Sharding after latest server restart?

Bit hard for me to test this game for them when I’ve been JIPPED, YES, JIPPED out of an invite.
Subbed 05 too. Upon release to Oce.

Well… layering IS sharding…

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Let’s be honest the sharding problems of mobs and resources just disappearing happen all the time since you have forced sharding in the game. It is not new and not even worth reporting anymore.

The clip of the croc looks like mob geofencing to me. Was in Vanilla, as well. This isn’t sharding/layering.

Yea it’s 100% something related to map location.
He was able to forcibly trigger it just by moving to a new zone and the video does a good job of proving that.

Yup. I remember this exact spot in Vanilla. Devs should be able to replicate it on their old build.

If the tester wanted to accurately test, he would have a friend on the other side to see if the friend phased at the same time.

All he’d have to do is send his friend a beta inv… wait a minute… Now I must RRRAAAAAGGGEEEEEE!

This is definitely why we do a beta test. We can also do things like reset the realm at a busy time like 4:30pm PDT to try and find the source of a certain issue where a crocolisk is losing it’s brain due to how multiple processes are interacting and mirroring code to form a cohesive world. There were similar types of issues like this back in 2004 but we wanted to try and resolve this one before the weekend for the folks who are testing.


… and you want to add new folks for the weekend right? Like Day 1 subbed, never unsubbed, nice contributors? :wink:


We want, but we need access! :crossed_fingers:

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So is this also the reason that Planestriders don’t have their beaks and the Zebras not having their hooves?

It was layering this whole time!?!?


It was old man Krik the whole time! And he would have gotten away with it if it weren’t for you nosy kids!


I’m sitting here on Twitch helping a former GM for WoW find bugs due to no access. He and I are going back and forth on how the algorithm may be for invites. Do you have any insight that you can divulge? ie; are 2004 being looked at prior to 2005 accounts?

That clips shows ONE mob phasing. Nothing around him but that one mobs phases. Its a bug.

Good thing we have a few months of testing and Blizzard didn’t release it RIGHT NOW like a bunch of the complainers wanted.


Cough cough do more invite waves please.


In fairness, even with layers of 3k people each, I could easily see them sharding “starter zones”. I am well beyond being surprised.

That would be really messed up if they did and I won’t deny that has crossed my mind as well.

Right now I’m going to give Blizzard the benefit of the doubt that this isn’t intended and it’s something they are looking into. Hoping I don’t get disappointed in the end.

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What happens in beta stays in beta. :wink:

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Any sort of phasing that can be perceived by the player is unacceptable for Classic.
Just seeing these new videos of people getting layered has me concerned. This is immersion killing and a complete antithesis to Classic play.

I understand Blizzard believes this is a bug, and we are still in Beta, but this needs to be priority one for the Devs to fix, and fix completely, even if it means removing layering tech.


This is the same thing that happened on private servers, lol.

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