Sharding after latest server restart?

Mobs don’t aggro during their respawn animation, it’s phasing


I’ll rewatch it.

EDIT: Corrected the above. You’re right, I thought he killed the first guard but it disappeared.

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When did the guard spawning if you attacked an npc start? I thought it was after Vanilla

Theramore Guard is the mob name. Not Town Guards protecting an NPC.

it’s all good, took me a couple of replays to catch wth was going on.

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Hmm, interesting. That shouldn’t happen with how they’re described layering. Guess they’re still using sharding, not layering?


but aren’t they town guards though? oh wait, he is Alliance too isn’t he, sigh old eyes

This must be fixed.


the only thing I can think of is a new layer was just created and it pushed him into it?

No, they’re the mobs that guard that tower. He was killing one, shard-hopped and two were standing in their rest positions. They immediately attacked.

Also, we should all (myself included) stop using Phasing. Its shard hopping, phasing is for when you’re at different quest trajectories.

But that shouldn’t happen either. Once you’re in a layer, that’s your layer. Supposedly.


thats what I assumed too.

I’ve seen a few videos like this and it is 100% a bug. This does not happen in Retail, period. Report as bug and move on. I have never once in my life seen this happen in Retail sharding and I’ve played both Legion and BfA extensively.

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Yeah, from what one dev said about there being queues temporarily, I assume they’ll queue up a bunch of people before instancing a layer and dumping the queue in it. So people enter a world populated and stay in it, rather than hopping or being the only person in a layer.


They used to in vanilla. I have vivid memories of that happening.

regardless of the term, its clear the tech has some issues still.

I highly doubt there was enough population in that zone to force a shard, and you can’t leave a layer on your own supposedly, since this is all built on a system that includes phasing too, as well as sharding, I bet there are going to areas where this happens.

All of the videos look like bugs.

This is why we beta test so things like this can be addressed.


But I still have a question on guard spawning upon attacking NPCs though, was that in Vanilla or no? I really do not remember

Phasing doesn’t work like that. It doesn’t happen mid combat for one thing, and its always quest related. You get put on a certain phase based on how far you are in a particular story quest. And it’s not always an entire area but can be - in Retail a phase can often just mean one single NPC won’t show up, or will, until a particular quest is done.

This is not phasing in the videos. Phasing is triggered with quest turn ins. This is just a plain old bug. And it’s not sharding, either.


Yes it was. If you attacked a hostile encampment. That happened.

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