Shell game deadlocks WoW

if it’s still broken, it’s because YOU didn’t take any steps to rectify the issue.
no point blaming blizzard.
there’s a reason they tell people to reset their UI before reporting bugs.

I think its actually worse now. Even with WQL disabled, I have lockups starting and hangs after completing the game.

as was previously explained, disabling the addon is not enough.

I have had the same problem for days. If you turn your graphics all the way to 1, it will work fine, even with WQL active.

Samesies. Still.

New version of WQL is released to fix the deadlock. Not sure about the inability to complete sometimes.

Half the time it locks wow when I start it, the other half it doesn’t register when I finish it. Even with all addons disabled.

I can confirm Shell Game now functions with no issue and completes with the most recent update to World Quest List.

Fix my Shell Game, it’s my favorite Tort WQ!

Mine is as well, and beyond that, when I use the flight whistle it does the exact same thing, locking up the same way and my window resizes itself just as with the puzzles. Both the matching game and the follow the shapes ones are bugged for me. I’m on the latest Windows.

Yeah, you have to reset your cvars in situations like this. Addons can change them and can lead to bugs this way.

The best way to test if it’s a cvar issue is to close out of the game completely, rename your WTF/interface folders, delete the cache folder and relaunch the game. It will default to default everything, try the game again and see if the problem still persists.