Shamans - why are we still waiting?

You kidding me Shamans kills everyone in 2-3 skill rotations!!
Shaman are Godmode in PvP even worse in BG with several Shamans blasting everyone!!


I would agree with that but unfortunately you cant stun orc shamans.

If you want people to take you seriously then stop gaslighting.

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Dont forget Shadow

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Report this post, legit trolling and lying

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Shamans are horrifically broken in PVP, and we have no option but to endure this crap if we want some decent bracers at 40. This is NOT the quality of work we want to see and it leaves a stain on all the good things you guys have done for P2.

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That is some low effort :troll:ing. Lol.

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This is a joke right? Ret paladins don’t have HALF the power of an enhancement shaman. And purge hard counters seals.

What exactly does a ret get to do every 5 minutes? For 10 seconds they get to move at the same speed as everyone else while immune? Even if I had 10 seconds of full uptime I wouldn’t be able to kill most classes. Every 5 minutes I get to burn a 2 minute cooldown from a priest. And if I don’t do something about the priest, they will just heal whoever I am attacking. Not like I have a real interrupt.

Because what? Bubble and BoP? Cool. BoP is practically pointless in PVP since it’s Reign of the Casters right now. So they can bubble every 5 minutes. A thing they could always do. A thing that is much more powerful at max level when holy paladins have access to the stats that make them broken. They do not have the bonus spell power or crit chance right now to do anything effective in PVP. Holy Paladins are throughput machines, not burst healing. Their power comes from being able to endlessly spam on targets without going oom with FoL. Not very strong in a burst meta. And even less so with such weak gear.

They beat bad shaman for sure. Any good shaman will dumpster a ret. Not to mention PVP is not about 1v1s. I might be able to out play a cocky shaman on my ret if I use ALL of my cooldowns and get some lucky crits. But most of the time I am going to get dumpstered on. They have better burst, better sustained damage, they have more control over the fights, they can purge seals, they can basically make sure you can NEVER self heal unless you bubble.

Grounding counters exorcism, a huge damage hit. Or it eats the stun. And if you have avenger’s shield, enjoy NEVER getting to use your stun unless you find and kill the grounding, because you’re only bait is a 30 second cooldown you cannot reset with crits.

Seals can be purged, heals can be shocked.

You know how you beat a ret paladin? Jump around like a lunatic spamming purge and auto attacking, when they try and heal because you 100% do more damage than them, earth shock. And icing on the cake is that you have access to instant cast healing while the paladin does not.

If he bubbles, just heal. He can’t interrupt you.

Shaman counter every aspect of a paladin’s kit except for bubble. And even then, you just heal. Or kite with ghost wolf.

They were SLIGHTLY stronger. Significantly is a giant mislead. Especially considering that both as healers were crap with paladin being the worst, and shaman absolutely DUMPSTERED them as tanks. Both DPS specs performed worse than ret by a slight margin. But the margin between ret and enhance now is HUGE. And they are STILL powerhouse tanks.

The Shadow Word: Death nerf was primarily about PVE. I find the PVP argument for it to be secondary.

I had that nerf earmarked in P1 when they initially buffed it. I specifically said on these very forums that buffing SW:Death was a mistake.

That all it would do was make the ability so strong it would HAVE to be used on cooldown, leading to an unfun gameplay experience for the shadow priest (It’s a boring ability to be used in PVE), put strain on healers making it a liability in heavy damage fights, and potentially create too much burst in PVP. The literal reasoning they gave for the nerf.

It wasn’t a slight margin. For the first half of phase 1 rets were top 5 dps depending on ranking. Ele was bottom 3, next to shadow and frost. Enhance was bottom 5. The margin was HUGE.

The numbers didn’t tell the full story yet either. We didn’t have Alpha yet, so dps Shamans had huge threat issues. Your max dps set was far and away double rockbiter, and that always pulled threat against anything that wasn’t a Shaman tank. That meant ZERO players were dps shamans, they were “off tanks”. Trying to find a group as a dps shaman was impossible, even guilds told you to respec.

Ret was happily brought to groups. You likely weren’t #1 in your groups, but certainly you weren’t far away until people got more gear.

What do you mean by cant stun orc shamans ? lol Read properly please …

The nice thing about the current state of SoD is it takes you less than a week to level and gear up whatever the current OP class is



please nerf shamans

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please nerf shamans :expressionless:

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They are indeed very overtuned at the moment. More so than probably boomkin at their peak.

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nobody wants to think that because that would be a very grim tiding for a version of vanilla with decent potential

Simply speaking the truth

You think sod is “potential”? Lol

It’s just de-skinned wrath in a vanilla world. This isn’t your fabled classic +


More people are leaving, BG is suck now

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