Sharding puts Vanilla gameplay second (anti-sharding anthology)

Me too!

Most no-sharders are willing to live with consequences such as long login queues, future server mergers, and crowded start areas.

It’s really a matter of trade offs. I would be happy to go no-sharding and live with the consequences, which are preferable to sharding.

I personally am OK with sharding 1-10 for a week as part of a suite of solutions, but I do not want sharding to infect the game beyond that.

Sharding does not belong in the lasting Classic game experience.

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That sounds to me like you are saying that they want to leave the option to shard beyond the “starting areas” and “that brief time at launch” open?


Don’t you mean you will whine and moan more like you have been doing.
You seem to be so threatened by others getting what they want.

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There’s a difference between having a discussion, weighing the options, and coming to conclusions based on those things vs. blindly making absolute statements and threats based in nothing but personal opinion.

Temporary sharding at launch in order to alleviate stress on blizzard will not kill the game or the community.


But hey you know blizzard is big brother, they are always watching and scheming new ways to piss their player base off! They will say they don’t want sharding and then shard the entire world arghhhhhhhhhhhh

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The problem is we aren’t making the conclusion, and the no-sharding people believe that if they yell loud enough, Blizzard will think they stand for the majority, so they have no incentive to stop until Blizzard posts “Sorry, we’re using sharding”. And then they’ll have a 1k reply blue post to wail at, like AV 1.5.


Here’s an idea, Just shard PVE servers and leave PVP and RP-PVP alone.

Some of us are taking vacation days for this and I do not give a single fk if there is sharding to make the game playable.

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I am taking vacation days too so the last thing I want to experience is Vanilla WoW not playing like Vanilla WoW.

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You’re in luck then.

Sharding the launch will make it feel more like Vanilla WoW than any private server terribad cluster-f of a launch ever did.

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or you know takes the 10,000 in 1 zone and puts it down to 2,000. which are the numbers blizz is more expecting.

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Because Vanilla had sharding…

oh wait…


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With the alternatives, how is sharding any different?

If people are in que you don’t get any interaction. If people are in a different zone because you just got in from a long que, still no interaction. If Blizzard made tons of servers, yep, still no interaction.

Wait, you attempting to convince people that sharding is going to be tiny little groups?

Fate, they are talking about the numbers. I don’t think you completely fathom how many people they are expecting to be on classic launch. They are expecting it to be 10-20x more people logging on for classic release than original vanilla release.

So with sharding it will put the players in each zone to the same as it was for original release. while without it, you’ll have 10-20x more than ever was before.

So I quest that took you 20 mins to do back in vanilla will take you more like 2 hours without sharding.

----> The point —>

  • Your head

But that’s ok.

We can’t assume any of this without knowing:

Number of servers at launch
Pop cap for each server


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Then quit arguing :wink:

You first?


Or, when they say they are not going to mess with the economy of the game, because they want players to set that. Then they do.