I recently started leveling a new alt with my husband and I just noticed that we’re unable to share quests. When I attempt to share a quest I’ll get the usual “Sharing quest with XXX…” line in chat, but nothing comes up for him. We’ve since tried sharing quests on multiple characters and each time the same thing happens.
I’m seeing the same thing. Extra weird: If you listen to the sound on the person who is supposed to be receiving the quest, the sound for “open a new quest” is played, but nothing shows up on their screen.
Confirming this. Tested now with 2 different people and seeing this happen about 70% of the time. They can go pick the quest up, but when I share a quest it looks normal, but it never pops up on their screen. The same is true if they attempt to share a quest with me.
I ran into the same thing yesterday leveling with my brother and his friend, I would try to share the quest and he wasn’t seeing them pop up
This has been happening to me for a couple weeks now. Cant share quests or receive shared quests. It always says “that person is busy” or to the person sharing to me the same.
Still occurring in Jan 2019. Did anyone find a solution?
Have the same issue
This is happening to us also. I get the quests my husband is sharing with me, but the ones I try to share with him won’t go through. The sound happens, but nothing is showing on his screen.
Happening to us as well. WTB Blue post pls
Still happening effective 2/22/19. Be nice if you guys fixed bugs once in a while.
Happened today for me as well. No addons on. This is a base game bug.
This still happens to me, and has been happening for 2 months atleast
Still happening for my guildmates and I. It’s been months.
This is still occurring for myself and many of my guildmates as well.
Same for me. Trying to share, nothing comes up for them. Super frustrating D:
Still broken for us today trying to share the Stromgarde warfront quest.
Still bugged as of today, still can’t share quests. Even with both of us having all of our mods disabled.
Here as well. Couldn’t share but could hear the sound.
Happening to me and my daughter’s too. I just bought the game for them and quest sharing isn’t working.
I think I have the solution to this problem. This has been an annoyance lately and today I finally got fed up with not being able to share quests with my husband. Tried disabling add-ons to no avail. I realized that I could see the quests he shared, just not vice versa, which meant it had to be a game setting.
It appears that, when enabled, the raid and battleground settings option hides the quest sharing pop up. While this makes sense for avoiding disruptions while raiding, there really should be some tooltip that lets you know that it does this. We unchecked raid and battleground settings for the affected character and bam, quest window pops right up again.
For those who might not know where to find the setting:
In the game menu go to system. On the main screen that opens up, right above the graphics quality slider bar, there is a check box for “raid and battleground settings.” If it is checked, uncheck it and hopefully that will resolve the issue for others as well.