Shard Bene like you did Sargeras

But doesn’t retail have a cross server AH? Isn’t that part of what makes that work?

Sharding can work without CRZ. Definitely do not want CRZ

I’m not asking google. I’m asking you since you claimed it fixed everything. So go on, explain it to us.

Retail only just recently have a cross server AH addition. Retail has had cross faction AH for a long while now. The cross server AH is limited only for consumables and crafting mats, and other commodities.

Which is what layering is, however without CRZ you only have so much server space on 1 server.

Go on. Click the link and read it for yourself. I dont owe you anything. You’re one of these “adults” who trolls the forums all day to be a contrarian, and now you go on ignore✌

Hey, at this point I honestly thing cross realm everything would be a better solution than trying to force people off of Benediction. But they say they want servers to matter so…

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retail has loading inbetween zones, classic has content-wide simultaneous instances, layering IS sharding, and thats the limit the game engine and servers are allowing.

The only person to blame here at this point in time, is YOU for going on a megaserver in the first place, you wanted instant convenience instead of a real community, enjoy your queues, take the xfer to a small server and help build it up instead of whining and blaming others for your bad decisions.

Yes, blizzard should have policed and locked full servers from the start with no exceptions, which caused this problem, but that’s a different discussion, and that mistake was made well over a year ago now, you had plenty of time to sort something out with your guild and move, stop whining about a problem you created for yourself.

You expect to convince anyone when you can’t even explain yourself or the feature you’re asking for?

It’s a player made problem all going to mega servers despite Blizz giving countless warnings that there would be massive queues.

There is a bad mentality going around that unless your server is a mega server it’s a dead server.

I’m on Pagle and back in June/July we went from 9k people down to 5k those 4k people transferring to Bene saying stuff like “Have fun on your dead server” and “If you can’t afford the $25 best to reroll on Bene because Pagle is dead” and laughing at those of us who refused to leave.

Now a good chunk of those who left can’t transfer back because its lock and is well over 12k pop and I can’t help but laugh at them.

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While it’s technically a player made problem, Blizzard had the ability to stop the players from making the problem and they chose not to.

I have some toons on Pagle as well. While I’m sure Pagle lost people to Benediction, I think it also benefited from people transferring there from other PvE realms like Westfall.

So, how are they different if sharding would allow literally everyone to be on the same server, as it simply spills over onto a new server whenever it is full?

So… Cross realm linking is bad, but letting everyone be on the same server through network trickery that is cross realm zones in everything but name is good?

Cross realm linking is really the only fix to this that doesn’t involve being unable to play with whomever / wherever you want to.

Server caps make realms unplayable. It also segregates the player base uneccesarily.

The way realms were designed at the start of WoW worked at the time, but it’s just bad design now that it isn’t really a technical limitation keeping us from all playing together.

No sharding. Just break up the megaservers and merge fragments into balanced realms. Give people a period of time to choose a friends list where they will be allocated to the same realm. Cap servers at no more than x2 original caps.

Thank you.

The irony being is he has done this to others before with the LMGTFY link.

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I use it when it’s appropriate, I don’t use it as a deflection method when I simply can’t explain things myself, which is how the OP’s using it.

I thought you let it go at this point.

I don’t care if they offer shards. I just want the ability to transfer BACK to Benediction for free after the playerbase dies in a couple of months.

Blizzard won’t do this though. They’re holding my character hostage. They want me to take the “free transfer” off of benediction then pay $25 to transfer back to the server.

They make more money by having players transfer off Benediction then back to Benediction when their server dies in a couple of months.

I figure you’re always going to have some players that say screw it and quit. But maybe that’s not as high as the transfer money.

Granted I was out of town for launch but even since I’ve managed to play about an hour of Wrath. Logged in around 3 today, still shows 6+ hours left. I know queues exist for a reason, mega server etc etc… but this is just crazy…

Blizzard has already confirmed retail and classic servers have the same population cap.

Sharding is for zone by zone population to reduce lag/competition.

Sharding would only work if people too transfers off benediction and were told that they will still be able to group with fiends from benediction.

People don’t care about stacking a mega realm in retail because the entire game is cross realm so the main advantage, a large player pool, extends to everyone at all times.