Shortcuts are only short if they work

Some basic levels of communication and cooperation with your teammates would go a long way in a game about communicating and cooperating with others.

The game incentives running as many dungeons as possible to maximize rewards. Which means people get tired of seeing them. Which means the parts of the dungeon that offer no rewards (trash) gets skipped if its optimal to do so. And you can have more time for complaining on the forums if you learn the skips too.

I don’t skip because I don’t suck.

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I mean… no, you really don’t. The river is definitely not saving much time, if any, but the safe spot skips like half of the dungeon’s trash. That’s easily worth it to me.


I’ve only done the dungeon once in Classic but man, I remember that happening all the time back in the day lol

Classic players are mostly bad. It is true that you shouldnt skip when dealing with absolute terrible players but i mean skipping is so easy i dont even know what to say anymore.

Oh dont forget the 5k dps jaja who cant get pass throne of the tide 1st pack

If you can kill her before the second teleport it’s fine. But if she is the first boss and you don’t pull trash you have no idea how good or bad the dps is.

I’ve never seen the big skip work out. The healer always hots the tank, or a dps gets dragon breathed and poisoned, or the tank just isn’t him and dies halfway through

Well considering this thread is people complaining about skips not working by people who don’t know skips work…

What spec do you play? I play a resto druid and would never ask the group to pseudo wipe, just so I could tiptoe around and rez them, regardless of the comp.


pressing W truely stumps the average classic player

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You don’t even need to do the 3 packs, just the first one since she will always teleport there first. After the first teleport she will always teleport back from the direction she is facing.

If she is teleporting into multiple packs after the first one that means the tanks are aiming her at them.

And thats why you just pull the packs. They get pulled anways, either through the mechanic that the ranged have to deal with, or where she teleports. It doesnt mean its going to cause a wipe, why even have the potential in a random group? It just ends up wasting time.

Like I said, You clear the 1 pack she will always teleport into. After that… its on the tank to know how to aim Jaina. The orbs you speak of that the range have to soak don’t spawn that far away.

If the tank has any clue on what they are doing, they will just have Jaina go back and forth in 2 spots.

Ok… dont know what else you want from here. People dont know what they are doing, so I dont know why you are telling me any of this. Im not the tank, so just clear the damn packs. Again as the title says, shortcuts are only short if they work.

Out of all the times I have tanked this dungeon since it launched in Classic(32 times) I have never had to clear the other 2 packs. And I’ll continue to just clear the 1 pack. Because what you are suggesting is the complete opposite of what the thread is about. And no, I’m not running full guild runs.

I’m sorry the tanks you run into fail at a simple thing as aiming, but not all tanks are that bad.

Good for you, but tanks run off at the light beams after the first pack dies all the time when the light is still around. They dont know what they are doing.

And no, im not suggesting the complete opposite of what the thread is about. Its about shortcuts and shortcuts are usually avoiding killing mobs to save time. If its not saving time its not a shortcut. You have 3 potential patrolling enemy packs that Jaina can potentially teleport into or send the orb into.

Also, from all the information I am seeing, even information as far back as 2011, says the blink is random.

The other 2 patrolling packs are at least 40 yards away, if not more. The orbs do not spawn that far away.

OP was clearly referring to Vortex Pinnacle where almost every pack has some kind of skip. That dungeon I have seen plenty of people mess those up, no matter the skill level.

Even the very first pack has some weird wall jump exploit to skip it. VP is one I tend to not skip things in.

So? I have had each mob be pulled on different runs.

The OP was talking about shortcuts in general. Vortex is one, other people were talking about Lost City, End Time people try to skip packs as well not just in the Azure Dragonshrine, but Ruby and Obsidian as well and there is always someone that pulls at least 1 pack when trying to avoid it.

Wait, people are having issues with Ruby? How? You just run up some bones, only way you could pull that pack is if you fell off horribly. And even that is hard to do.

Luckily, I’m a tank, and a geared BDK at that, so I just ignore people when they tell me to do skips and will solo trash packs if I have to. If they kick me I just go do something else for 30 minutes and they can enjoy their run suddenly taking longer and being harder because their new tank is most likely not going to be as capable as I am.

It’s not worth the energy or effort to even communicate with the kind of people that want to do skips in LFD.

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Yes, and Obsidian, and any other “skip” out there. Seems like people are overestimating the playerbase. They cant even pass on loot and then the boss chest despawns and people that need the loot get shafted.

They cant interrupt Stardust, still dont know how to do Corla, DPS running ahead of the tank to where they get dazed and dismounted to die during skips wasting time, tanks taking forever to move Asira out of smoke bomb then constantly doing micro movements so when I do a cast on my warlock I get silenced due to the tank no longer being between me and the boss to catch the dagger, the list goes on and on and on.

Most of this doesnt cause wipes, but its just an annoyance and you cant request anything or people just go tea kettle.