We both tried unchecking Raid and Battleground settings then reloading. no success. Anyone else still having this issue?
Same Issue here in June still and no employee has addressed it.
It’s June in 2019, and I’ve been having this problem for months with a nearby friend I play WoW with too. Been extremely frustrating and I can’t figure out how to fix it or what’s causing it.
Still happening on my end too! Haven’t played since Pandaria… but started playing with my wife again a little while ago and it’s a pain in the butt when questing with a friend who is less than two feet away, but you can’t share a freaking quest. I have no idea how Blizzard can let this problem go unresolved for SO LONG!!!
Actually, my wife just shared a quest with me while we were flying and it showed up, after about 20 seconds, right as I crossed zone boundaries…
Bump, having this same problem where I can’t see the quest popup when my wife shares quests on her end. She can see when I share quests with her
@Blizzzard can we get some help here? We’ve all been dealing with this for half a year at this point. Really inconvenient tying to form questing groups and such.