I liked the tank/dpsx4/healer idea and the match rotation sometimes has tank/healer/dps vs triple dps
no thanks bad suggestion
IF they add tanks to DPS role then I want a 2s solo shuffle with DPS only because I don’t want to sit in a 20 min queue every time I want to solo shuffle because not only are tanks no longer available to fill the healer role but they are now actively queueing on my DPS slot increasing the heals:DPS ratio even more.
if the game mode were fun more people would play it
i know, crazy how that works
What are you talking about my guy? Number of people queueing has absolutely NO BEARING on the healer to DPS ratio and thus NO BEARING on queue times.
I can’t speak for shammy since I have no experience with it, but you raise valid questions. “How does X survive without a healer”
“How does X survive against Y”
How does shammy do it? I don’t know.
Some specs don’t work well with others, but a lot of specs work well with tanks believe it or not. Aff lock and Outlaw Rogue for example. That’s the nature of solo shuffle. You get tossed in with specs your own spec doesn’t vibe with. Like Unholy/Sub. Two specs that have no reason being together, are together. I mean we are talking about a glorified arena skirmish so why does it even matter if tanks can queue? We’ll be playing 3s and 2s again in 5 weeks.
Dial back pacing a bit so games aren’t break neck and more people will heal, and if more people heal then queues are shorter. Games in SL were very short and volatile at most MMRs which wasn’t very popular.
what are u talking about my guy?
the more people that play the game mode has a direct impact on queue times
what a stupid response
100 healers and 10,000 DPS in queue = 1,000 and 100,000 DPS in queue.
yes i understand that
Here we see a shield role trying to impress a sword role in hopes of joining the tribe.
Unfortunately for him, the pink sword role protects his mate and scares the shield role away.
OK then explain how queue times can go down with more people playing
I get that.
See, this is better than specs dying in the first 20-30 seconds despite people properly rotating. Or at least reasonably considering it’s shuffle. I know that in like 6000 shuffles I don’t think I’ve seen a BDK AMZ their teammate nor a single prot play Bodyguard.
Personally, I like playing with tanks more than healers because the games are so short and less annoying but that’s me. If I had the nerve to leave healer matches I would.
oh sorry forgot i was talking to a dumbass who thinks people means just dps players
hey thats my fault og
Ratio of healers to dps. There’s various things that make healing more appealing to either healer players or dps interesting in trying healing.
just make the game actually fun jfc
literally all these problems go away if ppl just actually enjoy playing
Yes, that will decrease time if ratio of healers increases, but just getting more people to play has 0 effect. You gonna need to convince your friends to heal.
wont need to convince anyone if the guy that seems to understand the healer to dps ratio situation specs mw instead for faster q times
but hey bro, thats my fault ig, forgot that u are also a person, which directly translates to dps in a dumbasses mind
ill update my register
Bro you’re so toxic my guy, take a deep breath and relax a bit