This is what my forums look like:
I think that the poo brown is gross. This is what a friend came up with in Stylus. Sadly, it doesn’t transfer to the iPhone. lol
If you want to make the forums not look like poo colors in Chrome, download Stylus and here’s the code for it:
body {
background: none;
background-color: #28282E;
.d-header.clearfix {
background: none;
background-color: #151515;
.Navbar {
background-image: none;
} {
background-color: #121212;
.blizzard-homepage {
background-color: #121212;
.blizzard-homepage .Navbar {
background-image: none;
.blizzard-homepage {
background-color: #121212;
.blizzard-homepage:not(.docked) .d-header {
background-image: none;
#ember10 {
display: block;
*Edited to take out the “this is what the forums should look like” part, because people found it offensive. Still wanted to share the script for those that might want a change!
poo brown good choice for GD
The shades of grey are a metaphor.
The current color of the forum is epic.
No other forum looks like this.
Poop brown seems to be the perfect choice considering some of the posts on here lol
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Blue background just looks like every other forum out there. We don’t want that. We want to be unique.
Our forum is mastery level.
Our background is like a fine wood.
/shrug That’s basically the color of the Overwatch forums. They’re all different.
Well, for those that want something different, the choice is there. I don’t visit any other forum to know what they look like. I just disliked the brown and wanted to give people a choice they can do on their own, too.
That edited one hurts my eyes. I like the brown.
WoW’s forum looks legendary. They shouldn’t change it.
However, everything does change… eventually.
The appearance isn’t the problem. The system is the problem. It favors stalking and people who enjoy harassing others.
You can post, be harassed, change characters and post again… and the stalkers will be able to identity you and continued the harassment.
It happens all the time every day here.
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We’ve always been capable of seeing everyone’s armory to track collections and alts. This isn’t a Discourse issue. It’s just a crazy people issue.
Thank you for that round of gaslighting.
How in the name of all that is green and good did you get “gaslighting” out of that?
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that example looks like the overwatch forums to me. except with WoW-threads.
You are okay with harassment and stalking.
I made the forums cute! No one can be toxic and salty when you’re this adorable.
(I’m not a pro at this, just a quick whip up from your code)
I’ve never seen them, so this was something I just learned. lol
I see we’ve gotten to the twisting conversations and lying portion of the evening.