Share a Noob moment you had. Mount Giveaway Over

Way back in the olden days (i.e. Vanilla), I:

  1. deleted my first toon because I died in the NE start zone and couldn’t get back to my body.
  2. Moused over targets to try and “headshot” them.
  3. Never did figure out why I couldn’t train new skills with lots of practice.
  4. Was at level 30-40 in STV before I learned what a talent tree was.

And yes, this was all on a hunter!


Even if I don’t participate, I want to say anyway:

Back then I was leveling my Druid (first character) and I was on a guild. Everyone was talking actively, having fun and all while I was on Desolace.

Then, I go to the mailbox for the first time and find the Hearthsteed and I am like “woa, such a cool mount.” and get it.

The thing is, that I thought this was a lost mount of the guild for some reason, and I started to ask in guild if someone lost a mount to whisper me because I had it in my bag as I found it on the mail. Mail I though twas shared with the guild for some unknown reason.

When I asked that, everyone went silent. So I equiped the mount and was like “well, nobody wants it.”

Until I learned, a little time after, that this is my personal mail and the silence were likely people laughing.


Oh god, that reminded me of another noob moment I had.

So, you know how some class spells share the same icon? Yea. They need to change that. This was, I wanna say back in Cata or so, as it was my dwarf paladin.

I had been playing my priest for probably 2 months straight. I got bored and decided to hop on my paladin. On a whim, I decided to go kill the vault in wintergrasp for a chance at the mount.

I get dismounted over it, obviously. So naturally, being the priest I clearly am because that’s what I’ve been playing for 2 months… I hit Levitate.

Needless to say, when I realized I was on my paladin and I hit Lay on Hands, I had nothing I could do but watch in terror as my paladin went WEEEEEEEE SPLAT.


Yeah, some icons are too similar or just recolored.


:rofl: Very relatable. (I often forget my skills when I switch to a lesser-played alt.) Is the part where you forgot about bubble just implied?


Can’t bubble after lay on hands, both give you the forbearance debuff D:

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Ah, the good old DK falling strategy.


On this hunter back in Vanilla - been playing like 2-3 days, just landed in Darkshore. No idea what factions were all about yet.

All I knew is that I could tame pets!

So imagine my enthusiasm when I see a HORNED KITTEH run by me on the road!

I chased that horned kitty all over darkshore, desperately spamming “Tame Beast” every time it stopped.

Now imagine my shame when after 20 minutes of this I finally figure out it was a tauren druid in cat form…


many many noob moments, still to this day :slight_smile: one that haunts me is during an AV bg. hunter was the first toon i attempted bgs on. i had tried to read up before entering so i’d at least have a vague idea of what was going on in the varying instances. so AV it is:
someone mentioned turtling in a roundabout way, i didn’t really catch it all as i was furiously trying to stay alive so i ran somewhere to hide and then foolishly i asked “so you want all hunters to use their turtle shell when?”. i’m still bowing my head in shame however the player that had kinda taken lead was very nice, didn’t laugh or scoff at me but instead explained what a turtle was in regard to bgs. i’m sure there were many snickers albeit silent ones or perhaps whispers of NOOB however nothing in the instance chat which is surprising looking back. thank you to the fine members of that AV who didn’t laugh at me or kick me :stuck_out_tongue:


Ah. My bad.

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I have several. They all happened during Vanilla.

[Spec? What’s that?] One that never leaves my memory is a time when I was trying to get into a group for Zul’Farrak. This was before group finder so getting into a group was a challenge. I was finally able to get into a group and the player that invited me asked me what spec I was. I geniunely didn’t understand the question. I guess he proceeded to “inspect” me and saw that I was not in any kind of recognizeable spec as I had talent points scattered everywhere. You see I had no concept of specs at the time so I just picked whatever spell/ability sounded cool to me whenever I got a talent point. Well, this guy promptly removed me from the group without even saying anything. That was the day I learned that specs matter.

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[Horrible Tank!] I was in a group for Strathome once, as a warrior. I didn’t really grasp the concept of tanks at the time and the tank for the group left before we even got started. So someone asked, “Who’s gonna tank now?”. Well thinking that I was wearing plate so I must be pretty hardy, I volunteered. I wasn’t too aware of specs either so I just started attacking mobs just as I normally would. I wasn’t in tank spec, not in defensive stance and I didn’t even have a sword and board equipped. Of course, I got creamed and we wiped immediately. One of the other players said “Horrible tank!” and rage quit. Another just LOL’d at the situation. I just shrugged because I didn’t know what I did wrong.


Back in Vanilla my older brothers had a 49 twink guild. I was a youngster back then and I was leveling up a rogue. I didn’t want to feel left out, so they invited me to their guild. When I was around level 49 (I originally wanted to finish my journey to 60 because it was cool back then!) they wanted me to stop to experience some twink BGs with them. Needless to say, their guild was popular in the 49 twink bracket and made a name for themselves. My rogue? Let’s say say he wasn’t a twink. In fact, I was far from it. To this day, my brothers will recall the moment I got flamed in BGs as I was the worst rogue Azeroth had ever seen, sporting greens and daggers with spirit. Everyone wondered why I was in one of the best 49 twink guilds.

I can admit I didn’t do a good job representing the guild and for sure was a noob moment I’ll never forget.

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My god we resurrected a really old thread didnt we? lol

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IK this is closed and a necro but still a fun read (some reminded me of my own). I like to share my favorites (but just quoting the poster and not the text, to avoid stretching pages. You can expand or go directly to the post of the quote, to read it, though), before I tell my noob moment:

My noob moments:

A mix between these two.

I began in BC and created a Nelf Druid. My belated friend (RIP) who introduced me to this game, showed me the teleporter in Darnassus and said “teleporters that look kind of like this requires a group and should only go through it with a group”.

What she meant were dungeon portals, but I took it literally. I thought ALL portals lead me to dungeons!

So, I was stuck on Teldrassil for a LONG time and thought dying was the only way out. 'Cause you can jump off of Teldrassil and was stuck. And ended up hearthing back to where I started, until my friend explained that the Darnassus portal I don’t need a group for.

The differences between dungeon and non-dungeon portals xD

This reminds me when I accidentally hit the RP walk button and thought my game was broken LOL

Until my belated friend (RIP) told me how to fix it.

Guilty :sob:

I have to just “reply” 'cause your story reminds me of the phased Booty Bay quest, that has the Bloodsail Buccaneers attacking Booty Bay. Well, this quest is great to help you with “the Insane” title, right? There are times I forget that’s in my log and wonder why the Goblins are attacking me lol

I haven’t been able to step foot in Goblin terrority for YEARS, now LOL

[Level 60 RAWR] Well, well. You finally reached level cap, huh? I guess you think you’re hot stuff, don’t you? Yeah, I did. My dumb a$$ went out to the Hinterlands and tried to solo a world boss. You know that green dragon that used to spawn in Seradane? It makes me laugh because I really thought that just because I was level 60 I could take on anybody. Never mind the fact that I was still wearing greens and haven’t stepped foot inside a raid for optimal gear. No, just being level 60 is enough to solo a world boss. Noob supreme.

[Behind the Curve] It took me a couple of expansions to learn that once a new expansion is released, everything that came before it is rendered obsolete and pointless. That’s not exactly true nowadays with transmogs, achievements and such but back then, it was certainly the case. I leveled my first 60 toon several months after Burning Crusade was already out. My dumb a$$ thought “Hey, I still want to do end-game stuff like Light’s Hope Chapel and Silithus.” Little did I know that NOBODY was doing that stuff and everyone was in Outland. I eventually did go to Outland but it took me months to figure out that end-game Vanilla content was dead. When Lich King was released, I just got my first 70 leveled up about 2 weeks before. I distinctly remember asking in trade chat “Are people still doing Karazhan?” to which I got a response: “Hell no!”. Late to the party again. I did start doing some of the attunement for Karazhan but once I got the Lich King expansion a few weeks later, I was off to Northrend and I left it all behind. With Cata and thereafter, I was always there on day one of a new expansion.

Someone’s playing Diablo around here cause they’re a necromancer.