Sharding puts Vanilla gameplay second (anti-sharding anthology)

So, lose the opportunity to meet, group up, and socialize with 200 prospective players, but with sharding you have the opportunity to group with 5? This is really the argument you’re making? That deserves the double facepalm.

No, the example you used was that you met a lifelong friend without sharding. The problem with your example is that not everyone finds that friend or they may initially group with people that they never become friends with. Having an unsharded server does not guarantee that a person will find themselves in the same situation.
It is entirely possible that the same could happen on a sharded server, that you meet someone in that particular shard that you become lifelong friends with.

You’re phrasing that as if you won’t meet those people outside of the sharded areas later in the game.

I’m phrasing it as you phrased it. That somehow being in a group in an unsharded zone is the same as being limited to a few players in a sharded zone, which is completely absurd.

But since you suddenly switched to a different argument, I’ll address that. Life is about timing. So many friendships and relationships are made simply because you meet the right person at the right time. You limit those time periods and inherently the potential to form those long-lasting friendships is diminished. If the opportunity is removed, who knows what you might miss out on in the long-term.

That same argument can be applied to grouping with 1 person in 1 area over another person. Which, again, doesn’t make sharding bad in that aspect because you make the same risks in timing in either situation.

Except that it doesn’t.

But anti-launch-sharders love to fear-monger, so carry-on.

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Except that it does by artificially making the player world - smaller.

No sharding = all the players.
Sharding = a fraction of the players.

All > A fraction

Math. How DOES it work?

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Except all the people are still there and the sharding will only be in the low level zones.

Massively does not necessarily mean all the players, so no, it does not take the massively out of MMO (especially since you can still interact with all the players through chat channels.)

Exaggeration and fear-mongering. How does it work?

Which brings me back to my earlier point. Wow, would you look at that?

Don’t be a troll.


Stop fear-mongering.

Me throwing up a story about what actually happened and how sharding could possibly eliminate that isn’t fear mongering. It’s the truth based on the law of averages.

Again, math. But somehow critical thinking and logic are now “fear mongering”.

You are a troll.

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It’s a poor story as the randomness of the situation doesn’t play out in your favor.

you can group with people in different shards, it doesnt remove them entirely plus you can switch shards yourself

the world wont feel empty either, the whole reason they use sharding is because its over crowded. it could even be more crowded than what we had in the old days

It absolutely takes the massively out of mmo. And who said you should interact with all the players? That’s what servers are for. But to cut servers down into even smaller shards turns an mmo into a lobby game. Look no further than BfA. There is nothing massive about the game now.


Anyone else have flashbacks of trying to play nostalrius on launch and just trying to tag mobs at level 1… shard it up boys.

It’s like watching tennis.

First of all, you’re trying to equate a single server to however many Classic will have. The populations won’t be anywhere comparable.

Second, I really don’t care about the convenience oriented mindset of people who apparently aren’t willing to group up or compete over quest npcs or nodes. You know why? Because with that mindset you’ll never enjoy Classic.


Don’t tell me what i will and won’t enjoy. Having to group a starting zone is completely stupid - nobody did it in vanilla.

Even full groups on some of the popular pservers had hard times completing quests day 1 (and that’s with them using dynamic respawns).

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