Should Alliance players have any say for what happens to important Horde Characters?

I’d prefer if you addressed other posters directly instead of replying to my comments. That said, I’d rather be accused of being this poster instead of someone like you that constantly tries to harass people that have different opinions by saying that they’re all the same person.
I’m also not sure why a few posters here constantly try to witch hunt this specific poster, if you don’t like what someone is posting just ignore them, it’s not that hard.


Huh. I figured it would have been a lead-in to a possible callback to Edge of Night, where it’s described that after her suicide, Sylvanas felt “her spirit once again feeling whole” (exact quote) only for the first thing for her to really feel was torture and agony.

Edit: You could actually flip the whole “good side bad side” bit by making it so much worse by implying that the fractured part that initially stayed in the Shadowlands was being tortured in the Maw anyway for so long, and that post-suicide Sylvanas actually merged with the now-WORSE side of her, if you really want to. Kinda like Total Recall brain implants except your vacation was hell.

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Giving it to you Blizzard-style.

Anduin continues being a bad boy, Sylvanas continues looking mildly conflicted about it. He tries to do something especially naughty while he’s in bad boy Arthas form. Sylvanas stops him. She reveals she’s been gathering power to topple the Jailor ever since he first approached her and she realized he’s been responsible for all her torment, even more than Arthas, seeing as the Jailor was one of the puppet masters behind Arthas. It turns out she broke the Lich King’s crown because she knew it would open a portal to the Shadowlands, she knew we would be hunting her and she’d kite us into the Shadowlands where we’d wreak havoc on the Jailor’s forces.

Maybe she expresses regret about the bad stuff she did? I dunno. Who cares. She charges up some dumb death beam spirit bomb with Anduin and the champion. The Jailor gets got. BOW. His chest hole clatters to the ground. Tyrande appears out of nowhere and says there must always be…you get it. Sylvanas puts the chest hole on and becomes the new Jailor, releasing all the innocent souls from the Maw and vowing to protect the machine of death from such corruption. Something like that.

It’s dumb, but it’s entirely in the realm of possibility. No less dumb than what’s already come before, and by god, if the clowns are running the show, I don’t want that show to just get cancelled. I want the clowns to do a little dance and get yanked off the stage by a cane around the neck.


That quote is actually referring to the fact that undead, when they get brought back to life through necromancy, their soul doesn’t completely merge back into their body and the state of undeath makes them not feel anything physically due to this, they have trouble feeling emotions. So when she was reformed in the Maw in Edge of Night, she was not undead, her soul was back to being a part of her and she could feel the full intensity of her emotions.

I have sources for this if you need them.

Hey, you forgot the part where Sylvanas returns to the Horde as if nothing ever happened and continues to ruin the faction

Fansy the Famous Bard for a new era hahahahaha


Ultimately Blizzard has made Sylvanas more a franchise villain than racial leader, and the effect she has had on the Alliance (chiefly night elves and worgen) as the former is greatest.

I am an understanding man though, and sympathise with the Horde’s desire to decide the fate of its own characters. Thus I fully support your ability to decide how best Calia should administer national therapy to the Forsaken over the next several expansions.


Nah, my prediction is more of an Illidan ending, where he’s stuck on a bus with Sargeras right now. Same with Sylvanas as the Jailor, or what’s-his-name Pendragon as the Lich King. Pop 'em in cryofreeze.


this is absolutely 100% what I expect from Blizzard.



In the age of reboots and re-imaginings and sequels and what the hell ever else, it was only a matter of time. He’s gray and has boobs now, give us money.

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I’m addressing you directly.



Shouldn’t you take your own advice regarding my post than?



Tyrande getting killed in the process too to complete the clown show.
Maybe a message about revenge is bad?

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Tyrande getting killed would make me sad, so I can’t support that particular curse manifesting. Her depowering herself as part of the spirit bomb to destroy the Jailor, then “revenge bad” gets the job done just fine.

Bonus points if she and Sylvanas are in the same cinematic while they’re fighting the Jailor and there’s a musical swell as they make eye contact and nod at each other. LOOOOOOOL I would rather just shotgun Nyquil and sleep through the next five months of forum screaming.


so genocide is redeemable?

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uh what is up with the pancake emote? not complaining just curious

  1. Pancakes are awesome
  2. See above
  3. Forums don’t allow signatures
  4. Posts have to be >10 characters in length and the emoji allows for less than that
  5. See 1 and 2



ah i see. :sushi:


Ask Jaina.

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I want to thank Alliance input on this. It’s a relief to get input that is logical without being roasted, even though I deserve to be. I completely agree that Alliance DO get to have a say when it’s THEIR faction that gets effected by the actions of our leader.

I still don’t want to see the end of my leader of the Forsaken and will feel cheated with some copout (make her the new jailer) ending. It’s going to take a miracle twist for her actions to have SOME sense and redemption.