Shard Bene like you did Sargeras

Blizzard needs to stop with this there is no fix for the queue problems on Bene.

They literally can do server sharding like they did on Sargeras on retail which has more players than Bene. They refuse to do it.

Do not let them get away with this. Make all the noise you can. People arent stupid. A fix exists. They refuse to do it for whatever reason.


Im glad that you as a player are so knowledgeable in network infrastructure and engineering. You should apply to work for Blizzard


The community refuses to allow it. Try again though.


They introduced the layer system to classic because the no changes crowd was against sharding.

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How does sharding work? How does it fix the queue? How does it work with Classic’s client?

Whoa man. We don’t need to know any of that.

It’s doable; I dropped out of college like 4 times so I should know.


Only 4 you say?

Come on man.

I intend to go back and drop out several more times.

I’m trying my best…


he’s overqualified, they don’t want actual solutions, just yes men who will help screw over the players more

Sharding literally spins up an entire new version of the server once one is full to accommodate further players and not have a queue. Like they did on retail. People arent opposed to sharding. People are opposed to cross realm zoning. Two very different beasts.

And to this Ilovefeet guy about if “I’m so smart why dont I work at blizzard”. Dude they literally solved this problem on retail 10 years ago with sharding. I dont have to work there to be aware of that fact.


I’m pretty sure this is actually layering. Also, retail still has queues for big events like the launch of an expansion. There just isn’t as much pressure on retail for people to crowd all on one realm because so much is cross realm there.

Sargeras has more than 30k people on it and never has 10+ hour queues. Layering is within the same server shard. Sharding utilities an entire new server shard to accommodate players.

bro we don’t have the tech 15 years later. technology hasn’t advanced at all.


Layers are literally shards with a different name.

From what I understand, layering copies the entire game world, whereas sharding only copies specific zones that need it. I haven’t played retail in a while, but if Sargeras has 30k people all online at the same time, then you might have a point. Whatever the case is, there’s clearly something happening here in Classic that prevents the game from having that many players logged on. Bigger servers are already having issues with the AH, and since those all have to be connected regardless of layers or shards, there’s probably not a quick and easy solution to the problem.

This is a publicly traded company. You think they wouldn’t just do what you said if that was really the answer? Why would they make less money instead of more money?

the no changes crowd will scream and cry like little babies which they are if you suggest sharding.

How does it do that? How does it work from the client side? How does it work with Classic’s client?

sharding would work

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Can you explain how?

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Retail sharding uses cross server tech, basically your on your using space on another lesser populated server in a nutshell.

For the retail tech to be useful we would need cross realm open world, which most players do not want.