<Sharp and Shiny> | Alliance | Semi - Hardcore | Recruiting

Please come be juicy with us. <3

Still need a lock!

We’re still alive

Bump it up! Looking for a new paladin friend :slight_smile:

Hello! I am a level 60 Tauren Warlock and Heckromancer who would love to join your guild. Please send me all of your information on Azuregos and Kazzak when you see him before you alert anyone else because I wish to help you.


Jood? You been hitting that bottle again, sir?
There are better ways of getting closer to Turkeybruh than this

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Shhh. You’ll give me away.

Oh yes. Also mail us Turkeybrah.

Because reasons.

-Jood who is very much an Alliance player and should be given all your world boss intel in a prompt fashion


I heard these guys do okay.


They’re ok. Not as good as Hydd’s Hotties on Horde, but I’m biased.

Looking for a motivated Holy Paladin!!!

Come join the fun :slight_smile:

LF1M holy paladin to assist us in spreading the glory of the light.

Still looking for a holy pally to join us in BWL :slight_smile:, Also now looking for a warlock.

LFM holy pally friends! Join our Discord for more info and a warm welcome! :cat2: :heart_eyes_cat:

yes jood we need to know or no aq opening lol

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Thinking of moving to bloodsail. 6/8 T2 sword rogue with brutality and viskag. I always played on RP servers till classic came out. I’m guessing y’all are full up on rogues though huh.

Unfortunately we are atm Rozen. We appreciate the interest though!