Sharding puts Vanilla gameplay second (anti-sharding anthology)

Isn’t it absolutely bizarre that people like Fesz and Mogar continue to tell people to listen to what the devs are saying, while they themselves don’t believe a single word of it?

An honest person doesn’t go around telling people to listen to someone while they themselves don’t believe a word of what that person is saying.

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All I know is this…

All it will take is one node or player vanishing or any cross-realm nonsense that stands in the way of server community building…and I am out.

Zero tolerance policy where that is concerned.

Can we quote you on that?

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I don’t see why they wouldn’t at least consider this. Players know what they’re getting into. Players who value convenience can choose a temporarily sharded server. Those who value a truly MASSIVE multiplayer experience can choose unsharded ones.

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No point in asking as you just did. :wink:

I seriously have no interest in the game if those mechanics are eased into the game and kept there.

I don’t care about the “convenience” of sharding but I do see the logic in Blizzard’s reasoning for using it. I’m sure a player that played on a PvE server like Stormrage is far more concerned with convenience than me.

Simply put, if sharding is added, I’m not resubbing.

All it shows is that they are up for adding custom changes, and I haven’t trusted Blizzard to change their own socks in a decade now.

I’ll just find another source for my “retro” gaming. If you catch my drift.

My main reason for playing WoW is to gank levelers on my rogue. Sharding means less people to gank.

The problem with this is it hurts community worse then sharding 1 to 10 could by a long shot.

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If they only shard 1 to 10 for a few weeks this won’t affect you.

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A few weeks is complete overkill. I’d say a week tops. The majority of players will be out of the 1-10 area. Unless you’re talking about extending it to the next tier of zones? And the pattern is established and I’m gone.

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I’d say we can’t guarantee anything until we see how many people are coming through. I’d like to say a week, but it might still be just as heavy a week on.

actual authentic vanilla wow launch didn’t need sharding because the game sold modestly and servers were not destroyed like pserver launches are…appropriately sized entry level shards will do more to ensure authenticity than remove it.

I played on launch in retail vanilla and I have played on launch on two private servers and I can tell you that the population rushes today are anything but authentic to vanilla.

People should be careful when purporting to speak about authenticity to consider what actually occurred back in the day versus what will likely occur today.


In before every whiner who doesn’t get their way subs even after saying they won’t.

There’s an entire thread poking fun at that.

That’s not how sharding works. You’re thinking cross realm.

Sharding: 200 people killing duskbats on server X gets turned into 10 separate instances of server X where only 20 people are in each instance in that area. So, no, you’d miss out on seeing 180 other people, in that example.

Don’t confuse sharding with cross-realm.

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In other words, it takes the massively out of mmo.


Winner winner.

I’m not confusing it with cross-realm. If there are 200 people and you group with 1-4 person(s) in an unsharded server, you’re missing out on grouping with 195 people.
If that server was, instead, sharded, you could be put in a shard with 1 or more of those 195 people.

What in the actual glorious glistening heavenly frick are you on?

Sharding makes it so you miss grouping with a potential larger amount of players. More players increases the likelihood of finding someone you get along with.

Fewer players in a shard doesn’t.

Your post literally has no point. You’re suggesting a fewer pot of people to group with is better than a larger pot of people to group with.


Not at all. More players = more opportunity. Fewer players = less opportunity.

It’s quite literally kindergarten math. More is more. Less is less.


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