Share a Noob moment you had. Mount Giveaway Over

Grimoire the Generous!

Let’s see… Noob moment… I dove into WoW blind, invited to play by my Canadian friend. (I’m from Europe) She offered to buy the game for me as well as 3 months of game time. She really wanted that referral kitty mount. After establishing I had no severe lag from playing from across the pond, all was orchestrated!

Because of the timezone thing, I dabbed around a lot on my own, figuring out the game ect. Not bad at all. But I still had no idea what PVP was… And I was invited to a PVP server.
I found out… on Hellfire Pen…
Noob moment 1?

In the weekend while playing with my friend, she often dragged me through raids and dungeons for shinies. First time ever in Mogu Vaults. Get all sorts of nice mogs.

Elegon’s mount drops for me. Oh… is that one of those Chinese dragons? Nah… Nah I don’t want it. I get nauseous from how those fly. You have it.

I never knew how rare that was back then, he hasn’t dropped again for me since. Noob moment 2!


Thats very generous of you, well done.

My greatest noob moment was literally when I was a noob. The friends who got me into the game took me to Undercity so I quest in the area and had me make my hearthstone there, having ported me via their mage. They then left me to log out.

Problem was, nobody told me how to get out. I searched for an hour trying to find the door. I was too embarassed to ask in chat because, reasons. Eventually after running into one of those alcoves for the upteenth time, the door happened to open and I realised it was an elevator.

I never let them forget it. It was along the lines of “assume I’m an idiot and tell me EVERYTHING!”



Thank you very much for your kind words and glad to see you here participating

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when I was a young player (level 14 or 40 or something on my alliance hunter) I didnt know anyone ingame, had no idea how to play. I was questing inside a cave and a horde stealthed rogue came out of a cavern, s/he was lower level than I was and I think I one shot him/her. When I realised it was an actual player I sat beside his/her body for about 10mins so I could apologise for accidently killing them. I felt so bad, but I had to leave to go offline but when I came back I checked to see if their body was still there - really I had no idea :joy:


OH I remember another noob thing!

After that PVP disaster… I rerolled on a normal realm as a blood DK Gnome. Cause that combo is just too hilarious. It was the end of legion and I was having a whole lot of fun! But questing ended up telling me to go kill Argus. Ok then. I queue for LFR Argus.
…I didnt know what tanking was, that specs are bound to a role. I just clicked DPS. I did dungeons that way too and people often found it hilarious, making dungeons a cakeroll. So like, whatever.
My raid won without much wipes, as far as I recall. But I didn’t tank. I just hit buttons to kill the thing. Mechanics I didn’t understand either, I just followed instructions and such.

I feel SO sorry for the other tanks in that fight. XD


If you truly wish to not be considered that is of course your prerogative however please do not forget you can go through this thread and select someone to win in your place. Why not give someone a bonus roll?

Doing this is covered in more detail in my FAQ


We have Hit the
:four: :eight:
Hour Mark

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When I first started I didn’t know other players were there, I was young and just started playing so I thought they were all just special monsters. So I see a undead rogue while I was leveling, so they had a skull for their level, and I just thought “Yeah I can take this guy.” So I walk up and start hitting him and they vanish… So I thought I killed him so I was just like “yeah that was easy” and ran away.

Turns out, I didn’t kill him, and he one shotted and teabagged me a few seconds later.


One of my biggest noob moments actually happened for years and I still think about it from time to time.
I posted in the previous giveaway about me and my brother playing together in the before time, in the long long ago.
So on to the noob moment - I didn’t discover shift-click buying until early WotLK. I thought it was so great and I went and told my brother about it, thinking it was this new and amazing addition. He replies(paraphrasing) “Yeah, you could always do that. I thought you knew about it.” One of those real headdesk moments.

My runner-up moment would probably be running Heroic Auchindoun with him and a few rl friends. It was a group-wide noob moment. We were on the bridge area with the exploding spirits. We must have had at least a dozen deaths getting across. It got to the point we were laughing hysterically as we took turns, unintentionally, getting thrown to our deaths. I was the tank, on my Druid, so it was probably 90% my fault at first but then it just reached the point of absurdity. Probably set a record for most deaths from those things…


My funniest noob moment…hmmmm
well…all I can think of is when I started, I had never once played a game like this…and I could not for the life of me get my hands & mouse to cooperate with me long enough to make my poor warrior move forward…or backward…she died so many times in the starting zone…just sad…poor thing. The number of times I must have yelled, JUST MOVE!! WTH is wrong with you…lolol
This lasted quite a while…
and figuring out how to ‘quest’…good grief…She just died & died …over & over again, for…at least a month. LOL
I feel like such a dummy, now when I look back at it all. It’s comical…
didnt know about heirlooms, until l AFTER I had maxed her lvl out…
SOOO many things lol
stupid merlocs…


I came from EQ where if you die, you lose experience. On my first day in WoW I died a few times and was perplexed as to why my xp bar wasn’t decreasing. I whispered a random higher level character and asked “hey, when you die, is there a penalty?” and the response was basically “Naah, not till after level 10” (or something close to that) I thanked the person and they ended up tracking me down, giving me a few bags and a couple of coins and wished me luck.
Flash forward to the next day. I’m now level 12. I die. I lose no experience. hmmm. I die again. I lose no experience. After the 3rd time, I check “who (nice person from the day before)” and YAY! They’re online! So I whisper “hey, I’m still not getting any penalties when I die, any idea why?” And I get the reply of “LOLz HaX0rz!”
For some weird reason I go into panic mode. I don’t want to get into trouble so I put in a ticket and “turn myself in”
When the GM answered me and I explained that I know it sounds like I’m lying but I’m not using any hacks and I have no idea why I’m not losing experience when I die and please Dear GOD don’t ban me! It was a good 90 seconds before I got the reply of “In World of Warcraft, you do not lose experience points on death.”
I sat there staring at my screen for a second and then asked “Are you SURE?”
Response: "It’s my job to be sure : ) "

I felt so dumb :flushed:


Thank you OP for doing positive, community-driven threads like this. Rock on!


I love this.


Oh. In that case, if by some bizarre coincidence I should win again, give it to Gaahr. (He often gives me a chuckle, and his noob story was very relatable.)


Best one I can remember was using Ariana’s Feather beneath a rock ledge.
Shot up into the air, slammed into the ledge and back to the ground. It was a really quick trip.
Not sure if it was slamming into the ledge or the resultant fall damage that killed me. Probably a bit of both.
Dead. VERY dead.

I haven’t done THAT since - LOL!


funniest noob moment, came sadly, far after i was a noob. I hit E instead of W and ran my butt off a cliff in northrend, falling to my death. xD

Im so old, i remember when you had to be max level to even buy heirlooms to send to alts, and they were not copyable. You had one, you had to remember which alt it was on!


I’m pretty sure I had a few heirlooms disappear in the mail because of that. I’d mail it from one alt that didn’t need it anymore to a fresh alt and then get bored of both and never remember to grab it out of the mail on either.


Pretty sure most of us did. Thats why they made it impossible to delete a toon with mail.

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I think my biggest noob moment was during Warlords, and the infamous “Selfie Cam” patch.

The guild I was with at the time wasn’t raiding Blackrock Foundary for some reason, so I resorted to pugging to get into it. I should be VERY clear on this, I was still an absolute total noob when it came to raiding. Highmaul was my first ever raid, and I was just excited to see the new raid.

While in the raid, the raid leader got frustrated for one reason or another, and jumped ship. I was automatically made the raid lead.

Now, did I do the sensible thing, and pass raid lead off to someone who actually knew what they were doing? Of COURSE not. I thought to myself “eh, raid leading can’t be THAT hard, I’ll do it myself!”.

I had no idea what the boss mechanics were. I had no idea how to use the raid lead frame. Hell, I think we might have been running with one tank. I just thought we could get through this with pluck and a good attitude.

We fought every first boss of every wing with that group, and had exactly zero kills, zero progress, and me feeling like a complete dolt.

And that was the spectacular rise and fall of Leisurelee, the raid lead.


Thank you for your kind words and thanks for participating

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