Share your Favorite WoW Memory. Mount Giveaway Over

My birthday’s next month. I need a surprise.

My favorite memory is when I first started replaying in BC. i was leveling my hunter, headphones on, completely quiet apartment. A swamp thing popped up out of a lake in game and scared the bejeesus out of me.

That was like 15 years ago and I still remember that.

i have no idea why this is one of my favorite memories to be honest. Probably because I jumped out of my chair.

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Please dont post you battletag till you have been told you won. Helps you not get bombed with trolls. Just looking out for you :two_hearts:


I appreciate that.

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This is why my brother will be double checking the list every night to make sure I didnt miss anyone. Two heads are better than one. I will then cross check it a third time in the mornings. Don’t panic we are just getting started. have the whole weekend to go!

I’ll play.

I’ve shared this before.

This was way back during Alpha, maybe Beta. No matter.

I had an Undead Warlock and I was in the Barrens, fishing near the entrance of Wailing Caverns in that small lake.

I was, like, level 38. So it’s not that the Centaur patrols bothered me, but they did annoy me.

I set my Imp on Aggressive, which means that he will attack mobs on his own.

So, this is the scene. Undead Warlock with a fishing pole, and the Imp standing idly by (as idle as Imp get that is) to my left.

Then, you see the Imp turn to the right, and start casting. He lets fly a fireball off the screen. You hear the sizzling and the explosion. Unsatisfied, he lights off another one. Once done, he charges off the screen to the right where you hear him lighting up a 3rd.

Well, back then Imps ran out of mana. (We all ran out of mana! [Mana? What’s mana!?]). So, after the 3rd, we see him running back across the screen to the left. In hot pursuit are some singed, ticked off Centaurs.

There’s noises of fighting and blasting and wailing off to left. Eventually, it all quiets down and the Imp returns to my side. Health beat up, no mana, but no Centaurs either.

Meanwhile, I fished. This would continue whenever the Centaurs respawned. It was just hilarity in action as the Imp forged out on its own, yet I didn’t actually get to see any of it.


I disliked the Xe’ra quests during Legion. Her voice always sounded to me like fingernails on a chalkboard, and I never completed the questline. I presume those quests no longer exist at this point.

That’s why every one of my army of alts that reached 110 during Legion or BfA and 45+ during this expansion has done Argus, to watch that cinematic fullscreen, the one where she tries to turn Illidan through the power of the light and he goes full meta and eyebeams her into a shower of tiny fragments.

“Xera. We are blessed to be in your presence once more.”
“Turalyon. You have found the Chosen One.”
“Illidan. From birth, the light in your eyes held such promise.”
“I sacrificed that birthright long ago.”
“My child. You’ve given up so much for so little.”
“I’ve traded my freedom for power before.”
“Don’t you want to be whole again?”
“The Legion’s end is all I seek.”
“The Light will heal your scars.”
“I am my scars.”
“The prophecy…must be fulfilled.”
“You’ve doomed us all! Betrayer!”
“There can be no chosen one. Only we…can save ourselves.”
(From memory, so a word or two might be off)

I know it is possible to watch on youtube, but it is so much more meaningful to do as part of the questline. I will never get tired of it.


My best memory was when I started playing WoW, and found out you could tame a lot of monsters, at which point most MMO’s almost never do and are extremely strict about. The most rewarding ones were when I accidentally came across the spirit bear and tamed it right away, other times were waiting for a certain spirit beast to spawn flying over certain spawn points.

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I agree that in person is best. I remember that vividly with Ragnaros. I’d seen the videos of the fight but was never a Vanilla raider. It just looked so cool. Then in Cata, our small guild had enough 70’s to go back and do that raid. Certainly, we cheesed it on our levels and gearing but to see Ragnaros go down and that giant hammer splash down was just amazing as I never believed I’d see it “live.”

This is not intended a qualifying memory. :slight_smile:

What a nice idea, thanks for doing this!!

One of my favorite memories is grinding out the Pandaren Ambassador achievement back in MoP, but specifically the Tiller’s rep and building up the Halfhill farm. Flying around the Valley of the Four Winds looking for all the dirt mounds, to gain friendship points with all the farmers in the area, gave me hours of entertainment. Getting the fully upgraded farm, and the Pandaren Kite String mount at the end of it all, is one of the greatest accomplishments I’ve ever had in this game.


This is a lovely idea.

Not sure if I’ll enter.

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My favorite memory of WoW was during early Burning Crusade era. I was traveling in the US in 2007, and went to a target store to buy some stuff, then noticed the Vanilla box with the Burning Crusade Combo. I started in late Vanilla, october 2006, but didn’t had BC yet. Bought it without thinking twice. Ventured into the Dark Portal and Hellfire Peninsula, which was awesome, but the real thing was on Terokkar Forest. I will never forget that peaceful yet eerie ambience OST. Finding the creepy big spider deep into the forest…all quests were awesome. Till this day, I randomly pick one of my alts and walk through Terokkkar for just to remember the good old memories.

My favorite memory began in MOP and came into being thanks to a few mounts. (I had taken a long break at the end of Wrath (my mom got cancer and died) and I ended up missing all of Cata and the beginning of MoP.)

I came back and was able to reconnect with a friend of mine during BC raid days. He was showing me all of the raids I had missed that we could now duo easily. On the way to Dragon Soul I spotted a random person riding on a gorgeous mount I had never seen before: Twilight Handmaiden.

A quick trip to wowhead told me this was a meta mount for a raid I hadn’t yet seen and that it would require a coordinated group to accomplish. With determination I looked up resources on how to make this possible and found Open Raid.

I made an account with OR and signed up for a raid to work on achievements and transmogs the very next day. I ended up befriending the leader and a few others in the group that ran together regularly. We did many OR raids together over the next six months.

One of these new friends invited me to join her guild on a different server. I transferred over right before WOD dropped. The guild had a lot of friendly people in it and I felt I had found a new home.

One member of our raid team had many mounts I coveted; most noticeably, Invincible. I struck up some conversations with him, asking about his mount runs. He then showed me Elegon’s mount, which I had not seen before. I was enchanted and joked to him that I might need to marry him so we could share accounts and I could have these.

After a few months of chatting we began talking outside of WOW and eventually we’re doing other things together like watching tv shows together and talking on the phone for hours.

Six months after first chatting we met up for the first time as we both lived in different states from each other. We did long distance dating for just over 2 years before we were able to move to the same city together.

And… after six years of being together in total… we got married earlier this year.

So that is why my favorite memory in wow is the day I first saw that twilight mount. It was the start of the best part of my life. :slight_smile:


We’ve quipped at each other in the past but I am happy to see you bringing positivity. Hopefully the mount goes to someone who really wants it.


My fondest memory in wow. I was in barrens playing my orc hunter for first time. I came across a night elf. She was taming pets as well. She waved and i waved back. Then we just started following each other around collecting pets. After that i figure would not see here again.

The next day I was surprise i saw her. She just wave and left. Well long story short. We ended up calling each other and before I new it we were dating. Been 15 years now. that my moment.

I think this is one of the most positive Threads wich I ever saw at this Forum :teddy_bear: :heart_eyes:

Gz for the nice idea .

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OKay, obviously, I never post here, but the ideas behind this whole thread was too good to pass up. :slight_smile:

My memory was from several years ago running my Alliance shadow priest, I decided to try out PvP (I’m not much of a PvPer, but I try :-D) Tried my hand at Arathi Basin.

To preface a little…I was a clicker gasp That will clear up what happens.

So learning Arathi Basin, I decide to head to to Lumber Mill along with several others. Cool, I won’t be by myself. Get up there and some heads to flag, ready to capture. And then it felt like the entire Horde team was on us!

So I’m firing off DoTs and Mind Blasting and all that…someone wises up and comes after me. So I go to fear them, but misclick and lo and behold…Mind Control! I had never used it before and it actually worked. Assessing the situation, I did the only logical thing I could think of…ran the player right off the cliff! :smiley:

I discovered later that this was an actual strategy that was used frequently. And I found it by accident. :smiley:


Oh… and here I thought it was based off of best story. LOL


I have a confession to make, I bought the cat earlier lol.

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my fav wow memory…

prob when i was lfr tanking on my pally who has a anime characters name (people sometimes recognize the name, most dont) at Hellfire Citadel. we were fighting Mannoroth and i died. i then say “well, looks like i died stupidly and unnecessarily on top of a big tower again, lol”. half the raid knew what i was talking about and loled, mostly caz that episode had happened a few weeks ago and most watchers of the show hatted how that character died and there were posts everywhere about it (hell, the show went to poop around there and i stopped watching it a season after)

besides that, maybe the time i finally got a mount i had been farming forever for. then theres the others im still farming for years after they came out looks at soo mount and tusks

If I win, you can gift it to Rhielle lol.