alliance characters.
Alliance players have no say in what happens to important Alliance characters.
Horde players have no say in what happens to important Horde characters.

Maybe they should, but then again maybe not- so many different fans, who want so many different things.

All characters, Horde, Alliance, and others, will be folded, spindled, and mutilated by the writers at the behest of the higher-ups.

Sliced into thin snack chips, and served as refreshment at a large Forsaken Community Meeting.

More seriously, every time I adventure through Maldraxxus I keep thinking how fun it is, and ‘why can’t the Forsaken be more like this?’


God? Right. I love that covenant.

There are so many neat approaches to that zone and covenant that I wish to some degree were incorporated into the Forsaken (without upsetting their own Gothic aesthetics too much).


Completely reasonable. I can only hope that whatever resolution they come up with isn’t permanently damaging.

Using a bait or hook is an effective way to get readers. Sadly, it works.

It’s hard to talk about her without coming off as a hypocrite. She feels forced onto us and I won’t except blizzard giving her to us as this “new leader of the forsaken”. I like flawed characters and she doesn’t show any (flaws like being arrogant or rude).

I am so terrified of this. It’s so obvious for their “mindful of everyone” approach. She doesn’t die, but Forsaken never get to follow her again. Might as well conclude her story with everyone loses.

100% agree, More liches please.

jaina is not comparable to sylvanas

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I think she means, how can she forgive the horde for bombing Theramore. Answer is, she didn’t. Garrosh is dead and she respects Baine so it no longer matters.

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Jaina didn’t kill the entire Elven population of a city. Get over it damn.

Yes, if Jaina is able to forgive the Horde for transgressions done under a poor Warchief why can’t Tyrande?

But in all honestly it’s not easy to fix everything, and just because Jaina was stopped doesn’t mean she wouldn’t drown Orgrimmar if something else catastrophic happened that again threatened the Alliance. It was looking for a while like she was ready to do it againin BfA. All of the characters are complex. This conflict is complex… and so is Sylvanas.

That was the point I was trying to make.

It would be boring. If we want to talk about Tyrande, I think having someone within the Alliance help her coup would be a much better direction for her. IN FACT! a return of Illidan would blow my hat away. If he could talk sense into her because he knows pain better than anyone else, it’d be an incredible spit in their own faces for dismissing him at the end of Legion. Of course there are HUGE logic leaps for that to actually happen. But I can hold out because whatever happens at the end of this doesn’t mean she is going to get the satisfaction she craves.

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That makes no sense. Illidan is sustained by vengeance. Why would he talk Tyrande down from her just positioning?

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Watch it be Alleria.

Then they can give both Tyrande and Alleria the ol villian bat.

What i allways wonder, why are so many people talk about tyrande wanting revenge like insanity instead of…fully reasonable?


Undead posters, and folks like them giving me that nu-dead vibe. Really lame they won’t acknowledge it. Sorry I meant nu-male. Ugh. Sorry. UNdead.

Because attacking the Horde is evil but attacking Alliance is excusable.

Same reason why Jaina was so hated and many Horde players wanted to kill her because suddenly she didn’t like the Horde anymore and therefore she was unhinged, evil or even a dreadlord.


Because they’re Sylvanas fans, they don’t know any reason.

My personal favorite for today I think


What’s nu-male?

Typo, idk if it means anything applicable to Sylvanas fans otherwise.

It it reasonable to kill innocents just because your own innocents were killed? Tyrande is a threat to all of the Horde not just Sylvanas. In Shadows Rising she called for the obliteration of the whole Horde. Vengence crosses the line when it threatens to wipe out entire peoples. Sylvanas burning Teldrassil wasn’t a one off but a series of vengences, the Night Elves almost wiped out the High Elves too long ago over vengence. Is it justified on either side? No.

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You got me there. I don’t think Illidan would talk her out of revenge, but help her control it so she doesn’t hurt herself like it currently looks like she is. It’s about the drama and fleshing out Illidan to be more than just a tool piece for Legion content. He should be MORE than that. What would he do if he saw someone he loved or still loves hurting herself trying to do same things that he had done. Would he be okay with her making those sacrifices? It’s one thing to make those choices for yourself but how does it effect those around you? It would be interesting, no?

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My question was not about horde/alliance, it was more generaly, why see some people tyrandes wish for revenge insane?

Quite the opposite actually

If you actually took some time to inform yourself about the lore, you’d know that Tyrande is only after Sylvanas right now, and this was stated multiple times.

Also even if she was after the whole Horde, why not? It was the Horde that commited genocide out of the blue (again), not Sylvanas alone.

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