Short comings of Dragonflight

Where have you been the last 4 years or so?

sure lets just keep raiding as the only pve endgame forever. guess what most people enjoy keys more than raids. in my opinion keys are old as hell now to they should of done added another new endgame as well. quit whining cause all raiders used to tell everyone well if you want the loot raid well if you want the loot do keys. best thing that ever happened to me in this game was when keys got introduced in legion was so burnt on raids forever.

Still replying without reading… that’s been adressed…

You must be a dev…same mentality.

i read your post fine you want raids to have all the gear cso you don’t have to do keys pretty much get over it you want the loot do keys the same as raiders used to scream forever if you want the loot raid. and i’ve seen plenty of people clearing raids doing no keys so your whining for nothing.

Nope. Read better. I didn’t read his beyond the first like. It’s all just too argue. That’s why you came. If you had input worth anything you’d see what has been said. Goodluck.