Share a Noob moment you had. Mount Giveaway Over

I am on my toon now. Make a lvl 1 on Stormrage Alliance and message me so you can get my Btag and well work something out and thank you very much

Awesome, grats Maizou!

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Grats Maizou :heart_eyes:

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Congratulations, Maizou!


Well that was unexpected o_o

Unfortunately, I just woke up, and it’s 12 PM PST, so you probably aren’t around still hhaah. I’ll be around tonight though. :slight_smile:

If I’m not on Maizou, I’ll likely be on my Priest, Umbrie. Same realm.


Yay! Congrats Maizou! :clap: :clap:

I didn’t have any trouble connecting with Grimoire in game (though my windows were acting up and I couldn’t tab out for some reason). In any case, you shouldn’t have any trouble collecting your mount and getting your picture taken for posterity. :+1:


Maizou has the Mount!
Congratulations again!


Thank you. <3 Here’s a pic from Bastion.


Love that Pic! Good job!

Enjoy it! Ill probably do another one of these around xmas

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If I had the money, I’d host the Phoenix for Thanksgiving :joy:


Love seeing something positive about the game and it’s players.

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Earlier in the expansion I must have thrown away a dozen tasty mawshrooms, cursing them for having no sell price.


Keep an eye out I will do another around Xmas. Some community members have volunteered to pitch in!


I always, always, always eventually end up flying my mount from IF to SW…or some other random long distance–and completely forget that I’m a mage and have teleportation.


Every time I jump off a edge and forget to dismiss my pets.


When i started playing wow in BC i rolled on a rp server because i had just come from runescape where if you got killed in pvp you lost all your items so I was really afraid of pvp combat in wow (ironic, considering it ended up being my entire endgame).

So i’m level 20 something, exploring ashenvale for the first time, accidentally walk into a horde town and get flagged. I see a horde hunter come towards me and i hide in the river and go all the way to the bottom hoping it’ll hide me- it didn’t. That was my first death and pvp initiation. From that moment on i discovered the warsong gulch battlemaster and that was that, no pve ever

I know the contest is over but this was a very big turning point for me in wow :joy: definitely embarrassed that i thought being in the water would hide me


From a hunter, no less. :laughing: Thanks for sharing!


My noob moment what when I was leveling a rogue when I first started.

I didn’t buy the spell “kick” because I didn’t see why I would spend money on an ability that did no damage.

It’s been a long road from there to here lol


When I first saw the Icebound Frostbrood Vanquisher, someone was showing it off at the Dal flight path and I assumed THAT was the mount the lich king dropped and I had that stuck in my head for a long time. Way later on I needed gold and guilies were talking about how much they made soloing ICC and I started doing it too.

And after doing that somewhere between 20 and 40 times, Invincible dropped and one person in guild said “grats” and I looked at a pic of it thought “Oh that must be the lich kings horse, everyone prolly gets that”. It was a few days before I even summoned it.


Only noob moment I can think of atm…

Is for how long it took me to realize Rebuke was an interrupt, not some sort of ranged spell. Probably took me 3 tries at leveling a paladin before, I did the logical thing and just read the description of it. :sweat_smile:

Idk what made me think, it was a ranged cast of some sort… but I honestly thought it was useless for a while there.