Share a Noob moment you had. Mount Giveaway Over

That’s so sweet. I have a special place in my heart for real life couples who play WoW together, some of which even met each other through the game.

You’re a dear. I enjoy seeing how much you enjoy this.

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Just my way of trying to give something back to the community. Im just shocked more people are not responding to this thread.

I mean it’s a free mount and all they have to do is Shara a noob moment they’ve had. We have 83 responses but over 1K people have viewed this thread I just don’t get it

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I believe that even for those who choose not to participate in your giveaways, they still notice in a positive way and are encouraged by what you’re doing.

It’s like that with a lot of people in scenarios like this. They’ll notice the benevolent gesture and feel good about it, but just choose not to get involved.

Make no mistake, what you’re doing has a positive effect on those in the forums. Don’t doubt it for a moment.

Continue to feel good about what you’ve done. :heartpulse:


I have so many (and still do) that it’s hard to pick just one. But I’ll go with swimming. I could not figure out for the life of me how to go back up if I sank or go down if I floated when I got in the water.

I was in vanilla Darkshore trying to do the sunken treasure in the boats quest, and I died so many times without ever getting the treasure that it was ridiculous. I’m too stubborn for my own good, but I eventually gave up and swore to henceforth avoid the water at all costs. The funniest part was that my son eventually explained swimming to me when he asked me to help him with an underwater quest. :woman_facepalming:t2:


:clock10: Time Left



And the thread gets buried sometimes so it’s hard to get to I can imagine or spot. I still feel OP should feel good for putting in some positive vibes into the community.

Good luck to everyone who participated and may RNG be on your side :smiling_imp:

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Let me guess sign up on third party website. You play from India yes?

THAT WAS 2H AGO!!! -hype-

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My first character I made was a tauren warrior in Vanilla WoW. I thought Mulgore zone was the entirety of the game and stayed there for two weeks! :joy:

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I’ll say that failing to realize that the warlords lfr was not supposed to be the same as raiding, since that was the expansion where they removed all the cool items from lfr. It was either that or thinking that warlords disc priest was a good spec to learn dungeon healing on

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I didn’t know what LFG was until about year into playing WoW in 2008. Lol. I just pretended.

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I didn’t know about the auction house for like the first year I played. All the silk I could’ve sold for a premium on the auction house I vendored…


Drawing will be done in 2-5min. About to do it. and no it ended at 12:00 noon EST

15min ago


Maizou has won!

Maizou your name was drawn at random out of all the people who replied on here
Im secretly glad an ally won this time. Last time it was Horde

Maizou please reply within 24hours. I will be around till 3pm EST today watching this thread like a hawk. Please reply to this comment and Quote me so I know you replied. I will meet up with you in game to add you to battletag and get the mount to you

I work third shift so if I dont see a response by 3pm EST I will be back on late tonight around 11pm EST and will check then




Sweet mount.



Congrats Maizou!

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Grats Maizou!

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Wooo another great event!

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Do you have discord? I kinda wanna donate some so your december prize (or prizes?) can be epic?

Imagine being able to give away that delicious warpstalker from the TBC Classsic pack. @3@