Because I’ve been playing this game forever, and I did this once back in college for a sociology class, I wanted to run a survey on players for the following information. Feel free to in-game mail me if you don’t want to post this publicly and want to participate. I’ll be reaching out to as many randoms in game as possible to answer these questions as well.
My goal: Find out more about the WoW population!
Update: I had a reddit post but the moderators took it down since it apparently is a “petition/strawpoll/or fundraiser”- Had a good deal of responses and it looks like my posts are being permanently hidden now. Good grief who knew making surveys was such a controversial act!
-How long have you been playing WoW?
-What is your favorite race?
-What is your favorite class?
-How old are you?
-What’s your ethnic background?
-What is your favorite expansion?
-Favorite Version of WoW Currently Playable (Retail, Classic, Cata Classic, Discovery, Hardcore [damn I did not really think how many versions of WoW are playable])
How long have you been playing WoW?
I started playing in 2004, on my brother’s account. Not sure I got a character past level 30 (I’m pretty sure I spent 99% of my time in Vanilla in the Barrens or Loch Modan). Started playing in earnest in 2005/2006 with BC.
What is your favourite race?
Orcs. Dwarves are a close second. I’ve always been a fan of naga, but alas they’ve never been a playable race.
What is your favourite class?
I’ve played a shaman since BC, and it’s always been my main. I just like the playstyle (in as much as enhance has had like 15 revisions) and the class lore. Least favourite is druid.
How old are you?
I’m 34.
What’s your ethnic background?
I’m French Canadian.
What is your favourite expansion?
I feel like this is always a rose tinted glasses sort of thing. We all want to say Wrath was the best, which it maybe was. I’ll contest most people didn’t like MoP when it happened (that rep grind was real), but have come around to it over time.
In terms of ‘playing’, I’d probably consider BC to be when I ‘enjoyed’ the game the most. Have had good spurts of playing through MoP and BfA. I took long breaks during WoD (which I consider underrated) and Legion (which is good but I consider overrated). Didn’t play much in Shadowlands or Cata.
Favourite version of WoW currently playable?
Retail is the only actual version of WoW as far as I’m concerned. I’m not a big nostalgia guy (the past is past), so I’ve never been much into Classic WoW. It feels a bit phoney to me, and a cheap imitation trying to capitalize on older feelings. I did play hardcore and got to level 13 and that was fun for a bit. I haven’t played Discovery, but I’ve heard it’s actually pretty good; nice little sandbox like MoP Remix to try things out.
How long have you been playing WoW?
Basically since launch, the earliest patch I remember is 1.2, unfortunately my original account from that time span got hacked, lost my TCG fishing chair and riding turtle…
What is your favorite race?
Difficult question, since I do enjoy all of them but I would have to go with Orcs because of how Blizzard portrayed them as tragedy ridden but honorable people.
What is your favorite class?
It’s no longer in the game but I will always treasure my time as a gladiator stance protection warrior. Otherwise, I would have to say druid, just because it lets me try melee and ranged positions for content.
What’s your ethnic background?
Caucasian / White, ancestors are from Britain, Norway and Sweden, so I sunburn easily.
What is your favorite expansion?
Legion and there’s a fun story behind it.
While playing OW1 with friends cutting up in the voice lobby, I met officers of a raiding guild who mentioned their raid team was looking for a backup tank.
We ran a heroic Emerald Nightmare and were so impressed with my tanking, that I became a regular and then was asked to tank mythic raid content.
All this happened because I’m a girl and one of the officers is a girl too and she was hype to meet another lady in OW1, so that was fun.
Favorite Version of WoW Currently Playable
Retail, I guess, it’s the only one I play.
How long have you been playing WoW?
-About 16 years I guess?
What is your favorite race?
-In spite of being known mostly for “Norman” here, Dwarves. (2nd would be Forsaken, but it’s close)
What is your favorite class?
-Warrior (Prot)
How old are you?
What’s your ethnic background?
What is your favorite expansion
Favorite Version of WoW Currently Playable:
-Retail. At this point in life, I don’t have the time or energy to devote to more than one version of this game.
-How long have you been playing WoW?
19 years with a few breaks. When I was younger, I got stuck at a friends house during a snow storm and made a dwarf hunter on his account after he showed the game to me. Not long after I was exploring Azeroth as a human paladin.
-What is your favorite race?
Goblins. I just enjoy everything about them and they’re the right mix of zany and serious.
-What is your favorite class?
Hunter, though this expansion I have been playing my hpal and I enjoy that very much.
-How old are you?
-What’s your ethnic background?
I am white
-What is your favorite expansion?
MoP. That was easily the expansion where I spent the most time in Azeroth.
-Favorite Version of WoW Currently Playable
Retail. I didn’t really get into classic, SoD, or hardcore.
How long have you been playing WoW?
Since about mid-2008, though it was only dabbling until Wrath came out and I started playing consistently.
What is your favorite race? 𝓓𝓻𝓪𝓮𝓷𝓮𝓲
What is your favorite class?
This… is a tough one. I actually main as a holy priest, but hunter is a very close second just because I have such a fixation on finding culturally-appropriate pets depending on the character’s race.
How old are you?
I’ve been 25 for the past six years, and I’m about to turn 25 again in March!
What’s your ethnic background?
Extremely white-bread. I think my family background is mostly German with a tiny hint of Irish in there somewhere?
What is your favorite expansion?
It’s a very close call between Legion and Dragonflight. I think Legion had the best story and “world” where it felt like the RP community was perfectly in-sync with the expansion’s hook, while Dragonflight has my favorite gameplay and my favorite zones to explore.
Favorite Version of WoW Currently Playable
Literally just Retail. I have zero interest in any of the other offshoots because they seem like pure gameplay without any real potential for RP. The only reason I engage with ~any~ content in WoW is to gather transmog outfits that I can use for roleplaying, so without that bait on the hook, it just feels so pointless to me.
How long have you been playing WoW?
I have been playing WoW for about 15 years.
What is your favorite race?
What is your favorite class?
How old are you?
34 next week
What’s your ethnic background?
White / Caucasian - Non Hispanic / Latino
What is your favorite expansion?
Cataclysm. Everything was new and remade, making for an interesting time at the time.
Favorite Version of WoW Currently Playable (Retail, Classic, Cata Classic, Discovery, Hardcore [damn I did not really think how many versions of WoW are playable])
Retail, with a special shout-out to Plunderstorm.
-Favorite Version of WoW Currently Playable (Retail, Classic, Cata Classic, Discovery, Hardcore [damn I did not really think how many versions of WoW are playable])