Sharding puts Vanilla gameplay second (anti-sharding anthology)

Would like to see them utilize login queues as a tool too.

There will be. Thatā€™s a given. However, thereā€™s a difference between manageable queues even if its an hour. And ridiculous queues of multiple tens of thousands of people. Their goal is a smooth launch, which means not making tourists wait too long.

Streamers say they wonā€™t play Classic if it has sharding? This makes me want sharding!

For some reason people with a camera and an opinion who think theyā€™re a be-all end-all authority WoW are being treated as such. Not having them on the server I play on seems like a win to me!

Calm down folks.


This is a great point and deserves to be thoughtfully considered.

Blizzardā€™s whole premise of using sharding in Vanilla - which Blizzard literally admits is bad for Classicā€¦

we understand completely, that sharding is antithetical to a cohesive Classic community

ā€¦is based upon a guesstimated percentage of people quitting Classic.

What if this assumption is wrong and servers STAY full - and zones REMAIN packed and overloaded into Westfall, into cities, into STV, etc?

Population may STLL need to be distributed with sharding to avoid causing anyone any further inconvenience in zones after launch.

Sharding was never in Vanilla. Sharding is anti-thetical to commnity - the foundation of Vanilla gameplay.

Sharding-lovers, simply play BFA and enjoy the all the sharding that you so desperately want.

It seems like retail players would be more content in modern WoW instead of contradicting the community-based gameplay of Vanilla WoW with sharding.

No one will inconvenience anyone in modern WoW, thanks to all of the changes to it, such as sharding. Enjoy sharding in Legion and BFA if you love it so much.

If shariding remains effective for Blizzardā€™s infrastructure to handle a larger population longer than expected (even after launch), then weā€™ve forfeited part of the soul of this game for some player convenience - once again - just as was done with every other change after Vanilla.

Vanilla gameplay (which was all about community) must be FIRST.

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I swear this is just a bad merry-go-round.

Not surprising. You keep making exact statements about what will be done at launch despite not being a Blizzard poster, then seem surprised when people wait for information from Blizzard before deciding.

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No, Iā€™m surprised when people ask the same questions as were answered above knowing Blizzard isnā€™t going to post anything in the thread.

But the questions have not been answered.

And Blizzard does occasionally post in threads like this.

Why would they not post clearly defined, definitive, hard and fast limits for sharding, even if they do so in a new thread created by them?

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Perhaps because theyā€™re still investigating it, or perhaps itā€™ll be released as part of an entire launch post including the release date.

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Would that ā€œentire launch post including the release dateā€ not be a new thread created by them?

So, I will ask again.

Why would they not post clearly defined, definitive, hard and fast limits for sharding, even if they do so in a new thread created by them?

It wouldā€¦


If they donā€™t know for sure all the details like release date, its not going to be posted yet.

Because if they do that, and then the situation changes or there are unforeseen circumstances that cause Blizzard to reassess, people like you will whine and moan that Blizzard didnā€™t keep their ā€œpromiseā€.

Or if you donā€™t like the answer in the first place, youā€™ll just whine and moan more.

There is zero upside for Blizzard in posting anything definitive.


Yet, theyā€™ve done it several times already.



Blizzard is C-SPAN

thatā€™s what I learned by reading this thread

BFA doesnā€™t have the Vanilla world that we miss. You point is a non-starter. Please try again.

Sharding the launch period will not kill community, as chat isnā€™t affected by sharding, and groups can still be formed.

The private server launch garbage is not something Blizzard should be attempting to replicate. Private server MUH FRESSSSHHHHH people really need to get over that.

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If the details of sharding are still being worked out, then all the more reason to keep discussing. Blizzard does read the forums.


i thought this was warcraft not minecraft

Also Iā€™m in.

ā€¦And countering arguments on this forum against sharding with how ā€œelitistā€ somoene is and throwing around scary caravan-like numbers of ā€œ10,000ā€ players overwhelming the starting areas and not being able to login for ā€œdaysā€.

All I am asking for is to play Vanilla WoW again - just like it was - when the game was about meeting new friends and having fun being in a small, hometwown realm again. I canā€™t play Vanilla WoW when people are divided into hundreds of shards in the open world - that was never part of Vanilla WoW gameplay.

We petitioned Blizzard for legacy servers for years. Now, I just want to play the ā€œauthentic Vanilla experienceā€ Blizzard has thankfully promised - thatā€™s all.

I just want my old game back as it was.

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