Sharding puts Vanilla gameplay second (anti-sharding anthology)

Sharding is a failed architecture IMO, or at least has a high number of defects.


Maybe one solution is to give people a choice. Have designated servers as Sharded and non-Sharded. Then everyone can be happy.

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As I have said before.

If I have to choose between servers crashing, and no one on my server
getting to play. Or sharding in starting zones so everyone gets to play.
I will choose sharding every time.


Merging servers kills a community harder than sharding ever could.

Maybe not kill… but it certainly didn’t have any positive effect on the one I was part of when it happened. In fact, it was a change for the worse. We went from a tight-knit community to everyone not giving a damn about each other fairly quickly.


Planning from the start to merge servers, is an admission that you didn’t properly build an architecture to handle the tourist bulge. Blizzard outright disagreed with your logic when they said they would probably shard the starter zones.

Merging servers implies that you had too many and failed to properly gauge the game from the start. No shareholder is going to want to see that, and when they come hounding Blizzard for “wasting money on a game no-one is playing”, what do you think is going to happen?

I would much prefer to see Sharding handle the bulge, and then have them find that the demand is a bit higher than expected, and add a few more permanent servers to handle the “after the bulge” growth.


OH it did, and people will rebuild the community after those 2 hours but it probably would be more then 2 hours of sharding from 1-10.

All of a sudden 500 people appear in the barrens you didn’t have to compete with and boom so many people you never seen before.

Well sharding won’t prevent the so called dead servers from appearing, it may even cause them.
Truly dead servers won’t have this so community that some are thinking, so server merges if any wouldn’t really affect the ones they are merging with as much as sharding pushing the problem to the next zone.

Its the same as always.

“I want sharding for the starter areas so:
Everyone can play
No ques
No merges
No dead servers”

Sharding only the starter zones in reality wont solve the following:
Dead servers

If they want to remove sharding after starter zones, they will have to have:
Low server caps
A definitive number of servers

If they want to achieve no ques, no merges and no dead servers they would need to:

Shard far beyond starter areas and longer than bearable.

Its not that difficult to understand. Use logic for split second please.

Thank you.


Many of these replies seem ironically reminiscent of the same replies of modern WoW players to those who asked for Vanilla.

Before Classic:
You want Vanilla - No!

After Classic:
You want Vanilla (without modern changes like sharding) - No!


Great point. A healthy community keeps a server going.

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I don’t think anyone who really wants no sharding in the 1-10 starter zones has ever played a launch. Even in groups of 5, with 100 people camping each of the 10 total mobs you need for a quest, it takes about 20-30min to complete EACH of the first 5 quests. To those of you thinking you can just skip all that and leave the starting zone, have fun being level 1 trying to kill a level 6 mob. You have no idea how impossible that is.

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The goal of this project is to faithfully restore original (read: vanilla) WoW.

Before we could begin our journey to faithfully recreate the original WoW experience.

The purpose is not to modernize Vanilla WoW with convenience tools, like sharding.

Classic WoW doesn’t require all modern features as you suggest.

Case in point: Loot Trading, Phasing or Cross Realm Zones have all been eliminated or, in the case of Loot Trading, severely limited. Sharding, which is equally damaging, must never be used in Classic WoW.

Sharding was never in original WoW. Like Phasing, Cross Realm Zones and Loot Trading, sharding is gameplay-breaking to original WoW and threatens the faithful restoration of WoW and the original socially-based gameplay.

Last month, Loot Trading was going to be part of Classic WoW. Now, everyone understood it was antithetical to Vanilla and could greatly diminish the importance of individual actions and increase the risk of exploitation.

We need sharding added to the blacklist of tools excluded from Classic WoW, along Phasing and Cross Realm Zones.

Classic is not a proof of concept of how modern cloud load-balancing technology, like sharding, can be used to add quality of life and convenience to your gameplay and reduce your login queues and respawn timers for a quest mob.

If you want to never have more than a few dozen players around you in your zone, reduce your login queues and mob respawn timers, feel like you’re the only one playing WoW and eliminate all others from your MMO, including silencing everyone you like with rich-click report, then play to BFA.

Until then, we must continue to support the goal of this project: faithfully recreate the original WoW experience.


Sharding to have an authentic vanilla population in the starting area like original launch of servers versus no-sharding similar to PS with way more people than original vanilla with dynamic spawns that didn’t exist in vanilla.

Hmmm, such a hard decision… /s

Everyone saying sharding won’t be needed is basically saying “Classic won’t be popular enough”. Its a very pessimistic view, and if 20 different groups are camping a mob, only one gets it, and then has to wait for 9 more… there is no way under your own logic, that anyone is finishing the zone within 30 minutes. The starter zones are not Valley of Trials, Deathknell etc. They are Durotar and Tirisfal Glades. You’ll spend far more than 30 minutes competing for mobs.

Asking a company to not use their modern tech/solutions to address issues (and server bloat at the onset will be an issue) is asinine and short sighted.

Queues aren’t content. They deliberately pointed out, at the announcement of the Classic project, they had no intention of re-creating the launch experience.

They will make it as cost effective and attractive as possible. They will use their modern solutions in this endeavor. Promise.

And if they stick to starter zone, nothing past lvl 20 etc…, it won’t impact the overall experience in any way whatsoever.

The only thing/demographic it will impact is the folks who enjoy the private server, 10kpop launch experience. Fortunately, this project is for more than them, you know?

Last month, Loot Trading was going to be part of Classic WoW.

Loot trading is still very much going to be in Classic WoW. Just modified some. Yet another modern solution for something they see as being an issue.

Aren’t we past this sharding issue? Sharding will only be used in the starting zones in the opening weeks.

There might be millions of people logging on in the first few weeks of Classic. Without even a release date, the hype is insane.

Without sharding, most people’s computers will crash from the sheer volume. Those that are able to move around do anything will have absolutely nothing to gain experience off of as every mob is immediately tagged. Look at this like a traffic jam, as more people are slowed down, it starts to pile up.

What’s more, the people that manage to make it out of the starting zones before everyone else will have absolutely no competition for things. That’s even less Vanilla than sharding.

Just private server refugees wanting Blizz to make Classic as similar to their private server as possible.

They want to be in, first, getting that leet advantage. Starter zone sharding balances the experience for all and they are quite against that lol.

They’ll mask their desire behind prophesies of doom and easily countered opinions, they’ll act like they are looking out for the community blah blah blah…but it all comes down to that they want it to resemble a p-server launch.

Nothing more, nothing less.

Of course not. Because if we moved past sharding, they’d have to discuss PVP introduction and progressive itemisation, and in both cases, they wouldn’t be arguing the #NoChanges side of things. “PVP NAO!”

Check my post history. :stuck_out_tongue:

I think sharding is absolutely needed in the opening weeks, and also feel that the PvP system should be shipped with phase 1.

I never claimed there weren’t reasonable people on the forums. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Just that there are plenty of people who are both saying “I want an authentic levelling experience, NO SHARDS!” and “I want to gain honor as I level!” which would require them to wait till 1.4.0 to level, if they wanted ‘authentic’.

Blizzard has so far refused to set definitive geographical limitations.

IMO, though, starting areas would be the 1-10 zones, at maximum. IMO, starting ateas should not in any way include the secondary zones such as Westfall, The Barrens, Silverpine Forest, Duskwood, Loch Modan or Darkshore.