Should Alliance players have any say for what happens to important Horde Characters?

No I’m not going to do anything for you. No thanks.


Well saves us from the cringe of you trying to morally redeem a mass murderer because Yaas Queen amiright?


See, this is why no one wants to engage with you on this topic.


Sure whatever guy.
Coming from the guy that spearheaded Sylvanas Rape fantasy recently I take that as a badge of honor.


Except that not a single character did the same things and got away with it.

Arthas did something close to as bad as Teldrassil with Quel’Thalas, but he couldn’t walk back. And that doesn’t even account for all the other crimes Sylvanas commited, also against the Horde.


I get your concern, but I really don’t think you need to worry about Blizzard listening to the fans in this case. When it comes to Sylvanas, I don’t see any sign they’ve ever listened to fans before.


I think the last time I complained about the horde was the character inconsistency in BfA.

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I didn’t “spear head a rape fantasy” but if that’s what you think that conversation was about, that says a lot about you and why I personally want nothing to do with you. Welcome to my block list.

This seems like a false flag/bait thread to me.

Yeah, it’s bait.



You got half the thread deleted by moderators. Doesn’t matter what you wanted when you threw the big R word around like it was nothing.

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I know what you are saying. Sadly you will not get empathy from most of this lot. But if it makes you feel any better the writers have addressed the vitriolic fanbase and they say that it’s like less than 1%, they wouldn’t change this story for the bare minimum with loud voices.


Nuclear Cringe Incoming:

Sylvanas can no longer bear the suffering she inflicted on poor Anduin and gives him her good side of her Frostmourne-sundered soul that she’s kept locked away in the Shadowlands to spare him what she went through, then dies in a noble display of noble nobility as she makes her last act a good one for once.

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How about Genn showing up last minute telling us she was the hero we all needed?

There’s actually a jokey fanfic doodle of that. Hold on while I go find it.

Edit: Wait, it has a swear word in it, I can’t post it.

You know, Elesana, it would be slightly less obvious if you used sock puppets that weren’t Nelfs. And if you didn’t constantly use the same exaggerations.



Sorry to poke a hole in your cliche noble sacrifice trope.

The writers have already debunked the split soul theory. Not every soul killed by Frostmourne was split. They have confirmed in interviews there’s no second part of Sylvanas’s soul running around.

My own theory: Sylvanas breaks the Timeway… It’s super terrible and it threatens EVERYTHING… but the Infinites were always right all along and we work with them to change the past to fix to future where everyone gets a better life, time traveling to as early as the Ordering to subvert some Titans, maybe they have a H Paradox where she goes back in time and has the moral dilemma of stopping Arthas before he becomes the LK… that’s be some fun twists. Who then would rise as a new Big Bad in a world with no Arthas, no LK?

Eh, the writers say a lot of things…



Then neither should Horde players have any say over what happens to Alliance characters. But what about people who play characters on both sides? What about people having a say over characters who aren’t affiliated with the Alliance or the Horde?

There’s also the problem of some writers sacrificing the story because they want to give the limelight and plot armor to their favorite characters regardless of what the fans want (the writing around Sylvanas being a prime example of this, along with their ridiculous amount of retcons).

This is actually the first time I heard of it, because I thought they said they specifically wanted people to speculate on who else could possibly be split Uther-style. Do you have a source about there not being a second part?

Also wouldn’t stop them from retconning it to be true anyway.

I don’t remember the actual interview, there have been so many since Blizzconline. But that idea about a split soul was bounced around and I think it was Ion who said that’s not how souls work that that Uther was a rare occurrence do to his faith in the Light.

This is actually a super popular theory but it’s problematic. Suggesting that Sylvanas has a split soul and one side is evil and one side is good takes away Sylvanas’s personal accounability and also doesn’t make sense because her “evil” side has been shown as conflicted and clinging to hope. There is no “easy fix” for Sylvanas. If she is redeemed it’s going to be a long hard road not “her good soul is merged with her bad soul and now she’s a whole person again.” she’s a whole person now, with complicated emotions.

(ah, the serenity of seeing hidden replies.)

Edit: but think of the possibilities of breaking the timeway. There could be so many AU’s they pretty much could make everyone happy. Imagine an AU where the High Elves join the alliance, boom, fan base happy Imagine an AU with NE supremacy… it’s wierd but some NE’s would be happy… another AU where Arthas is a good guy who marries Jaina… Golden personally wants to write that AU… they can have fun with it for a bit and then fix the timeline, arrive back on Azeroth with different stories to write and we won’t be gridlocked in the one toned mess they wrote up until now.