Share your DH Metamorphosis Visual Update Ideas!

Fel-Scarred as a hero talent tree seemed like a perfect opportunity to give Metamorphosis a new coat of paint or shape instead of it being simply spec-based what your form looks like. Sadly, that was missed and our visual “class fantasy” in this update is sorely lacking.

With that being said, what kinds of cool metamorphosis form designs would you like to see on your DH?

I also think it should be something we can customize like Warlock demons or Druid, Dracthyr, and Worgen forms. I realize it’s only a temporary transformation, but with this new hero tree encouraging meta uptime, it should be something fun and cool to look at with some diversity in design like these other classes get.


How about it looks like my character, instead of some generic form?

Also the Vengeance Meta should be decisively bigger than Havoc’s, since it’s the tank spec’s.


I want “demonic fly”, I want to fly like that dam lizards, make a quest or something, about the visuals I would love just be 100% demon form all day, even if it was nerfed, tou stay always on demon form but 60% efective.


We should customize our forms from the demon we killed, in lore dhs must kill a demon and eat its heart, become a living jail to the demon, the tatoos help to keep it controlled, so maybe I killed a pitlord, fel guard, wrath guard, dread Lord, fel Hunter, Observer, and the list goes on, imagine be able to look like more like a Shivara? Or with teeth and tail like a pitlord, be red like a fel hunter, just imagine.


Allowing us to customize our demon forms like the Dracthyr is the way to go. They should include some size variants, spec independent. If there is any spec variation it should be more in the design rather than the size. I would love to be able to stay in demon form, even a lesser one, all the time as well. Most importantly, let us take to the skies like a proper demon. Give us a soar equivalent and launch us with an explosive surge of demon power. I don’t think the short cooldown is even necessary for us or the Dracthyr.

Of all the wish lists among all the classes I think some of these are real possibilities. I think they will get around to us eventually.



For god’s sake. It’s so awful that even being able to have a bucket demon would be better than it is.


Flight should be 1:1 of soar, just reskinned to meta.

As far as visual changes
I’d be pretty happy with old lock meta options for the easy route or at least hairstyles to match meta.

I really want felstalker dreadlocks, claws, hooves and stuff for basic form too


This is the one class that literally has ALL the class fantasy. Why are you people constantly wanting more. Nothing else in the game does what DH do when they press buttons. stop crying already

Literally no one in here is “crying”. All I see are fair requests for some customization updates. Stop being a loser.


Yes, this! I loved that bit in the Illidan novel prior to DH’s even being released, the fantasy of having certain traits or abilities or visuals reflecting the demon your character ‘ate.’ So sad that the meta forms and any other customizations they gave us had no unique demon identity. I would love to be able to customize meta and/or regular forms to reflect certain demonic aspects. I could even see a (hero) talent node for metamorphosis being like ‘aspect of the felhunter/wrathguard/shivarra/etc’ and if you take it you get a stat buff and a visual effect change to your meta.

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Personally… I want to be able to look like Diablo from Diablo 2. Lol.

Outside of that, Id like for fel scarred to make meta my true form. Let me walk around in it so that the customization if they do add it actually matters. Because if its just a cooldown and we are only in it for a short time… like whats the point? Give us the option to be forever demon like Illidan please.

------> you can then at that point turn meta into Demonsurge and make it so it empowers us, with glowing spikes or wings… flowing flame hair or whatever else.


Just give us the demonm form that warlocks had when using meta. Its already in the game and it looks 100x better. Or even the demon form form mythic gul’dan. Its so lame how we dont have these options

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As time goes by, I imagined being almost like the moonkin ui at the barber is…
I just don’t understand why blizzard don’t complete the druid overhault forms and after start on other classes (looking at shaman enhance version)

Even if it just made me larger and shadowy with green eyes and wings out I would probably prefer that over what we have now


The model we have isn’t bad quality I just don’t feel it’s representative of my character at all


change into the giant marshmallow in ghostbusters


It’s funny because that was meant to be Vengeance but still doesn’t look nowhere as close.

I’m STILL hoping that one day they make DH wings visible at all times.

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deathknight though.

Blizzard is a billion dollar company selling $90+ mounts to people… I think they can afford to give the people making them beyond rich a little love in the customization department. So no need for the hostility, it doesn’t hurt to want more from a game you love and pay for monthly.