Share a Noob moment you had. Mount Giveaway Over

Thanks for doing this!

My entry is: Accidentally pulling Maut while setting up a macro and then disengaging off the cliff instead of pressing feign death :laughing:


First, let me say this is really awesome of you and it’s fun to read all the noob stories!

I’ve been playing since 2005, so I have many noob moments to choose from, but the one that stands out to me most is from way back in those early days. My very first duel. I was on this shaman and was challenged by an alliance rogue. So the duel begins and I start placing totems. I see the rogue pop out and I start spamming buttons, yet none of my spells are doing anything. After several seconds of frustration, I realize the duel was already long over, as the rogue had 1-shot me before I ever really saw him. Turns out, the rogue was in full Molten Core gear while I was like level 50 and wearing greens. But as a complete noob, I didn’t recognize the gear! To make it all the worse, there were at least 30 people from both factions gathered round to watch this very short duel.



i can remember my first “noob moment”

was out levelling and went into a tunnel. there were a few npcs there handing out quests so i got them and moved on into the cave. the first pack of mods ripped my butt a new one. i didnt know why caz the mods out side the cave were easy enough to kill. after a day of dying and rapiring my amour i find out that what i had stumbled into was a “dungeon” and its not suppose to be soloable by a under lev and under gear noob like myself

i still lol at that anytime im leving a new toon and i get send there in dugg finder, lol


On this character , Looonnngg ago. I joined a random group of Hordie’s outside the entrance to Wailing Caverns. Following the group through that maze and not clearing that STUPID jump near the end at least 8 times. Healer that rezzed me asked if I knew what the space bar did? "So that is how you jump, Thank you! " I replied. Then to top it off on the final boss I need rolled on his/her intellect weapon and won /cry.


So, in retrospect it’s pretty simple. But it’s a memory that’s stuck out in my head since it happened.

I’ve played from launch. Anyone who played back then knows you had to eat constantly because your health would fall so much. Well, me being me, since it wasn’t started, just used items as I had them.

It wasn’t until I tried my first horde character, a forsaken mage, where I had just killed a bunch of humans near shadow fang keep, was low on both health and mana. This was around burning crusade, maybe wrath?

Well, I sat to drink and my mana restored. Then, instinctively, I clicked my food to eat. When normally I would jump up and start it, assuming you couldn’t use another item while you were eating or drinking.

Imagine my surprise when my drink buff didn’t go away.

I played for YEARS without knowing you could eat and drink at the same time. Like. Literal years. It was never explained in the game. To this game it still sticks out as a time I facepalmed at myself.

BONUS: One of the biggest cringe moments I remember ever having. I was doing Lei Shen in Throne of Thunder as a mistweaver monk. The other healers are all dead. No battle resses left. We finally got him to the last phase. He’s at like 15%.

Something comes on the ground or something I need to avoid. What do I do? I roll of course.

…directly off the platform cause I forgot to hold backwards so I’d roll back instead of forward. Cue everyone on ventrilo screaming in confusion as their last healer rolls off the platform to their death.


My nub event happened in Burning Crusade, I was on my Warlock(my first ever and still favorite) in Shattarath.

I was at the footpath out of town from the Lower City area and I saw a magnificent Black Lion walking back and forth!

After some moments of thinking and looking, I decided I could take it. So I put my curses out and started to spam Shadowbolt.

But before I could get one Shadowbolt cast off, I was dead.

After rezzing and trying again a few times, I finally looked at the combat log only to realize it was a Night Elf Hunter that had tricked me into thinking it’s pet was a rare mob!!!

As soon as I attacked his pet it flagged me for PvP and he was killing me!

I got got.


Happens to the best of us


Using path of frost when we had the mount equipment for water walking on my DK

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jumping from the platform to the water below in underbog only to realize the dk in the group has frozen the surface with path of frost. people are splatting on it as they drop, and me, the wisest of mages, forgot i could cast slow fall while falling.

joined a razorfen group as pally healer. i notice the rogue has positioned himself on a hut roof and is attempting to throw darts at the mobs at the top of the spiral of thorns. i panic! look at my bar and decide to use blessing of sacrifice on the tank, just as the giant train of mobs arrive. it puts a bubble on the tank that stops him from doing anything for several seconds and kills me, the healer. so embarrassing lol



No matter what you do as long as you dont attempt ludicrous speed its not gonna be that big of a noob move :rofl:


i can just imagine the tank standing there, stuck in that bubble and calling me a few choice words as the mobs mowed down the group. lol he was the only survivor lol


Raffle Ends in

:two: :four:

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very noob moment = i started an undead priest and was killing spiders until one bit me and i died;
i started crying in real life because i thought other people could see me thru the monitor. yes, i was that noob thinking i could be seen thru the internet :stuck_out_tongue: my son straighten me out :slight_smile:


Oh wow, it ends on my birthday! Wait, my birthday is tomorrow!? Time flew this month…

So many times I felt like a total noob. The one that sticks out the most to me, and one of the funniest, is when I was on The Imposter quest.

I had accepted The Imposter quest, and when I had arrived at Stormwind, I quickly realized that I was in the actual Stormwind and not a separate instance. So of course, I ran around killing NPCs and tried to attack Anduin. I knew I wouldn’t succeed, but still, I had to try…

It was late and I was lagging, so I thought it would be best to log out at the inn in Goldshire where I wasn’t hated.

The next day, I logged on and noticed I had mail. It was the items I had listed in the Auction House. I was feeling lazy and decided to just use the Flight Master to fly to Stormwind auction house. Right after I accepted the flight, I quickly remembered that I’m now hated in Stormwind. If we could jump from the mount mid-flight, I would’ve. When I landed, I quickly vanished and jumped in the water to get out of Stormwind.

As I swam towards the gates of Stormwind, I noticed a fisherman. He was all by himself and there weren’t any guards near him… So I killed him!

Then guards suddenly appeared out of thin air and crap, my Vanish was still on cool down. I know, how stupid of me to not wait for Vanish to go off of cool down. So I took off for the gates of Stormwind and attracted even more guards…

I actually did make it out of Stormwind alive, but it took a few seconds for the guards to go from hating my guts to being friendly towards me, and they killed me just outside the gates. I was so embarrassed.

Then I found out on WoWhead that while on this quest, there’s a wanted poster with my name on it. So of course I had to find it. I found it and as I stood there admiring it and taking screenshots, one of the officers detected me and killed me. To this day, whenever I notice Officer Brady, I use /rude and /slap him.

I was actually on this quest for several months. I wanted to earn the title “the Insane,” get the Stinkrot Smashers, return and slap Anduin around with a couple of fish while wearing the Wooly Wendigo pjs. Wish I had gotten a screenshot of that.

I eventually completed this quest, but I do kind of miss being hated in Stormwind.

EDIT: Adding screenshot of my wanted poster.

Found some more screenshots.

In this one, I couldn’t resist killing a player who had gone AFK while warmode was on. My apologies to them.

Made it out alive that time.


I did the same thing during my first dungeon back in vanilla. Good ol Wailing Caverns…

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I think I’ve told the story of me falling off the tree in the night elf starter area and waiting out the rez timer cause I didn’t know what “release spirit” did about a million times, so, this time I’m going with the great stealth adventure of Dustwallow Marsh.

So my husband and I played liked crazy together in vanilla. He had already been playing a few months when I finally signed up, so while everything was new to me he was already somewhat familiar. One thing I always loved was just the exploration of zones, so on this particular day, I had chosen for us to hoof it to Dustwallow Marsh and see what was going down over there.

We finally finish walking there (no mounts yet kids, you had to be level 40 and it took a while to get there and have gold), he on his night elf rogue, me on my night elf druid. So we cross the border and it comes up… HORDE TERRITORY. I’m like (!) we shouldn’t be here this is HORDE TERRITORY. Husband’s like it’s fine we’ll be ok. Me, being scared, suggests we both stealth… so as to not be seen by the vicious horde players!

So he does it with me, and we walk all over the whole zone, stealthed. It took forever. But it was worth it as we didn’t have to fight and neither of us died in this super dangerous Horde only area!

Years later I bring this up and I ask him… “do you remember that day?” “yes” “stealthing did absolutely nothing for us did it?” “…it did not, no” "then why did you let me do it? why did you do it? " “it seemed to make you happy :man_shrugging:t2:

The absolute best part of this story? We were on a PvE server and safe from being killed by players anyway :slight_smile:


I think we all did

Time Left

:one: :two:


Bumping to so more folks see it and have a chance to win. It ends today!