Share your Favorite WoW Memory. Mount Giveaway Over

Did you forget about the hunter’s ultimate superpower: Feign Death?

I keep my memories to myself most of the time. :stuck_out_tongue: I just wanted to say thanks for adding more of these gorgeous cats to the game. <3 I already bought mine, so no reason to enter.

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I was bored in Legion turning in my Apexis Crystals to Khadgar. When all of a sudden I get a random /tell.

Now I normally just ignore random one’s but this one was interesting. It was the name Dedarufan. I was curious.

After replying to their greeting, they told me that they liked my transmog (The Lorewalker one I have on that was slightly different) and since they were Horde they couldn’t tell me.

I felt really proud of myself, and that someone went out of their way to make a positive statement for me. I enjoyed it. To this day because of that memory I like to pay it forward by helping people, and the only thing they should promise is that they too help someone and so forth.


hmm. fond memories huh? well. i remember my first time playing WoW. getting to meet such figureheads like Jaina, Varian and Thrall…getting to Stormwind for the first time ever, and just being in awe of the city. (this was well after reading the lore novels too)

i remember my first time reaching the Exodar, and not knowing what it was, thinking it was a dungeon or something and avoiding it for quite some time…till i realized it was the Draenei city.

huh. reminds me of my friends cat when we played Battletoads, and did that Godawful Turbo Tunnel level. every time a wall came up on the screen, the cat would jump up in an attempt to “catch” it. :laughing:)

but let’s see…memories of WoW. i remember farming for Rivendare’s Deathcharger forever and finally getting it. i remember how shocked i was when i fished up the Sea Turtle mount from a Reef Octopus swarm in Pandaria. (mostly cause i was under the assumption, that it could only be caught in Northrend waters at the time.)


Gonna bump for visibility, hope to see the OP get more traction

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I thought about doing it that way but its too subjective. I dont want to be the deciding factor here. I mean what if some peoples memories are better? This way its RNG. Its more fair to everyone and gives everyone an equal chance. Sharing your memory just makes you eligible

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No problem. Check the FAQ. Your covered. You get to select a store mount of your choice in its place. So if you have shared your favorite wow memory you are eligible :slight_smile:

I wouldn’t say that… I covered that in the FAQ see my comment above

I did see that, thank you. Nice to see something good on these forums once in awhile.

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Just be aware that when you add this person to give them a present there is o think a 2 day block on sending them things. I guess it’s to prevent scamming or something.

It also gets a little harder if they don’t use the same currency as you.

Find this out when I win a mount in a competition at the start of SL.

Store mounts if done online are differant. Its not done in game at all. You buy it and select the “Gift” option on the website instead of Buy Now, enter their battletag and it will go to their Battlenet Account instead of yours. No waiting period

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Yes, but that would mean potentially one less cat in game. :stuck_out_tongue:

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I bought mine yesterday, and I love it! Gnomes especially will look great on it.


I love that it chases it’s own tail lol.


This is a fun thread, as it’s encouraged me to recall a number of fond WoW memories…

When I created my first char in Vanilla, I was amazed by all the other players in the starting area. Many other chars approached mine and begin emoting/ talking, which elated me, yet made me nervous, as I didn’t yet know how to emote/ talk with others in-game. (My husband advised me, as I peppered him with how-to questions.)

After my female Nelf hunter accidentally became flagged for PvP, a male Troll began attacking her on the road. Panicky, I fired back a few shots, while running backwards, away from him. He quickly realized that I didn’t wish to engage in PvP, bowed to my hunter and went on his merry way.

My Belf hunter stood alongside a Worgen named Dapperpelt, who was dressed to the nine’s–complete with a top hat–as we fished for coins in Dalaran’s fountain. Somehow, we began emoting to each other. He brought out the toy beach-blanket/ umbrella combo, which our chars sat beneath and for which I’d cheered him. At one point, I believe he held a rose, indicating that it was for me. When we needed to part ways, he bowed. He remains one of very few WoW strangers whose char name I can’t/ won’t forget.

During the first Noblegarden event, I didn’t know to expect (Easter) egg hunting. I was elated to discover that this was the case and woke my husband to inform him, as I was that giddy about getting to collect virtual eggs.

I fished up Mr. Pinchy on my second or third cast and didn’t even know that he existed. Another WoW friend/ guild member saw that I’d gotten him and informed me of how lucky I was, as he’d been fishing for that pet for a long time.


Probably the events that lead up to me choosing my main class, priest, although I prefer to post on my rogue. The rogue is iconic.

When I originally leveled my priest back in MoP as an alt, or rather just a 4th max character, I decided on a whim that I hated priest as a whole. Sold all my gear and mailed it over to my Death Knight and deleted the character.

I was doing RBGs on my hunter with a small PVP guild on my dead, alliance favoured, realm and the strat caller was super cool, chill, and forgiving to my then noob self. He played a priest and watching him made it seemed like the class was fun. Decided to restore my priest, buy gear from a vendor in Townlong, and go off to Timeless Isle for catchup gear.

While making my rounds, I was able to kill Huolon for the first time and boom: instantly got the mount. So then to not only ride the mount, but to learn it, I had to go off on that same priest and do Cloud Serpent dailies.

Spent a lot of time on priest, enjoyed arenas as Hpriest, and even have fond memories just casually doing LFR. I credit it to mostly getting the mount on my first try. I look back on this whenever I feel like rerolling… especially now because of how garbage spriest is designed.


Damn good logic. Cant argue with that


My favorite WoW moment was day 1 of the launch. Sadly, my old account was lost to the sands of time.

My guild in DAoC was more than friends; it was a true online family. Although it was a US based guild, we had members from Asia, Russia, Australia, and the far-off land of Canadia. I learned more about people with different life experiences than I could have ever imagined thanks to my guildmates.

After years of playing DAoC together, we decided to move to WoW as DAoC was dying. We took a guild vote, and decided to roll Horde. On day 1, we all rolled new WoW characters. I chose a Tauren Hunter, as my previous DAoC class was Hunter and my favorite RPG archetype is an animal taming Ranger.

The world of WoW was truly wondrous. So much to do and see! The graphics at the time were amazing. Thunderbluff was truly one of the online wonders of the world. The olden days Barrens chat was an unrivaled experience never to be seen again. The Chuck Norris jokes were off the hook. It was frequently hilarious without the trashy tmi conversations of today’s general city chat.

I had a lot of fun running around taming rare pets. I tamed the pink Tallstrider, the white bat, and the black lion. Those days were unforgettable. I never got over a need to return to the game after my beloved DAoC guild fell apart around WotLK and I finally returned this past year.

In short, the earliest days of WoW were an experience I will never forget.

ETA: Should I win (and that’s probably unlikely as I used up my luck for the week; I’m a life-long Saints fan and we just beat Tom Brady with our 3rd string QB) I would prefer to send my Blizzard ID in-game rather than post it on the forum.

Thank you for hosting this give-away! Good luck to everyone that entered. :hugs:


Thanks OP. Little acts of kindness makes the world worth logging in to. Good luck everyone.


Is this some kind of advertisement?

No. Its just what the title says. A Sunwarmed Furline Weekend Giveaway. I will be giving away a Sunwarmed Furline to a random person in here. OP explains it all. Its a random drawing. No catch to it.

Thanks for your kind words

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