Share a Noob moment you had. Mount Giveaway Over

Seriously? I’m a 2005 starter myself!


Hmm we gotta get this thread going.


I know its almost like people dont want free stuff. All they have to do is share a funny noob moment. Last time it took an entire day for the thread to start jumping with replies. I dont get it.

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Everyone just wants to complain about the 9.2 reveal it seems.


In MoP when I started, spent the first quarter of a dungeon rolling need for EVERYTHING… because I obviously didn’t want to be greedy!! Had no clue about the difference and just thought greed to be a bad word.
Got called out. Luckily they understood. Didn’t roll on anything for the rest of the run.


as a noob in BC, i installed the game, and somehow the camera angle was from right above my toon. didnt think there was any option, hated it, so i uninstalled. my coworkers had to tell me how to fix it. doh! playing 15 years since lol


Im curious to see if the ALT F4 joke ever snagged anyone in that era

Random Player: How do I open all my bags at once?
Random Responder: ALT F4


My funniest noob moment came in Shadowlands even though I’ve been playing since Lich King. I was so excited for that new item they added in crafting that boosts the ilvl of the legendary item by 2 ranks. I worked and saved up all my gold amongst my characters to get all the mats like the crystals. Keep in mind this was when those crystals were thousands of gold. Finally had enough gold and made it. Then I couldn’t figure out how to use it. Turns out it only increases the ilvl of a legendary you’re creating…. It’s funnier that I put in a support ticket and they said we can’t help noobs like you or something along those lines. Shame, shame, shame… I know I know.


I’m not entering for a mount (I already won one!) but I wanted to share my noobiest noob moment.

This happened on my druid, when Blizz first started with cross-realm sharding and such. Often times there were issues when crossing into new zones. Sometimes your mount would disappear or other such weirdness would occur. I was playing with my sister, flying her around on my Sandstone Drake. Maybe we were collecting holiday stuff–I don’t really remember.

We crossed into a new zone, and my drake disappeared. My sister’s character got a parachute, but mine just fell from the sky. She fell, and fell, and fell. To her death.

A druid.



When I started wow I had many noob moments but I would have to say my biggest was when I was leveling in barrens on my horde orc warrior. Had to do that escort quest that took you from the keep to Rachet. I used my gun for everything as at the times warriors could use guns and shoot at the enemy npcs but never decided to go into any other attacks aside shooting. The gun did so little damage i was like “WTF this gun sucks warriors suck”

To which my friend told me: You are not a hunter, You don’t use guns as your primary weapon…have…have you been using a gun to take down every enemy?

To which I said…uh…n…no not at all…Guns are for pulling not for slaying. LOL


Do it on monday instead when the mounts will probably be on sale for the anniversary. No sense in you being more generous than you have to be. :slightly_smiling_face:


My biggest noob moment will forever be something I did within like the first hour of my gameplay of having WoW at all. Rolled a Troll, because master race, and got through to the second quest hub on the shore that eventually sends you to the Echo Isles. Well, the water of all things F’d me up. Just normal water.

Some quest had you kill crabs, and a couple were under water. Now, I didn’t right-click to move, I only used WASD. I didn’t know you even could right-click to move. So, I don’t know if I accidentally right-clicked to angle my camera at some point, or if Charge had odd effects when the Charge angle ends up being downward (in the water), but I got stuck only being able to swim at a downward angle. At first I managed with this by swimming back towards the shore, and the slope of the shore would just push me back up over the water.

Kill one crab, swim back up the shore. Kill another crab, swim all the way back up the shore again. At least I didn’t drown.

Well, at some point I got much more of a vertical angle, down of course, and could not get out of the water. I either didn’t have enough horizontal movement to that angle to get out fast enough, or I just got stuck swimming into the ground.

So I did drown. I ran back, rezzed (which does not change your movement angle), and died again not being able to get out. I put in a whole ticket about swimming being “broken.” I vaguely remember getting a GM chat while I was trying in vain to swim out again, but I couldn’t tell you the details at this point. But they did help.

So yeah, my dumbass couldn’t swim.


In all fairness it won’t be going on sale anytime soon this is not a recent anniversary the 15th anniversary was quite a bit ago

However if they did a 50% off sale this weekend or something like that I would be giving away two mounts instead of one but like I said these are from the 15th anniversary and it’s been a bit. I have just always liked them and I thought it was a really good choice for my second Mount giveaway


i was kind of experienced in video games and had played everquest before playing WoW, so I don’t have too many newbie moments although I am a horrible underachiever failure I guess. When I started I hoped priests could wear leather armor, maybe by leveling up, but they couldn’t lol. Luckily that focused will keeps them alive pretty well against melee and power word shield and heals and all that.

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Yes. All the time. Can’t tell you how many people fell for it twice not actually realising that the keys they pressed were a command code, and it wasn’t just a coincidence.

“Sorry about that! My game crashed. What was that open bag button again?”
Presses ALT+F4

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It’s a three week anniversary event period from 11-15 to 12-6. I think it’s likely they will run a sale also, probably 30% off like before.

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I’m sure this is a common one. Didn’t know map was a thing in vanilla. Got lost in night elf zone. Deleted and started over. Twice.


Suppose my dumbest noob moment was during Legion when I was trying to tank on my warrior and kinda forgot to switch from a two hander to a 1hander and shield… kept complaining that some of my abilities were locked to a group and was rather annoyed… One of em finally pointed out you can’t tank with a two handed weapon…


Didn’t know that was coming up. The mounts I’m giving away are from BFA. If they go on sale? I will raffle two of them instead of one and will update my OP to say I am selecting 2 winners

We will see


Thank you for doing these Grimoire :purple_heart: Sunshine in the dark. I’ve been having a bad day medically so this brings a smile to my face to see. :grin:

Gotta say my biggest noob moment was in Wrath, (and I’ve mentioned it before) deciding to equip all the white vendor gear on my blood elf hunter when I first started because “it looked better”. I guess I was transmoggin before it was cool! :sunglasses: I even wore greys because they “looked better”. (Yes, even those grey ol’ bows :smirk:)

Another memory I have is I was running Sunwell on my paladin at 70 in Wrath. Someone threw up an int ring, I rolled, won, they took it and I was super angry. Tried to whisper them, etc. Only to find out I don’t use int as retribution. :crazy_face:

Edit: might I add, the big noob moment I mentioned first is still brought up frequently to me by my high school sweetheart, who got me into wow back in Wrath. Never lets me forget my noob moments :eyes: