Sharding kills community and server identity

That is correct. That brings in a much wider range. It could mean anything really. For example, contested zones, once we enter contested zones we move out of sharding.

Thing is, my post orginated from someone looking to push Northshire Abby as its own zone. Had nothing to do with sharding or the sharding dev quotes.

That’s is on par with Blizzard saying, we are launching summer 2019. Then you decide July 16 is the date you are holding them to.

They give a range, there is a minimum and a maximum.

One thing for sure, can we stop acting like 40 v 40 battles in vanilla were lagless? Jesus christ if there was a 10 v 10 fight it would lag sometimes, city raids would literally crash the servers. Stop acting like we were on some seamless connection for vanilla, if anything is rose tinted goggles, its this right here.


Dude if a private server can pull off a 10k population on the AQ war effort then blizzard has absolutely no excuse. Btw I read your post and I agree, it’s a bandaid, a cheap one that takes away from the experience.


That’s not how business works. Just because Blizzard is a billion-dollar company does NOT mean it has the best cloud server hardware in the world.

In fact I think it’s entirely possible their cloud server hardware is ancient by today’s standards and since it’s unfortunately part of their entire Battlenet system, they couldn’t move away from it if they wanted to.

I’m a roleplayer, and I hate sharding, even in the modern game. We have events with a major section of players congregating in the same area, and it is never fun when people can’t be there because of an arbitrary limit.

It’s not 2006, the days of 3k caps for simultaneous players is no longer an issue. Conceivably, even in Vanilla, 20k was a possibility, but 3k was the norm because of server loads, and the hope of players not crowding.

We have better technology, we absolutely should be able to have everyone at the AQ gates, or city raids, etc. etc. It’s part of why I’m looking forward to Classic. I was present at the AQ event on AD, but the thing would crash constantly, and I didn’t actually get to see the event as it was happening.

no I understand it’s not cost effective but you can’t have a product infierior to what amateurs do. I do see your point tho, they are an evil corporation and not the company who makes great games

Well, you can. And Blizzard apparently does. I guess.

I don’t know for sure. Ythisens didn’t comment when I asked him about my theory. lol

I wish he would have! Woulda loved to see his take

That isn’t the point I was making at all…

Yea I worded that poorly. I’m at a red light trying to post fast lol

That seemed perfectly worded to me. Just highly inaccurate. On all fronts.

Blizzard isn’t to blame here. Activision most certainly is.

Correct me if I’m wrong but that was a merger and not an acquisition?

Seeing as blizzard has its own CEO and board, its pretty certain they are voluntarily following activisions plan. Activision isn’t entirely to blame on this, blizzard is to blame in many cases.

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Nope. It was an acquisition.

Blizzard doesn’t have its own CEO anymore. If you paid attention to BlizzCon, and know your history, Mike Morheime used to have the title of CEO years ago… that title no longer exists within Blizzard. It’s some other title now, I forget.

Which is why I formed that as a question, I wasn’t 100% sure. Since that is the case you are spot on that this is activison. It’s really sad in a lot of ways what has happened to the industry as a whole.

To be fair, it did start off as a merger, and Blizzard was still doing really well at the time. I think Activision did a hostile takeover relatively recently.

That would make sense with some of the recent releases. I appreciate the clarity btw man.

No problem. And yeah, it sucks. Blizzard has one or two duds and Activision loses its mind and does a hostile takeover…

Then again, if you watched the 20th Anniversary Retrospective Blizzard put on YouTube a long time ago, that’s basically kind of the deal they’ve had with all their owners going all the way back to the Davison and Associates days.

If you’re looking for Ythisens to support your “Activision is destroying Blizzard!” theory, you’re probably not going to get what you want.

I just wanted clarity on the servers, dude. Activision is the least of my concerns.