Sharding alternatives

I’ll still take sharding over the alternative.

I understand completely the concerns surrounding sharding and Classic. If not used in a very limited way, it’s counter to the very idea of community.

What I’m pointing out is that saying things like you’re going to “hold Blizzard to” statements that Blizzard didn’t make isn’t all that useful except in convincing Blizzard they should stop making statements about Classic to us.

Hell I wouldn’t even call that heavily implied. I think it’s more people projecting the meaning that they want it to be on Ion’s words in this case.


And i won’t. The alternative is telling blizzard to use sharding when it’s convenient.
If you want to see how that ends up to check out retail.

Last I checked, more serious issues than sharding made retail the steaming pile of excrement that it is.

If they wanted to use it for a bigger range they should have given a better example.

And yet sharding works against core parts of classic design.
Just because you don’t care doesn’t change that.

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You can argue that but you saying that you’re going to “hold them to it” is still you trying to put words in Ion’s mouth.

Them not being perfect doesn’t somehow make you not wrong here =P

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Then go play on a private server if you don’t want to actually PLAY the game you’re paying for.

Why else would Ion have chosen those specific areas if not to HEAVILY IMPLY that those early areas would the extent in which sharding would be used?

It seems that you are already preparing to forgive Blizzard for using sharding anywhere they choose to use it and trying to justify that forgiveness, even if only to yourself. B

At this point, assuming no alternative is found, it’s absolutely crucial to the project/experiment that sharding is never acceptable. Not acceptable at launch, not acceptable during World PvP, not acceptable during AQ opening. Not ever. If it’s okay once, it’s okay somewhere else when the need is “dire” enough.

Classic is a highly anticipated but very fragile experiment. In order for it to work, and bring back that mythical “community” aspect that started this whole desire for Vanilla servers/private servers, it cannot include anything that would be a detriment to it.

I hate coming off this way and never really cared for a hardline stance, but if you want to never see queues, then Retail is waiting for you. That game made some major sacrifices to ensure you could always log into the game and never be inconvenienced. This experiment is meant to try to capture those things that were sacrificed in the live game. Please, Blizzard*, don’t try to ruin it.

*Edit, went back to add that because after re-reading it, that last sentence sounded accusatory to people in the thread. My mistake.


Yeah. Those sacrifices included the only GOOD content in the entire damn game.

He could have used it because those are the first zones he thought of when thinking of packed areas at launch.

I’m not ready to forgive Blizzard for using sharding anywhere, but nor am I ready to condemn them for things they did not say.

They said in a time limited way at launch for the first couple of weeks. I’m going to hold them to THAT rather than to things that I’ve imagined they promised me.

I’m not the one putting words in his mouth. Im using the words he said. I don’t want sharding. I feel generous for agreeing to use it in launch.

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Okay, but why wouldn’t he just say the starter zones then? Why only imply it will be for the starter zones? Because he is not confident and he doesn’t want to say something which will be contradicting later on when they use it pass the 1-10 zones.

Wow. Funny. I guess ill use your logic.
If you want sharding so bad go play retail.

Does that sound like a good answer to you? No it doesn’t. Because retail is garbage.

You have yet to provide one good reason why we should allow sharding in classic beyond “you’ll be online”.
You have yet to provide a way to fix the literal downsides of sharding beyond saying you don’t care about the downsides.

To me and many others, the downsides of sharding do not outweigh the pros.


You said you were going to hold them to a statement they did not make.

Ion’s words did not include any variation of the phrase “sharding will only be used in the starter zones”.

Yes, I understand that you hate the idea of getting queues when it’s so easy for them to not have them, ever. I also feel like the Anti-Sharding folk aren’t being short sighted with their fears, but are concerned for the long-term life of the game if it includes something like this. I feel like sharding would be a technically good solution to a short term problem, but I feel like a precedent shouldn’t be set.

Oh and hello there fellow Wyrmest Accordian.

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Or maybe because they already plan to use it everywhere, but KNOW that actually admitting to that would blow up in their face.

“Let’s HEAVILY IMPLY that it will be just the starting areas and let people accept those areas and then we can push the envelope a bit farther a little at a time, until they are invested in their characters and less likely to quit.”

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No but if they wanted to use it further they should have been upfront and honest in thr first place. Otherwise they are going to have a pr nightmare.

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If “you’ll actually be online playing the game you’re paying for” isn’t a good enough reason for you, I don’t know what else I can offer. I thought Blizzard made it very clear they want us to have the GAMEPLAY experience, not the SERVER PROBLEMS experience, when they first announced Classic.

You can’t have a gameplay experience if you’re stuck in a qeue and missing out on an important event because the entire server has flocked to Silithus to witness the Gates opening.