Sharding puts Vanilla gameplay second (anti-sharding anthology)

Look, nothing against Ion but you can’t believe a word he or anyone from Blizzard says. Back when Classic was announced J. Allen Brack said there wouldn’t be any sharding. They’ve already backtracked on that, so who’s to say they won’t again?


They never said they’d use sharding either. They never said that they wouldn’t utilize some other method.
You’re focusing so much on them going far past what they said they’ll MIGHT do. You’re entire argument runs on this slippery slope fallacy that does not hold up.

If Blizzard can’t be trusted, why isn’t everyone rushing back to Private Servers where they can be guaranteed of no changes?

The argument that “Blizzard lies” while people demand that we listen to their “promises” about waking up from a coma for 12 years (which was a goal in the form of a metaphor), is disingenuous. Its impossible to discuss something while two parties claiming to be on the same side, hold diametrically opposite views.


They backtracked from the PC Gamer article on sharding shortly after the Blizzcon 2018 Wow Classic Presentation - after making Wow Classic sound like a faithful restoration, even pixel by pixel (e.g., the light in the lamp post) of 2006 WoW - but never mentioning sharding during the main presentation.

Sharding almost invalidates the restoration work they are doing by giving us 2006 WoW but killing it’s community with sharding cancer - whic,h even in modern WoW over in the General Discussion, people also hate (espeically for PvP or seeing friends or family players in the world). How insane is that.


Seriously? The Q&A that I just linked was the Q&A from the presentation.

EDIT: And the Media Q&A was before.

You’re right. Your hyperbole and outright deception is insane.


Your video of Ion at the WoW QandA was after Wow Classic Presention.

His caveat about the use of sharding was a result of people being told about authentically restoring 2006 WoW in the previous “Restoring History” presentation - but then discovering sharding was in the Demo and may actually be used in Classic WoW - which no one ever expected (hence, the subsequent Lore’s Blue Post and the QandA caveat).

The WoW Classic Presentation (“Restoring History”) was beforehand - and they never mentioned sharding.

That’s an hour and a quarter. It was still the same group of people on the same day, on the same stage.

And of course they’re not going to actively bring up Sharding themselves, when they don’t know what they’re doing. If they’d had a solid plan for using sharding, they’d have posted by now. Based on everything they’ve said, instead of cherry picking what you like and declaring yourself betrayed, they don’t want to use sharding if they don’t have to, but they’re investigating how to use it in a limited form.

Instead of playing the victim because their stated goals didn’t manage to live up to the reality of what they could produce, how about you work on lobbying Blizzard for the parameters under which sharding could occurr. e.g.

  • Minimum 200 people in a zone.
  • Split at 400, maximum 500.
  • Raised cap for starters, but standard cap for all zones beyond.
  • If more than 10% of people are getting to level 20, add servers and divert new accounts to them, within the first days.

Blizzard clearly has a better idea of what the launch is going to be like, what they can handle and where they want the community to be afterwards. They don’t want dead servers with no population. They don’t want sharding in anything but the starters if that. But they know that in order for Classic to not be switched off from bad press, thanks to shareholders reading media, not forums, the launch has to be smooth enough that the people who only want to have a look in, get a look in, and aren’t queued for days.

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People might end up going back to private servers. Time will tell.

Also, understand there’s a difference between not believing and disbelieving. Just because I don’t necessarily believe what they say will come to fruition doesn’t mean I think they’re lying. Things changes, priorities change, what they thought was possible maybe ended up not being when more time and thought was put into it.

But, again, that doesn’t mean what they say now won’t continue to hold true forever. Which then leads to…will they shard beyond launch? Maybe. They say no, but them saying no doesn’t mean anything. That’s all I’m saying. It’ll be a lot harder to remove sharding once it’s been used at all.


You said we can’t believe a word they’re saying. That’s generally the alternate description of lying.

You can suggest that they believe what they’re saying now, but may change later, but that’s not what you said.

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Yeah, admittedly this is a little tinfoil hat, but…the fact is they didn’t even mention sharding until the players noticed it and called them out on it. Did Blizz think it wouldn’t be a big deal? Did they hope players wouldn’t even notice? Did they try to slip it in under the radar, or simply thought it wasn’t worth mentioning?

That’s not at all what that means. I neither believe nor disbelieve.

Asked and answered. You don’t announce a controversial change if you’re not 100% sure you’re using it.

Be heartened by the fact that when asked, they immediately were open and honest about it. Instead of trying to avoid the question.

They didn’t announce it. He answered a question in a Q&A. And they didn’t 100% say they’re using it, merely considering it. Something Brian Birmingham and John Hight repeated in their little Q&A section as well. It’s a technology they’re considering.

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Congratulations for repeating what I said. Why did you need to ask a divisive question…

…if you already knew the answer. All I can conclude is either you can’t decide what your own point is, or you’re intentionally playing both sides to create discord.

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I’m merely pointing out they didn’t announce sharding. It came up in a Q&A. You’re trying to create a narrative in which Blizzard has made some massive announcement that they’re using sharding. And that’s simply not true. It’s on the table for discussion. It’s a complicated issue, according to Brian Birmingham. I personally hope the next big update addresses sharding.

As of right now here’s what we know: they’re considering it as an option. They intend for it to be limited to starting areas and a relatively short period of time. Neither of those statements are concrete. Things could change. For the better or for the worse, depending on whom you ask.

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Corrected the day it was posted. Still doesn’t change the point I’ve made.

You seem to spend as much time criticizing why anyone would feel that sharding is anti-Vanilla WoW gameplay than making an argument for how good sharding is for Classic WoW.

Have fun in your sharded solo gameplay in your tiny, little shard. May you enjoy the entire time you are there, however long that ends up being.

You may not have to wait for a spawn but you may not see anyone else, either.

You’re trying to make a narrative where I said that. I relayed what they said, with video evidence. They have said all these things. On official Q&As. Publicly.

I also said they didn’t make their own announcement because they were (and probably are) investigating whether the methods available.

And as we’ve gone over in this thread ad infinitum, the options we can see are far worse than the solution they’ve said they’re looking at using.

Angry hyperbole just undermines any claims you make.


The easiest solution is to have some servers with and without sharding. If it’s only going to be a “temporary” feature during launch then this should be easy for Actiblizz to do.


There is one other option for all the people arguing that too many people went through. I just hate the concept, so I didn’t bring it up, but I’m surprised no-one else did in this thread.

1-10 is on a separate server where everyone levels, then chooses their server at 10. It would definitely solve the bubble issue, but I dislike the plan because it wouldn’t give you server ownership until 10.

Ahhh yes, Classic Mogar.

Ignore Blizzard! (unless they say what I want to hear, of course).