Can the forums paint with the colors of the wind?
Welp, I’m blind now.
Soviet Russia approves. Drab grey for everyone!
There is no Light or Dark mode here, only blazing pink. All shall burn and be happy!
Oddly enough, I do approve of Tigger stripes as a background.
I didn’t mean to come across so harsh.
I just…
…I really don’t want the forums to look like what you posted in the OP.
It’s not brown. It’s Mahogany.
It wasn’t that colour originally, but eventually the stains became indelible.
Poo green would be even better.
Please no, the color is relaxing and the contrast with the blue is nice
I love this forum’s current look. I know it will eventually change, but still I enjoy the cherry wood appearance.
It’s like an expensive cherry wood.
This forum is like a fine leather recliner chair.
It’s big and soft, made of fine leather.
When did you come here for the first time? I’m genuinely curious
Blue is not friendly for night vision. Blue light also blocks melatonin, and a blue site is going to emit blue light.
In this case, brown is a warm color and inhibits less melatonin. Especially paired with a night friendly mode or f.lux.
Bring back the down vote.
2007 sometime. I think I started using this character for the forums in Cata.
The forums look like as I’d expect wow forums to look
Your change makes the Wow forums look like the Overwatch forums