Shame on Icy Veins (LFG addon promotion)

You’re claiming to have proof about something in an attempt to win a debate. I’m not going to search for your proof to prove your point for you.

Don’t make empty claims to support your false narrative.

it was called CallToArms… if you really want I can link it to you… or you can just google it yourself. Functionally it did the same thing albeit not as clean looking. Was available in Vanilla…


lol right, that place sucks cause they couldnt do the work for me fast enough!

Dude, just stop. Seriously. If you can’t read posts from two days ago about this subject then I guess you just really don’t care.

Do you not realize it is 100% no different than spamming a chat channel for hours? NOTHING IS AUTOMATED HERE.

It’s all good though, it’s gonna go live cause it doesn’t break any rules for addons and you ADDONHATERS will simply have to deal with it.


Ok, there is a logical trail here to find. Here is a question and a response from yesterdays AMA:

As you notice, in the question its stated “no LFG in Wrath”.
In the answer part it states: “The guiding principle for WoW Classic was staying faithful to the original game.”
It also states this: " it is likely that some features of these expansions will not be universally embraced by the Classic community."
Now I understand he is talking about the expansions. But when you tie the logic to what he describes you can get a conclusion.
Classic community is against LFG in Wrath. You could surmise that the classic community would be against it in TBC as well. Why do you think they are against these in future expansions? Because they are against them now.

Yup yup. This. A simple Google search would have found this.

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Earliest version was available in 2007. BC.

wowace . com/projects/call-to-arms/files

Is there any actual proof this was available besides people saying it was?

No, no, people were against CROSS-REALM.

what human is going to spam the channels 24/7, 365? No human can do this.

Joining the chat channel /LFG literally provides the same function.

The add-on doesn’t automate anything it just gives the /LFG chat a nicer look and I believe let’s you sort messages by dungeon


You made a claim and have no proof and now you’re embarassed and trying to back out.

I get it.

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Just read what the dev said.

Lol. Every single DPS haha.

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Whats funny is you’re talking about two different LFG’s without realizing it.


https:// www. wowinterface. com/downloads/info4020-CallToArmsLFGAddOn.html

Discontinued originally in 2006…
comments by users
Originally posted by Tuplad
**Since 1.11 came out, I’ve hidden the LFG chan and just use CTA !

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You’re just embarrassing yourself. I already stated what was talked about here. If you choose to ignore it, that’s on you.

No its doesn’t.

Not the right attitude to be playing classic then. It’s all about the community and involvement with others.


I play Diablo III, and refuse to even go to Icy Veins ever again, same with Diablo Fans. both of those sites are exactly like the news during election time. Only what people on that site want people to use are listed. They only spend time on the builds they want instead of going over how the game itself works. As a result, the entire game is filled with zombie minded players who will even go so far as to argue that only the current builds on these sites work and if you don’t use it you’re a noob and don’t know how to play.

Both sites completely undermine the games foundation. and WOW is no different. Pretty much everything on there is designed to go against the games normal structure

And people are correct about saying addons like this should be barred, and anyone using them should be suspended/banned.

If you’re signing in to play Classic, then play it, don’t sign in to play classic, start using mechanics only found in retail, then using every excuse possible to justify the use of something that was never in the version of the game you logged into play.

LFG was never in the original wow, so there isn’t anything anyone can say that justifies using a LFG mechanic.

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