Sholaad's WoW 20th Anniversary Project

-How long have you been playing WoW?

Since late 2006 or so but pretty casually until after I graduated college.

-What is your favorite race?

Draenei and undead

-What is your favorite class?


-How old are you?

Mid 30s

-What’s your ethnic background?

Mixed race

-What is your favorite expansion?


-Favorite Version of WoW Currently Playable (Retail, Classic, Cata Classic, Discovery, Hardcore [damn I did not really think how many versions of WoW are playable])

Retail but I really like Discovery. If I had more time I’d play it more.

-How long have you been playing WoW?
I began with a free account way back in 2010, I watched my father play when WOTLK was out. When MOP swung by I played a bit again, but it wasn’t until WOD began in 2013 when I really got into the game, and started leveling, and that same year I was gifted this warlock lady here who has been my main ever since. So this amounts to 11 years seriously, and 14 in total.
-What is your favorite race?
Undead undoubtedly, I changed this lady from undead to a human because my group decided to go alliance. I regret this decision everyday. 10 years of Undead is hard to shake aside.
-What is your favorite class?
Warlock, Rogue and Monk are up there, but Warlock undoubtedly, 11 years of Demo Lock is hard to beat, makes everything else look so simple.
-How old are you?
I am now 21, and January I’ll be 22. Indeed, this means I was playing the game as early as seven years old!
-What’s your ethnic background?
Hispanic and Caucasian Blood, never really thought about it much. I call myself a mutt! While I know heritage and whatnot is important to many, my family has not only freed itself from vile relatives, but also was generally disregarded for some time. We have each other.
-What is your favorite expansion?
Legion, it was the first expansion I really really played. BFA was close storywise, SL close to BFA, and things began to dip once DF came in.
-Favorite Version of WoW Currently Playable
Classic Era, being honest, TWW has nearly killed my group, with the difficulty to get into Mythics, let alone keystones being so high, one of the big reasons for me playing the game is gone. So Classic Era gets my time, off and on, if I’m not playing Skyrim or LOTRO.

Nice try FBI :face_with_raised_eyebrow::man_detective:

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19 years, off and on. Since 2005.

High/Blood/Void Elves.


Caucasian Protestant. Third generation immigrant from Scotland on my Mother’s side. Father’s side is suspected to be Irish due to surname. I say suspected because our progenitor literally manifests as an adult in the late 1800s and no one can trace the family back any further (Anticipated he was a cattle rustler who took on an assumed name).

For extra hilarity, with the rise of the Internet, we have found others who share our specific spelling of the surname. They are of African descent. The plot, as they say, thickens.

Wrath of the Lich King. It just felt like the culmination of the WarCraft narrative.

[quote]-Favorite Version of WoW Currently Playable (Retail, Classic, Cata Classic, Discovery, Hardcore [damn I did not really think how many versions of WoW are playable])


It’s a living!

And thanks to everyone who’s responded so far. I have nearly 50 responses across various sources. Very interesting results so far! I’m hoping for at least triple digits before the actual anniversary so thank you!

I’m thinking more like the classic tv comedy series “Get Smart”.


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