Sharding puts Vanilla gameplay second (anti-sharding anthology)

“ShArDiNg Is GaY! I wAnT tO cRaSh AnD lAg On LaUnCh dAy!”

“I wAnT tO sPeNd SiX hOuRs To GeT tO lEvEl FiVe!”

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nailed it!

Well according to your sentence modern wow has a large and vast community that wouldn’t of exist if you didn’t have single player starting areas like they do currently.

If you’re suggesting some kind of contradtiction, a PvE server was in Vanilla WoW from the beginning.

Sharding was NOT in Vanilla WoW.

the point is that im fine with sharding and you are not. i know exactly how it affects the game and it doesnt bother me

cry more about it

I never said it’s “just about convenience.” This is what I said:

  • Therefore, sharding is not Vanilla gameplay and puts Vanilla gameplay second, after modern server performance and population distribution technology.

I am not willing to sacrifice Vanilla gameplay for modern server performance and population distribution (i.e. sharding) so you can conveniently login and loot your spawn.

I don’t want that in in Classic - it was never in Vanilla.

Play BFA, if you do.

BFA doesn’t have the old pre-Cataclysm world, dungeons, raids, and quests. Classic does.

I’d rather play Classic.

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Another Wall of No reply. Thanks for making my point.

Why are you here? Let me guess. You don’t like BFA.

Why don’t you like BFA? Let me guess. It has no community.

Why does BFA not have community? Because of the asocial and convenience changes since Wrath (including sharding) that people JUST LIKE YOU asked for, starting 10 years ago.

This project is about faithfully restoring the Vanilla WoW experience - not the BFA experience with sharding.

Please login to BFA and then tell us how much you enjoy your shard there. We’ll all be waiting to hear about all the new friends you’ve made.

Vanilla gameplay is not sacrificed because you may not see some of the players in a select few zones for a week or 2. You’ll still experience the community aspect.

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i can tell you why i dont like bfa.

class and spec design is bad, they are not fun to play. the community stuff doesn’t bother me.

i never played wow to make friends, ever. thats what the real world is for

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I hate to break it to you but if you are expecting new content from Vanilla, you will soon be bored.

Seeing the Stonewrought Dam or Barrens restored? How long will take? A minute or two and then you’re done.

You will find new quests. Those won’t last more than a few days.

I’m really looking forward to the restored Sunken Temple though - I loved that place. It was an epic dugeon that required a solid group, right up there with BRD, in the Vanilla version. Very tough. Everyone had to commit to it.

Zones and quests will get old - but friendships grow.

IMO, the best reason to play Vanilla (and TBC) was because the gameplay back encouraged friendships (unlike the solo gameplay of modern WoW).

This is why I’m so against sharding in Classic because it literally separates you from potential friends in the world, which was fundamental to Vanilla gameplay.

Sharding puts everone into tiny little isolated instances with random people you will likely never see again - or make friends with.

I’m not expecting “new content.” I’m expecting GOOD content.

The content from Vanilla was good. Majority of it from after was bad.

And I’m a roleplayer. After I reach level cap I can just make my own content.

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While that may be true, the troubling fact remains (at least today) that Blizzard has never said sharding will be removed, much less in “a seclect few zones for week or 2.”

You don’t know with certainty when Blizzard will remove sharding. You don’t know with certainty where exactly sharding will be used. No one does.

If you watch the the Blizzcon Q&A after the Classic WoW Restoring History presentation (where, incidentally, they never once mentioned sharding), you’ll see what I mean.

We’ve only been given vague off-handed, often contradictory, remarks and caveats. For example, even though it’s stated that sharding is “antithetical to the concept of a cohesive Classic community,” sharding may be used “the first few weeks” when “everybody is packed into Valley of Trials and everybody packed into Elwyn” for a “limited, time-limted way” followed by the promise that it will ensure a “single world for everybody to live in.”

Using sharding (which separates people) will end up creating “a single world for eveyone to live in”? That sounds nice but Isn’t that contradictory? If sharding is so beneficial, why are people asking to have it removed in BFA??

They’ve use sharding in Legion and BFA for years now. People hate what it does to gameplay - even in modern WoW, espeically for RP and PVP reasons, not to mention social reasons.

What makes you think sharding is going to do Vanilla any good, if people are asking for it to be removed from BFA?

Sharding will diminish community as long as it’s used in Vanilla. Case in point: BFA and Legion.

We really need clarification from Blizzard on the use of sharding and, if if used, the REMOVAL plan for sharding.

Vague promises of using it in “limited” ways is only causing anxiety and frustration - not only because it’s anti-Vanilla gameplay but becaue of how much people hate it in BFA.

I agree, but if they clarify saying that it will be used in the starters and not past the initial launch period, you better quit whining about them lying.

Also if you have anxiety, Xanax or therapy helps.


I hate to break it to you but you won’t get far in Vanilla, much less enjoy it, without friends.

Hit that mid-30s bracket when all the good quests require you to wade into what amount to open-air instances like Alterac City, Jintha’Alor, and Stromgarde Keep - then tell me the content is soloable.

For a hunter… :joy:

People have never had issues finding partners for these quest lines. Why is it suddenly a problem?


Because they don’t want an MMO, but the weaksauce console single-player action-RPG we’ve had since Cata.

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I did and it was. At least as a Warlock.