Sharding alternatives

City raids were a thing in Wrath too. And in Cata, though they fizzled out by the end.

I’m hoping for RP-PvP servers myself, though lacking that I’ll choose RP over PvP if I have to.

Though even on a PvP server your faction’s capital cities as well as the 2 lowest level starting zones for each race are all considered your faction’s territory. So you don’t have to flag yourself if you don’t want to.

Though like Shau said, that doesn’t really stop people from raiding capital cities anyway =P

You’re right, sorry. I’m tired. XD

I’m gonna head to bed before my brain makes things get any more out of hand than they already have.

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It was an interesting discussion. I should probably go actually play some sort of video game tonight instead of rabidly refreshing the Classic forums.

Well… technically they refresh themselves now so you’re just wearing out your Control-R keys. lol

Yes, that’s true. I haven’t used these forums in a long time and I’m still getting used to its new features. That’s more of a Reddit meme if anything.

They made changes to AV recently, that doesn’t happen anymore in my experience.

Are they whining about it in GD like they did the leveling changes? ASking for a friend. :rofl:


Sharding, less servers.
Que, more servers.

Que without more servers, excessive wait for all

Change my mind.

What happens when inevitably the servers die and the population dwindles? Will servers be merged or will they keep dead servers alive without any sort of sharding technology to speak of?

Was that directed to me? Because this doesn’t address anything relevant.

Merging servers is not off the table. That’s never been said.

To be honest, that’s speculation. Those of us who post on Classic forums, watch Classic videos, browse the subreddits, participate in the discords, and so on this early before launch are most certainly dedicated to Classic and care about it, but we’re hardly the majority of the Classic community. Several vanilla WoW developers recently had interviews and confirmed: the majority of vanilla WoW’s playerbase were extremely casual players.

The “Classic Community” based around these forums, the youtube channels, the discords, etc. will be the minority once Classic releases. We need to be aware that the prevailing opinions now are trapped in an echo chamber, and are not necessarily representative of what the biggest demographic of players is going to be. Quite likely, most of the Classic WoW community is not for or against sharding… they just don’t care. They just want to play Classic WoW.

How about you actually answer those questions.

How did vanilla survive? Well first off, what’s your definition of survive? Because those first couple days were HELL. There were rollbacks everywhere, server crashes left and right, it was a disaster. But still, let’s look at it.

WoW launched with 100,000 people also, with servers that were capped at 2.5k-3k.

So even with these small numbers it was still a disaster. Classic is going to be having a possibility of having well over 10 fold amount of this number. And that’s being conservative. And they also have hinted that they are increasing cap sizes for launch and that’s why they are using sharding to combat that. So they are also increasing server caps… Do you get the picture on how much bigger this is going to be?


That’s easy. You know that less than half of the people who played vanilla even hit 60? You realize that an expansion launch is nothing even close to the launch of a brand new one right? You do understand that when 8 million people were counted for subs at the end of vanilla that there wasn’t actually 8 million people walking into the outland that day? Only half of them were, and on top of that, not all of them bought it day one, also back then you didn’t get to predownload the game, it was a matter of who got the physical game first and downloaded it the quickest who got in. Hence why people stood outside of gamestop for hours, so they could be the first ones in. Also, not to mention 20% of the people who were 60 in vanilla rerolled bloodelves and draenie =D

You know if you are actually going to ASK these questions, you could probably answer them yourself if you thought about it for…idk…a minute or two.

using logic and facts to base an opinion that fits those facts/logic = speculation ? I think you need to look up the definition of that word

So…1million for Classic™, conservative estimate.

4 million in 1 zone…

And this is somehow going to change for Classic™?

4000000/5 = 800000 across 2 zones

WoW went from 100000 at launch to 8000000 when TBC dropped DESPITE the “HELL” of the first couple days and disaster of the rollbacks and crashes. Not only did it survive, but it thrived…

Without sharding…


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Go ahead and tell me again:

  • How many servers will Classic™ have?

  • What is the population cap of Classic™ servers?

  • How many people will login on launch day?

If you don’t have this information but posit that Classic™ NEEDS sharding (even just for launch) you are, in fact, speculating.


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Glad you can do math

Lol you know that numbers world wide right? Accross all servers? That’s if literally every single level 60, bought the game, logged in, and played all at the same time.

You can literally download the game beforehand and play the second its open.

Welcome to modern gaming? Where have you been the last 8 years? LOL

Again… servers, regions, whether or not they even had it downloaded yet or even bought or not rerolling.

You still dont understand this…

Yes! Absolutely everyone that will ever play Classic™ will, in fact, buy the game day 1 and login in at exactly the same time. At no point will anyone purchase the game outside of that window…because reasons…


Did WoW not thrive?


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Like how literally everyone in the world will be on Classic™ at the same time, right?
