Sharing a forum color change!

It also has the butt prints embedded from years of use.

Okay so get a new one but not that factory blue OP offered.

The OP suggestion looks so cheap.

IBM blue. You’re welcome.

That looks boring

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That’s right OP do better.

Same here!

That’s what others said. I’d never seen them, because I don’t post anywhere else. I just liked this better than the crappy brown, personally.

It’s just a Chrome script. It’s not going to be fancy. I shared the code for an option if people didn’t like the brown.

Again… it’s just a Chrome script.

Geebus. Sorry for trying to share something I thought some might find helpful.


Okay but we want this forum to look fancy.

Microsoft just bought us for billions of money.

So we know we’re worth it. Our forum should always look legendary and rich, and wealthy and powerful… and UNIQUE… not just another cookie cutter factory forum.

Ban the OP from chocolate for a week.

Welp. Sorry for sharing and trying to be helpful.

Have a good night, all.

Bring back blinking text, and everything should be an animated gif!

Just substitute Jesus with Thrall. Like they did in Cataclysm.

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Let all members post links. What could go wrong? If somebody abuses it ban them.

I liked your thread! As you saw by my masterwork. I didn’t know about Stylus, it’s kinda cool.

No idea why the others are being such buzzkills about it. :zipper_mouth_face: It’s just for fun, a rarity around here.


I vote we paint the forums RED.

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I woke up. Got the paper. Cleaned the bathrooms in my house. Started the laundry…

but I didn’t really wake up until I scrolled past that bright pink. Now I am awake lol.