Shame on Icy Veins (LFG addon promotion)

Blizzard breaking that add-on sounds awesome to me.


LOL Starman. Please tell us how you really feel now. The addon isn’t going to survive. Good riddance!


Feels good to be right.

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Does no one remember that Classic had an LFG tool?

Like, sure it wasn’t as robust as the current one where you can browse groups or set up auto-invites, but, it existed. You needed to use the meeting stones (or the Innkeepers after Patch 1.5), and you could queue for a dungeon, just like you can now. There were some key differences however such as:

  1. You were not automatically teleported into the dungeon, or even to the dungeon entrance. You had to run to the entrance or rely on a warlock (as summoning stones would not get summoning capabilities until Burning Crusade).
  2. You could not queue for a ‘random dungeon’ out of a pool of players. You could only queue for a specific dungeon.
  3. There was no cross-realm functionality with the classic LFG tool, you could only pull players from your server.

It was essentially all three of those differences which made the Classic LFG system a failure. But that LFG system has existed since Patch 1.3. By looking at this addon, it doesn’t seem to do anything that the Classic LFG tool won’t already do in Classic when it goes live.


Oh do tell. eats popcorn

It’s literally the history of the game:

At the launch of the game, there was only the LookingForGroup chat channel. This channel was available in all zones, but it was not a linked global channel. This was problematic since zones of the same level range are spread out throughout the Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor. At this time, many players relied on their guild, friends list, or even whisper to find groups. Otherwise, they would travel to Orgrimmar or Ironforge respectively, find a group, then travel back out to the site of the dungeon, making dungeons far away from these cities very unpopular. As a result, warlocks were also very popular at this time, as they played an important role in forming groups. Blizzard eventually added a queuing system related to the Meeting Stones in front of the instances, but it was rarely used, and was generally a failed feature. In Patch 1.9, the LookingForGroup channel became global, although it was restricted to the major cities. In Patch 1.11, the LookingForGroup channel became truly global, no longer restricted to chat in cities only.

Patch 1.7.0 (2005-09-22):

  • You will no longer be kicked from the meeting stone queue when a player declines a group invite or when inviting someone that is already in a group.
  • You will now be informed that you have left the meeting stone queue when the group leader logs out.
  • Tanks and Healers will now be immediately added to the group by the meeting stone when they are the 5th member of the group.
  • You can now be added to a group by the meeting stone when that group contains characters that have disconnected.

Patch 1.6.0 (2005-07-12): Players now receive an error message if they try to join a meeting stone queue and are in a raid or are not the party leader.

Patch 1.5.0 (2005-06-07):

  • Innkeepers around the world now have a gossip option that lets you join a meeting stone directly from the innkeeper rather than going to the location of the meeting stone. Also these Innkeepers will now have background lore about each of the dungeons.
  • Levels Required for meeting stones have been increased. The intent is that a group will not receive party members from a meeting stone that don’t really have a chance of completing the dungeon.
  • Meeting Stones have had their rules for what players are grouped with what other players relaxed. This means groups who use meeting stones (or innkeepers) should have their groups formed much more quickly than they were previously.

Patch 1.3.0 (2005-03-07): Added.

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adds salt to the popcorn and continues reading

skims over yep, knows all of this already Go’s to get another ale.

Just seems a bit strange.

The rage against this addon existing when it’s essentially just doing what the in-game systems already do, but better. I mean it honestly feels like people don’t really grasp what classic had and didn’t have. Which doesn’t surprise me, given how Blizzard had to release multiple ‘It’s not a bug’ posts because people didn’t seem to remember how stuff was legitimately broken in Patch 1.12


Where’s Star at? Hiding cause he got smacked down and is a laughing stock? I really wanted to laugh in that troll’s face…

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discord channels don’t interact with the client or automate any part of the group gathering process in game.

the problem is that it automates the process. this is exactly what destroyed community in the live game.

this should not need to be explained to a rational adult.

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Rational being key here. Look at the QQ cause ppl can’t have LFG in CLASSIC. Ya, not what I would call rational.

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By use of the auto-invite? Sure, okay, but that’s literally just using an invite macro. You could literally set one up and press a button without needing any special addons for that. Other than that it’s doing nothing that Classic WoW didn’t already do back in the day after Patch 1.5 since 1.5 allowed you to queue for dungeons via the meeting stone queue system from any innkeeper.

As I said in the other thread:

Re-iterating this part for people so you understand something.

The part of the addon he is talking about is the part where the addon used the addon communication channel to automatically show groups being made by the addon to other people using the addon whether there was a chat advertisement or not.

If the addon removes that functionality and instead just focuses on parsing and posting in chat (which it also already has the capability of doing), this is NOT creating an interconnected social network that relies on other players using that same add-on. It instead would simply be presenting information or providing aesthetic customization.

Don’t be surprised when the addon is converted into a perfectly functioning form and still utilized without the addon to addon communication.


If BFA is so amazing and you are all happy playing then why are you here spending all your time trolling on classic forums instead of working towards you next achievement in BFA. Whatever it is mount, weapon, title or even level ?
Answer: because you don’t have to spend anytime in game to accomplish anything its all given to you, allowing to spend more time in classic forums with your hold my hand attitude’s.


GJ everyone for fighting for Classic.

Be vigilant in case others try to attack the spirit of Vanilla WoW.


PVP will die with this addon .delete it and stop any other lfg from happening or people will feel forced to find a group or be handicap .

let me know the time and date, I will come to the funeral and bring flowers.

Oh there’s plenty to grind on BfA. There’s an achievement and title for getting all the essences to rank 4, a task that would be far harder and grindier than anything the game has ever had.

But no one cares because there’s already a million titles, achievements; mounts and the feeling of character progression has been lost in WoW for years.

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