I got stuck in a Vortex Pinnacle that took forever with multiple wipes because of failed shortcut attempts. Sorry, but our comp of 3 dps DKs, prot pally, and resto druid won’t allow for any fancy skips. Clearing trash normally would have taken far less time. For the love of Elune, only try these skips if the comp allows it and everyone knows what to do.
Went and set up the skips on my rogue immaculately and 2 people dont make it through and jump off the ledge, I lead the last two to the end and explain to the other two that they dont have to hug so tight because im sapping. First two, the tank and a dps, decide to pull the stars and die while I lead the other two, the healer and last dps, back to where they were. None of the stars are dead, but instead of letting the healer res they both release so I am then having to lead these two through again, but this time they run into the group and die.
You might think im posting this as an agreement that shortcuts suck, I am not. This kind of comedy was denied me with LFR not being added and ill be damned if I dont get to enjoy this. Everyone should skip every time, because its funnier watching people fail.
With good jumps you can skip a lot of the trash even without any kind of CC or sooth. There’s very little room for error though so the tank needs to be ready for every pack to get bodied 1 at a time.
This kind of stuff boiled my blood in WOTLK/TBC.
If you’re gonna do skips in dungeons you gotta make sure everyone knows the skips first or you can waste SO much time
I hate skips. Like people skipping some of the trash around Jaina, and then she teleports into a pack and then there is a wipe.
Just pull the 3 packs around Jaina and not have a problem.
Easily the worst offender is the first skip in Lost City. You have to kill the pygmies on the way back anyway, (don’t get me started on that “skip”…) so you only bypass ONE trash pack, which between the one person repeatedly failing the jump and having to swim through the river, takes longer than just killing it and moving on
People like to complain about how FF14 abandoned branching paths and side routes early on, but at least they don’t have to deal with the nightmare of skip culture
How often does this happen?
This is the reason I’ve dusted off my tank. Too many times groups try to go around trash that takes 10 seconds to clear, but instead they’d rather wipe for some reason. In my groups we don’t wipe to avoidable causes… that doesn’t mean we don’t wipe. There isn’t much a tank can do with 3 sub 10k DPS in the Ruby Sanctum who don’t focus down the ghoul you’ve marked with a world marker and don’t save their DPS CDs for it and don’t jump over it if it’s too close etc.
It’s just pure laziness and I almost always think doing most skips are a waste of time. There are some small ones that make sense.
This isn’t Mythic+, we aren’t timed. It takes all of 15 seconds to clear a trash pack and these are launch dungeons with DS gear. You can chain 3 packs together with ease.
This is almost as annoying as tanks that skip bosses without asking first and then ignore the player that needs the loot. I never noticed this until I started leveling recently.
The skip are easy…you are just not good at them.
Many aren’t, and that’s the point. One failed skip costs more time than just clearing the trash and moving on.
Have resto druid go cat and stealth through while everyone else death runs past and gets ressed.
How much time does this save and why is it preferable to skillfully using your kit to subdue the mobs? Muh “slog”.
It doesn’t save time when a geared group can clear a trash pack in maybe 45 seconds…
Well option A is a group of pugs that the OP has already shown to be incompetent trying to clear 4 packs of trash that have a frontal cone stun and multiple healers that require a rotation of interrupts.
So however long you think that takes vs however long it takes a stealthed druid to walk past.
You run past those on the way to the 3rd boss. Or at least thats part of the skip.
Nowhere near long enough for the cowardly and boring alternative.
I’m not sure “cowardly” is how’d id describe people overthinking the time sink of dungeons.
Muh “slog”. Gotcha.
I said don’t get me started on that “skip”