SHARDING is awful

What kind of people do you seek? I feel like the forum average intelligence level has been steadily dropping as of late, which sounds impossible but things are changing around here. Feels weird.

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Honestly, I am of the opposite thinking.

I think they should implement last name heritages to accounts making the last name unique not the first name of your toon, then shove everyone on to one massive regional server based on country keep the layers and be done with it.

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I think watching the queue timer go down is the most engaging content the game offers to be honest

It’s hard to describe but it used to be like I’d come here and talk to people and it would be like “Yeah that guy gets it!” I’ve even met a couple of people here who I still talk to off the forums/real ided them which has been amazing, but yes things have changed around here.

Server caps and addressing the faction balance issue? Anything would have been better than nothing.

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Whatever Blizzard does to help any of that, they will receive backlash or people unsubbing. Server cap is easier, but then they may need to deal with dead realms. Faction balance - how do you fix that when people don’t want to PvP in the first place. As the minority faction, if people can’t do what they want without “wasting time” ganked, if transfers are not allowed people will quit. No one wants a war in front of the instance these days - especially if you’re the minority faction.

They already gave us dynamic respawns and layers. What else do people want? Would they rather wait in queue? Blizzard can only guide people in a certain direction. Heck, when servers were first opened, certain ones had popups that said “you may experience long wait times”, yet people did it anyway then whined. That’s just plain player stupidity.

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The way it works right now you can just be randomly kicked off your layer though. Very frustrating to be waiting for something and then kicked because you’re not in a group.

Launch layers were 100% needed. With Classic Blizzard made a point to take those away and tell people they were doing it. There was a large segment of the population that did not want layers for Classic. In TBCC people assumed that it would be the same at first but Blizzard… forgot.

Here’s a post, note that the majority of replies are very happy that layering is getting removed:

I really think if they did the same thing in TBCC that they did in Classic we wouldn’t be where we are today. Have layers at lanch and then remove them when the population goes down enough. If people were worried about queues they wouldn’t completely dogpile a realm, because that stick is there.

We’ve always had what people consider big mega realms it’s just that in Classic those realms had about 10k raiders max not 30k.

It is too late now admittedly. Layers can’t be removed because that would be totally unfair to the people who have paid to stack servers so nothing is going to change. I’m not going to suggest things that would force people to split up or cause queues but that doesn’t mean I have to like layers or the current situation today.

Im not sure what the OPs problem is with them. He wrote one line. Even if I didn’t think layers took away from the game in general (especially on RP servers) I find they are really buggy for things like the current terrokar towers and even meeting up with people for enchants etc. So overall just not a great thing. Yes required now but not great.

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Alot of this is based off of the fact that populations ultimately died down. But on a lot of servers, it never did. They stayed huge up to a point where people complained and transferred off when they whined about it - being the minority faction. Sure they could have blocked transfers, but then people would just quit - needing to corpse hop their way to the instance.

People say, Blizz could have blocked that or locked this, or force faction balance, but that would just cause a quicker demise of the game.

The game simply would not work on these megaservers without layers.

Classic doesn’t have sharding, and no they can’t remove it because servers are too big. They have layering which is completely different.

I also just wanted to say that YES I would rather wait in queue if it meant my game experience was better. I’d prefer the 9/10 server experience I had in Classic over the 2/10 experience I had in TBC which led me to simply raid log, but I’m a quality over quantity type of person who isn’t impatient.


No, we can’t, because some players have decided that they would rather all play on two realms.

There’s likely not a server host in the world currently that could handle the population all being in one layer.

Do this, turn off layers and transfers. The problem will fix itself. It’ll never fly with the instant-gratification playerbase though.


Exactly, everyone says they cant do it, but they could. You could even destroy all current realms, make guilds/people pick a realm to be on. Cap that realm at a certain number for both factions. When its full, its full. Pick another one. Stop trying to please everyone like its a first grade graduation ceremony where everyone gets a big trophy.

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Yea, I’m sure forcing people to move servers and then locking them when they hit “full” would cause no issues at all… /s

Layers enabled the mega realms and ruined TBC for many people.


You and me both. But id guess we’re the exceptions

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Layers are the single worst thing to happen to this game and it’s responsible for at least half of the other things that make classic wow awful.

Classic was an absolutely wonderful experience. I was on a medium pop server with more than enough people but seldom had queues, and never longer than 2 minutes. The experience on classic versus TBCC are night and day. In classic I couldn’t wait to come home and log in. Now I’m so disconnected from the world and all the people in it I barely even log in.


Jusy my opinion but guild sizes make a big difference. Its a dif vibe logging in and seeing 20 ppl online instead of 8

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