Sharding puts Vanilla gameplay second (anti-sharding anthology)

Pet classes are never solo.

Well, for my $15 a month I wan’t a cohesive world that i can immerse myself in. If that will be wow or another game I’ll find out. Sharding ruins my immersion, and I don’t plan on paying any amount of money for that.


Either way, a handful of avoidable mid-30s sub-zones would hardly make it untrue that the vast majority of Vanilla was soloable.

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The best parts of the game, dungeons, raids, world bosses, were not soloable. If you think those account for less than 10% of the game to qualify as a vast majority, you are really missing out.

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Players have easily accepted being artificially separated from each other despite standing in the exact same location just fine, even back in the vanilla days. First, being separated by server, then again, being separated by an instance line. There was never an outcry of “but my immersion!” when someone disappears in front of your face when they enter the Deadmines, or the fact that your guild can face Ragnaros at the same time as a different guild can. It’s sharding under a different name, and we were just fine. The immersion point is weak if we accept those so readily.

Edit: Mistook sharding for CRZ

Bull. I played a Warlock and I guarantee I knew the meta and played better than you. You could not solo content like Stromgarde or Myzrael at level. The stats simply don’t allow it unless you have BiS. Even then you’re probably going to fail and getting geared via dungeons and crafting was a much more time-consuming process. You still needed at least a tank most of the time.

Pet classes have their own share of problems for every thing that people claim makes us overpowered. VWs are vastly overrated and unless they’re green you can’t handle that many mobs at one time even with a Demo build - which no one does because it’s like levelling Prot.

We are approaching 30 NO SHARDNG individual forum threads (listed above).

Make your voices heard now. Speak out and keep sharding and all anti-social game chages out of Vanilla WoW.


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It’s weird its almost like I haven’t seen a single thread dedicated to asking for sharding… its almost like no one wants it.


I can only hope that the Blizzard WoW Classic Devs are coming to the same conclusion.

I believe Omar and Brian have every good intention to restore the game we all love - just the way it was. I am THANKFUL for all their hard work on this project!!

For their success, Blizzard IT must work to provide the necessary infrastructure to authentically restore the Vanilla WoW experience - without the need for sharding.

I’ve worked in IT for over two decades. There are ALWAYS numerous viable solutions to every problem. Blizzard can figure this out. Sharding is not the only solution to every load balancing problem.

The WoW Classic Team needs to see we have almost 30 anti-sharding forum threads (with some over 1000 replies) of people who DON’T WANT SHARDING.

WoW Classic Dev Team: find a way to run authentic WoW without sharding. If you do that, you will knock this out of the park.

If you don’t, you will lose people like me who have waited since Wrath to return to the community that was original WoW.

What I think made old World of Warcraft great was the sense of community…

— Jeff Kaplan Game Deisgner and Director of World of Warcraft during Vanilla, TBC and Wrath

Community (Vanilla) gameplay > convenient (modern) gameplay

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but I’m not going to be upset if they shard starting areas at launch to alleviate stress on themselves and the playerbase as a whole. Anything beyond that is unacceptable and goes against the spirit of vanilla.

Blizzard please use sharding for the launch period and then not again. Do not listen to these private server loving fear mongers.

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What you’re talking about is Cross-Realm Zones, and CRZ is a system separate from Sharding. Blizzard hasn’t said anything to indicate they are even considering adding CRZ to Classic.

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Nonetheless, sharding is a type of phasing tech that diminishes community and the potential to make friends by placing you into random groups in a zone with people from your server that you will likely never see again.

It’s like showing up for your regular pickup soccer game. But instead of seeing your usual friends at the same soccer field, you rarely, if ever, see the same people.

Everyone is still randomized with sharding and, therefore, separated from the community as a whole. You won’t get to run into your friends because, chances are, they’ll be in different shards with other random players.


It’s odd that you see people making arguments like having 200 people standing around instead of 20 is somehow an essential element of the feeling of “community” in classic despite the fact that there was never 200 people standing around in 90% of Classic areas 99% of the time. Or that reducing that number is taking the massive out of MMO, despite again the fact that that was never the norm in this game at any point in its history.

When they first started using sharding it was in response to the horrendous WoD launch where we did have dozens if not hundreds standing around in the same spots waiting on quests because everyone on your faction started in the same zone in that xpac. It wasn’t fun. Nobody was making friends with the legion of enemies (aka other people in your faction standing around) trying to tap your mobs.


It’s mostly private server players that have gotten used to having hundreds to thousands of people all starting at once in one giant cluster-f.

First off, it’s not like you’re going to be making friends with all thousands of them anyway.

Secondly, zone-chat will not be affected by sharding, so players can still communicate with anyone in the zone regardless. Forming groups will still be done via chat.

Finally… Vanilla starting zones were not designed to hold massive amounts of people and allow for progression. Sharding at the start alleviates this issue. Blizzard has stated that they understand that the technology is antithetical to the spirit of Vanilla, and that their goal is to avoid using it. But they have also said that it makes sense to use it at the start.

If people don’t believe them, or don’t trust them… That’s their own personal problem. But, overall, the game will not suffer for it. Especially since they have said that there won’t be CRZ used, so you won’t see people from other servers. (Though you may still not see the people you see at the start of the game again.)

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So you’re about a quarter of the way there? Lean in and press on! Moar threads!

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Why ask for something you know you’re getting?


Blizzard, please do not pollute Classic with sharding. Do not listen to the convenience driven retail players that see all those other players in an MMO as nothing but obstacles in their way.

It seems to be mostly retail players that go be gotten used to the convenience of having next to no competition for anything that want sharding and the convenience of reduced competition that sharding provides.

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